[Fiware-opencall-help] Product inquiry

longesellerl at hotmail.com longesellerl at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 3 09:19:08 CET 2015

Hi Dear,
 How are you today?
 My company is looking at a very large Amount of supply and we are being very careful not to get loads of knock off products.We saw a similar products in your website, so please confirm with us if you / your company would like  to supply the exact product as shown
 This is to confirm you received our sample and specification of our order which is herein Google Doc:
 Do acknowledge this email and reply with your best offer with your payment terms. we will await your response with details, price and quantity that can be made available because we need production to be made fast.
 Teslyn CEO.
Email: longgesellerl at hotmail.com
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