[Fiware-office-comms] FINODEX Event in London

Miguel García Miguelgarcia at zabala.es
Mon Mar 23 17:45:30 CET 2015

Dear all
Please find here a FINODEX event to be published on fiware website


·         Date and hour:  23rd April, 11AM to 14:00PM

·         Place and address of the event:   TechHub @ Campus 4-5 Bonhill Street London EC2A 4BX UK

·         Organizers:  FINODEX and TechHub

·         Type of event: Infoday

·         Link to the webpage and registration page: http://www.techhub.com/events/finding-and-securing-european-public

·         Brief description of the event (in english): Infoday aimed at presenting FIWARE technologies and its relation with open data thanks to the FIWARE accelerator FINODEX. The session will present the next 2nd open call as well as success stories from the winners of the first call and also provide assessment in further opportunities for start-ups within H2020.

·         Hashtag of the event and/or hashtag that you're using if you're covering it on Twitter: #opendata #fiware


Miguel García
FINODEX Project Coordinator

Paseo Santxiki, 3 bis · E-31192 Mutilva (Navarra) - Spain
T (+34) 948 198000
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Miguel García
Consultor en gestión I+D+i / R&D and Innovation consultant
Paseo Santxiki, 3 bis · E-31192 Mutilva (Navarra) - Spain
T (+34) 948 198000

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