[Fiware-office-comms] PLEASE READ and ACTION: Inputs for FIWARE booth at ECFI-3 in Hamburg

isobel fletcher isobel.fletcher at ebn.eu
Thu Oct 15 21:23:23 CEST 2015

Dear Pablo

We at SmartAgrifood would prefer the second option a more open design  - however it would be nice to be able to pout the accelerator rollups on the stand.
From: fiware-office-comms-bounces at lists.fiware.org [fiware-office-comms-bounces at lists.fiware.org] on behalf of Pablo Honrubia [pablo.honrubia at ogilvy.com]
Sent: 15 October 2015 12:26
To: fiware-office-comms at lists.fiware.org
Subject: [Fiware-office-comms] PLEASE READ and ACTION: Inputs for FIWARE booth at ECFI-3 in Hamburg

Dear teams,

As announced in Basecamp we are in the process of designing and producing the FIWARE booth for ECFI. For those of you who have contributed to sponsor the event, and as part of your return, we would like to know your preferences as follows:

- A design in which each of you got an space within the stand with table/chairs, elements to have brochures/leaflets and space for your posters/roll-up's etc. PLEASE NOTE that your own areas should be manned by you during the event.

- A design in which there is no specific place for you, but an area where to have meetings shared by all of you during the whole conference (apart from the other areas explained by Olaf).

There will be no individual screens per project due to cost constraints. Loan of these pieces of equipemnt is really expensive. We are working with the booth supplier to have at least one screen that could be shared between us and used as needed.

For those of you who have not contributed to the event, please answer just stating "NO CONTRIBUTION".

We appreciate to have your answers between today and tomorrow 3pm CET latest. On sight of the answers we will take a decision and will share the design with you along next week.

Thanks and regards,

Pablo Honrubia

Head of FIWARE Press Office

OgilvyOne Worldwide S.A.


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