preparation for ICT 2015

Monique Calisti monique.calisti at
Wed Sep 16 08:27:52 CEST 2015

Dear Pablo, Angeles, All,
I think we shall coordinate asap on the FIWARE participation to the 
ICT2015 in Lisbon so as to identify synergies and properly 
advertise/promote our presence there in a coordinated way. In case 
anything specific was already sent, apologies, but I think we must act 

A few points to be agreed upon/discussed/coordinated:

*1. FIWARE exhibition booth/networking session:* in which way 
Accelerators and CSAs are expected to contribute? Will there be a booth 
at all? From the calendar on the FIWARE portal 
, I only found reference to a networking session taking place twice 
(October 20 @ 11:30 am- October 22 @ 5:00 pm).

Could you confirm whether we have also an exhibition booth or not?

On the FI-LINKS/FIWARE Mundus side, either at the booth or at the 
networking sessions, we'd like to distribute flyers about the FIWARE 
Mundus and FIWARE Regions activities. Moreover, since several of the 
project's representatives will be there, we would be ready to give the 
following presentations:
     - FIWARE Mundus: the international reach of FIWARE 
     - FIWARE Regions: engagement of European Regions 
     - Future Internet Roadmapping 

In order to send flyers or any promotional material, we need the booth 
name and number.

*2. Promoting our presence: *I suggest we start organising a promotional 
campaign for the booth presence (if any) and/or for the networking 
session, by creating a News item about the FIWARE presence at ICT2015 
and spreading the noise around. In this perspective *ALL* projects 
should share in which way they will attend the event, meaning if some 
Accelerators will have booths, networking sessions or specific presence, 
we should share this information (including hashtags for Twitter and URL 
to any posted info) and promote this broadly across all communication 

Please let us know in which way you intend to proceed.

Kind regards,

Dr. Monique Calisti
Partner, Executive Director
Martel Consulting
Dorfstrasse 73	Phone:	+41 (0)76 321 39 81
3073 Gümligen	Fax:	+41 (0)31 994 25 29
Switzerland	monique.calisti at

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