[Fiware-opencall-help] Doubts about Open Call

Iago Soto Mata iago.soto at quobis.com
Thu Jan 3 13:35:53 CET 2013

Happy new year from Spain!

We have been reading about the possibility to present a proposal to become
a participant in the Fi-Ware project through the OpenCall. We know that we
should wait until January 15th to have all the docs available but we would
like to answer about the objetives of this call.

One of these objectives is to "*Develop an approach to effectively and
efficiently reach relevant stakeholders and partners who may contribute to
further enhance the scope of the FI-WARE Open Innovation Lab, by means of
bringing resources and infrastructures that will enable to create a richer
experimental and trial environment involving end users that helps to
attract the attention of developers, entrepreneurs, researchers.*" and my
company could be interested in creating a trial environment but focused on
the results of the *security chapter*.

Could this approach make sense for the OpenCall? Is it better to search for
other partners with interests in other chapters?

Best regards,

Iago Soto


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*    Iago Soto Mata
    CMO at Quobis*

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