[Fiware-office-comms] [soulfi_contact] Information about the TechStartUp Day in Brussels 12 March 2015

Lies Boghaert lies.boghaert at iminds.be
Mon Mar 9 16:58:13 CET 2015


today has been decided that one of our CreatiFI projects (MmmooOgle) will
pitch in the CTO session. We will also be present with some of our projects
at the event as a first get together moment.


On Mon, Mar 9, 2015 at 4:20 PM, Miriam Bajo <miriam.bajo at ogilvy.com> wrote:

> Hi Nuno
> We already have been speaking about this topic and we have decided that we
> are not going to publish it in our event calendar, but we are going to
> spread it in our Social Networks during the day of the speech of FIADOPT
> Thanks for your help!
> 2015-03-09 15:39 GMT+01:00 Nuno Varandas (ipn.pt) <nvarandas at ipn.pt>:
>> Dear Zuzana,
>> thank you for the feedback. I think this could be a good opportunity to
>> the SMEs involved in the various projects that are within the region,
>> eventhough I am not sure if this event can or should be promoted within
>> FIWARE website if it is not linked with FIWARE... it is up to the Press
>> Office to decide. Please clarify with them.
>> Thank you for the info I will promote it within SOUL-FI awarded companies
>> that are within the region.
>> regards,
>> 2015-03-09 14:06 GMT+00:00 Zuzana Cerna <zuzana.cerna at eai.eu>:
>>> Dear Nuno,
>>> Our colleagues from Brussels (FIADOPT project partner)  informed me
>>> about this event, and that they will use the opportunity to present FIADOPT
>>> project and our 3rd call, but you are right, it is not FIWARE event.,
>>> so probably should not be in the FIWARE event calendar.
>>> I just thought it might be interesting for some of the projects.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Zuzana
>>> *From:* Nuno Varandas (ipn.pt) [mailto:nvarandas at ipn.pt]
>>> *Sent:* Monday, March 09, 2015 2:59 PM
>>> *To:* Zuzana Cerna
>>> *Cc:* fiware-office-comms at lists.fi-ware.org; Roland Nobels
>>> *Subject:* Re: [soulfi_contact] [Fiware-office-comms] Information about
>>> the TechStartUp Day in Brussels 12 March 2015
>>> Dear Zuzana,
>>> it is not clear for me how is FIWARE programme and Accelerators involved
>>> in this event. Could you please clarify? thanks
>>> We have a partner in Belgium, so if it has to be with FIWARE we may be
>>> highly interested. thanks
>>> 2015-03-09 11:53 GMT+00:00 Zuzana Cerna <zuzana.cerna at eai.eu>:
>>> Dear colleagues,
>>> I would like you to publish the following event in the calendar:Name of
>>> the event:               TechStartUp Day  #1 startups conference in
>>> Belgium
>>> §  *Date and hour:*                      Thursday, 12 March 2015 from
>>> 09:00 to 18:00 (CET)
>>> *Place and address of the event*:   The Egg, Brussels, Barastraat 175
>>> Rue Bara
>>> §  *Organizers:*                           Startups.be, the one-stop
>>> shop for Belgian tech entrepreneurship
>>> §  *Type of event*:                       conference
>>> *Link to the webpage and registration page*: http://techstartupday.be/;
>>> https://www.eiseverywhere.com/ereg/index.php?eventid=113792
>>> §  *Brief description of the event:* event for all tech entrepreneurs &
>>> corporate innovators, providing with  inspiration, hands-on examples and
>>> testimonials and lots of relevant contacts allowing to take the
>>> entrepreneurial project to the next level
>>> §  *Programme:                       *
>>> 1-  *From idea to startup:* hurdles & tips
>>> <http://techstartupday.be/?p=11263>
>>> 2-  *Bridging the death valley:* on your bootstrapped way to first
>>> success <http://techstartupday.be/?p=11275>
>>> 3-  *Scaling up:* getting ready for fast growth
>>> <http://techstartupday.be/?p=11277>
>>> 4-  *Funding:* spinning the wheel of fortune (wisely)
>>> <http://techstartupday.be/?p=11280>
>>> 5-  *Pitch session:* Adopt a CTO <http://techstartupday.be/?p=11283>
>>> 6-  *Corporate Innovation:* developing a lean & curious culture
>>> <http://techstartupday.be/?p=11285>
>>> Thank you
>>> Best regards,
>>> *Zuzana Cerna*
>>> *Senior Innovation and Dissemination Manager*
>>> Vazovova 3, 811 07 Bratislava, Slovakia
>>> [image: EAI - logo]
>>> http://eai.eu
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>>> soulfi_contact mailing list
>>> soulfi_contact at ipn.pt
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>>> --
>>> Nuno Varandas
>>> *Executive Coordinator of SOUL-FI* (*S*tartups *O*ptimizing *U*rban *L*ife
>>> with *F*uture *I*nternet)
>>> Instituto Pedro Nunes - Information technology and Systems Laboratory
>>> Phone: +351 239 700 988; Mobile: +351 910 063 189; Skype: nvarandas
>>> Website: soul-fi.ipn.pt; Twitter: @SOULFI_FP7
>>> <https://twitter.com/SOULFI_FP7>; F6S: http://www.f6s.com/fiware-soul-fi
>> --
>> Nuno Varandas
>> *Executive Coordinator of SOUL-FI* (*S*tartups *O*ptimizing *U*rban *L*ife
>> with *F*uture *I*nternet)
>> Instituto Pedro Nunes - Information technology and Systems Laboratory
>> Phone: +351 239 700 988; Mobile: +351 910 063 189; Skype: nvarandas
>> Website: soul-fi.ipn.pt; Twitter: @SOULFI_FP7
>> <https://twitter.com/SOULFI_FP7>; F6S: http://www.f6s.com/fiware-soul-fi
>> _______________________________________________
>> Fiware-office-comms mailing list
>> Fiware-office-comms at lists.fi-ware.org
>> https://lists.fi-ware.org/listinfo/fiware-office-comms
> --
> Miriam Bajo
> Head of Social Media
> OgilvyOne worldwide, Madrid
> Office: +34 914 512 241
> miriam.bajo at ogilvy.com
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*Lies Boghaert*
Marketing & Communication

*iMinds vzw | Gaston Crommenlaan 8 box 102 | 9050 Ghent | Belgium
| www.iminds.be <http://www.iminds.be>*

*T: +32 9 331 48 58 <%2B32%209%20331%2048%2058> | F: +32 9 331 48 05
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