[Fiware-ops-dev] [FICORE] - Minutes status meeting

Alessandro Martellone alessandro.martellone at create-net.org
Thu Dec 11 10:45:17 CET 2014

Dear partners,

at https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1p0AcYGccg3ejF3VDVlOG85ZUk&authuser=0
the minutes of today meeting.

*I would like to remark that for the current sprint the milestone is on
18th December.*

The next scheduled meeting is:



15:30/16:30 CEST

Closing session Meeting

FIOPS members, Manuel


Best regards,



Alessandro M. Martellone


Smart Infrastructures Area

Via alla Cascata 56/D

38123 Povo Trento (Italy)

T  +39 0461 408400 (1327)

E  alessandro.martellone at create-net.org

W  www.create-net.org
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