[Fiware-ops-dev] [FICORE - OPS] Preparation for the Release 4.3

Alessandro Martellone alessandro.martellone at create-net.org
Thu Apr 2 10:51:31 CEST 2015

Dear all,

The next week the release session meeting will take place.  It should be
scheduled on Tuesday but I am waiting the confirmation by Manuel.

I will present a plan for the release 4.3, considering all the not yet
closed tasks coming from the release 4.2.

Obviously the plan will be shared and discussed among us. However, I would
like to get a list of activities or ideas that every partner would like to
develop into the release within Tuesday morning.

@IBM (Kennet Nagin): Could you support the integration of your work on
Compute and Object Storage in FIDEPLOY?

@UPM -ETSIT (Joaquin Salvachua): Could you support the integration of the
new Keystone in FIDeploy?




Alessandro M. Martellone


Smart Infrastructures Area

Via alla Cascata 56/D

38123 Povo Trento (Italy)

T  (+39) 0461 312437

E  alessandro.martellone at create-net.org

W  www.create-net.org

my agenda <https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=amartellone%40create-net.org&ctz=Europe/Rome>
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