[Fiware-pcc] LoS - Cont.

Yaron Wolfsthal WOLFSTAL at il.ibm.com
Tue Dec 20 13:07:01 CET 2011

Just to clarify.. I thought Stefano asked me to send Alcatel a suggestion 
on how to improve their letter and commitment. I did it this morning.

Did I understand you correctly? 


From:   JOSE JIMENEZ DELGADO <jimenez at tid.es>
To:     "'stefano de panfilis'" <stefano.depanfilis at eng.it>, Yaron 
Wolfsthal/Haifa/IBM at IBMIL
Cc:     "'fiware-pcc at lists.fi-ware.eu'" <fiware-pcc at lists.fi-ware.eu>
Date:   20/12/2011 01:56 PM
Subject:        RE: [Fiware-pcc] LoS - Cont.

Hi Yaron

Yes, please get as much info as you can and we shall discuss it



Jose Jimenez
Telefonica  I+D
jimenez at tid.es
tf +34 91 4832660

-----Mensaje original-----
De: ste.depanfilis at gmail.com [mailto:ste.depanfilis at gmail.com] En nombre 
de stefano de panfilis
Enviado el: martes, 20 de diciembre de 2011 11:02
Para: Yaron Wolfsthal
CC: fiware-pcc at lists.fi-ware.eu; JOSE JIMENEZ DELGADO
Asunto: Re: [Fiware-pcc] LoS - Cont.

dear yaron,

if i did not misinterpreted your previous email, i guess so.
as you said a similar statement to what is now in cloudwave is what
would be higly appreciated.


2011/12/20 Yaron Wolfsthal <WOLFSTAL at il.ibm.com>:
> Dear Stefano
> Pls indicate what should be the expectations from Firelimit, and what I
> should do :-) .. is it intended that I will represent the pcc on this?
> Tx
> Yaron
> From:        stefano de panfilis <stefano.depanfilis at eng.it>
> To:        JOSE JIMENEZ DELGADO <jimenez at tid.es>
> Cc:        Yaron Wolfsthal/Haifa/IBM at IBMIL, 
"fiware-pcc at lists.fi-ware.eu"
> <fiware-pcc at lists.fi-ware.eu>
> Date:        20/12/2011 11:42 AM
> Subject:        Re: [Fiware-pcc] LoS - Cont.
> Sent by:        ste.depanfilis at gmail.com
> ________________________________
> dear jose,
> yes, but let's wait for yaron negotiation with fire-limits. i'm
> positive about his success.
> ciao,
> stefano
> 2011/12/20 JOSE JIMENEZ DELGADO <jimenez at tid.es>:
>> Thank you Yaron
>> Any extra comments about this proposal?.
>> I understand the PCC is in favour of signing this one but not yet
>> Alcatel's,
>> Correct?
>> BR
>> ----
>> Jose Jimenez
>> Telefonica  I+D
>> jimenez at tid.es
>> tf +34 91 4832660
>> De: Yaron Wolfsthal [mailto:WOLFSTAL at il.ibm.com]
>> Enviado el: martes, 20 de diciembre de 2011 5:42
>> CC: 'fiware-pcc at lists.fi-ware.eu'
>> Asunto: RE: [Fiware-pcc] LoS - Cont.
>> Dear Jose, all
>> I attach the proposed LoS for CloudWave, embodying the comments of the 
>> and Stefano in particular. I'd appreciate your confirmation.
>> Thanks
>> Yaron
>> From:        JOSE JIMENEZ DELGADO <jimenez at tid.es>
>> To:        Yaron Wolfsthal/Haifa/IBM at IBMIL
>> Cc:        "'fiware-pcc at lists.fi-ware.eu'" 
<fiware-pcc at lists.fi-ware.eu>
>> Date:        19/12/2011 04:14 PM
>> Subject:        RE: [Fiware-pcc] LoS - Cont.
>> ________________________________
>> Yes. I see no problem.
>> Thank you Yaron
>> I also attach Alcatel letter. Do you agree?. If I receive no contrary
>> replay
>> I shall sign it as well. I personally think Alcatel letter is very 
>> but I think we may as well sign it since it shows our commitment to 
>> which may be useful and important
>> Open to suggestions anyway
>> BR
>> ----
>> Jose Jimenez
>> Telefonica  I+D
>> jimenez at tid.es
>> tf +34 91 4832660
>> De: Yaron Wolfsthal [mailto:WOLFSTAL at il.ibm.com]
>> Enviado el: domingo, 18 de diciembre de 2011 14:57
>> Asunto: Fw: [Fiware-pcc] LoS - Cont.
>> Dear Jose
>> Based on Stefano's attached email -- may I understand that FI-Ware 
>> to
>> provide the requested LoS to CloudWave?
>> Should I provide the PCC with a proposed draft?
>> Thanks
>> yaron
>> ----- Forwarded by Yaron Wolfsthal/Haifa/IBM on 18/12/2011 03:56 PM 
>> From:        stefano de panfilis <stefano.depanfilis at eng.it>
>> To:        Yaron Wolfsthal/Haifa/IBM at IBMIL
>> Cc:        fiware-pcc at lists.fi-ware.eu
>> Date:        15/12/2011 05:22 PM
>> Subject:        Re: [Fiware-pcc] LoS - Cont.
>> Sent by:        ste.depanfilis at gmail.com
>> ________________________________
>> dear yaron,
>> many thanks,
>> the statement, very concrete, is was exactly what i was meaning and
>> looking for in the discussion of yesterday.
>> based on this my complete and convinced green ligth to the supporting
>> letter from fi-ware.
>> good luck my friend!
>> stefano
>> 2011/12/15 Yaron Wolfsthal <WOLFSTAL at il.ibm.com>:
>>> Dear all
>>> I today had discussion with the CloudWave stake holders, and shared 
>>> sentiment the PCC w.r.t. the letter of support.
>>> The following statement represents the consortium's view
>>> "The CloudWave consortium aims to maintain a FI-WARE compatible
>>> architecture
>>> and to extend FI-WARE ecosystem, by reusing some of the GE
>>> implementations
>>> and potentially contributing back extended versions of those GE".
>>> This can go in the CloudWave proposal, chapter 3 (impact, specifically
>>> the
>>> subsection on collaboration with other bodies).
>>> Note it addresses the important point of FI-Ware exploitation.
>>> All, I felt this is a good input to the LoS discussion, and of course
>>> will
>>> let the entire pcc make a decision, based on this information and and
>>> other
>>> relevant considerations.
>>> Thanks
>>> Yaron
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>> --
>> Stefano De Panfilis
>> Chief Innovation Officer
>> Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A.
>> via Riccardo Morandi 32
>> 00148 Roma
>> Italy
>> tel (direct): +39-068307-4295
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>> FIRE_LIMITS- LoS 16-dic.docx" deleted by Yaron Wolfsthal/Haifa/IBM]
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> --
> Stefano De Panfilis
> Chief Innovation Officer
> Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A.
> via Riccardo Morandi 32
> 00148 Roma
> Italy
> tel (direct): +39-068307-4295
> tel (secr.): +39-068307-4513
> fax: +39-068307-4200
> cell: +39-335-7542-567

Stefano De Panfilis
Chief Innovation Officer
Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A.
via Riccardo Morandi 32
00148 Roma

tel (direct): +39-068307-4295
tel (secr.): +39-068307-4513
fax: +39-068307-4200
cell: +39-335-7542-567

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