[Fiware-open-data] [SPAM] re: I need to make a website`s ranks go down

Negative SEO supportayud at negativerseo.co
Fri Jan 15 23:22:47 CET 2021

Spam detection software, running on the system "mail.fiware.org", has
identified this incoming email as possible spam.  The original message
has been attached to this so you can view it (if it isn't spam) or label
similar future email.  If you have any questions, see
the administrator of that system for details.

Content preview:  hi Yes, it is possible, with our service here https://negativerseo.co/
   for further information please email us here support at negativerseo.co [...]

Content analysis details:   (11.7 points, 4.5 required)

 pts rule name              description
---- ---------------------- --------------------------------------------------
 0.8 BAYES_50               BODY: Bayes spam probability is 40 to 60%
                            [score: 0.5000]
 1.3 RCVD_IN_BL_SPAMCOP_NET RBL: Received via a relay in bl.spamcop.net
              [Blocked - see <https://www.spamcop.net/bl.shtml?>]
 1.5 RCVD_IN_SORBS_WEB      RBL: SORBS: sender is an abusable web server
                            [ listed in dnsbl.sorbs.net]
 1.3 RCVD_IN_RP_RNBL        RBL: Relay in RNBL,
                            [ listed in bl.score.senderscore.com]
 2.7 RCVD_IN_PSBL           RBL: Received via a relay in PSBL
                            [ listed in psbl.surriel.com]
-0.0 SPF_HELO_PASS          SPF: HELO matches SPF record
 0.0 URIBL_BLOCKED          ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE: The query to URIBL was blocked.
                             for more information.
                            [URIs: negativerseo.co]
 0.8 RDNS_NONE              Delivered to internal network by a host with no rDNS
 0.0 UNPARSEABLE_RELAY      Informational: message has unparseable relay lines

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An embedded message was scrubbed...
From: "Negative SEO" <supportayud at negativerseo.co>
Subject: re: I need to make a website`s ranks go down
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2021 17:22:47 -0500
Size: 1942
URL: <https://lists.fiware.org/private/fiware-open-data/attachments/20210115/9407316d/attachment.mht>

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