[Fiware-office-comms] FRACTALS presentation @ EFITA 2015

Mladen Radisic mladen.radisic at vojvodinaICTcluster.org
Tue Jun 30 11:12:40 CEST 2015

Dear all,

Find below the description of the upcoming event where FRACTALS will be

- Name of the event: EFITA/WCCA/CIGR 2015 Conference
- Date and hour: 2 July 2015 (10:00 - 17:00)
- Place and address of the event: Poznań Supercomputing and Networking
Center | Poland
- Organizers: European Federation for Information Technology in
Agriculture, Food and the Environment (EFITA), International Network for
Information Technology in Agriculture – World Congress on Computers in
Agriculture (INFITA – WCCA) and International Commission of Agricultural
and Biosystems Engineering – Technical Section VII: Information Technology
- Type of event: Conference | Information about FIWARE and FRACTALS
- Link to the webpage: http://efita2015.org/programme
- Registration: http://efita2015.org/registration
- Brief description of the event (in english): The event deals with the use
of ICT in the agri-food, bioresource and biomass sectors. These, and not
only, will also be the leading topics during the conference sessions.

Best regards,


*Mladen Radišić*

Project Office

*+381 64 144 70 48*
mladen.radisic at vojvodinaictcluster.org

* <http://www.vojvodinaictcluster.org/>*

*Vojvodina ICT Cluster*

Vojvodjanskih brigada 28

21000 Novi Sad, Serbia
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