Hi Pepe, Just a clarification: the last point about circulating agendas and all the details of the meeting in advance refers to ALL meetings, is not it? I understand it is not only about PCC meetings, but WP-oriented meetings and plenary meetings whenever they are (even though I understand there will not be many, which is even a more powerful reason to prepare them in detail). Thanks in advance for reflecting it clearly in the minutes. Best regards, Nuria de Lama Atos Research & Innovation Representative to the European Commission T +34 91214 9321 F +34 91754 3252 nuria.delama at atosresearch.eu Albarracín 25 28037 Madrid Spain www.atosresearch.eu es.atos.net ________________________________ From: fiware-pcc-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu [mailto:fiware-pcc-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu] On Behalf Of Garino Pierangelo Sent: jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2011 9:48 To: JOSE JIMENEZ DELGADO Cc: 'fiware-pcc at lists.fi-ware.eu' Subject: [Fiware-pcc] R: Draft Minutes PCC Dear Jose, I confirm that in I2ND chapter we'll investigate the issue concerning Technicolor and missing functionality in Cloud Hosting. I assume this will take few more days to be complete. I'll report to PCC when done. Concerning the minutes, for point 9) about regular PCC audioconferences the agenda needs to be always anticipated to members in my view, so the text should be modified in the following way: "An agenda, as detailed as possible, SHALL be sent in advance." BR Pier P.S.: Turin is ok as English translation of Torino (as well as French)... Da: fiware-pcc-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu [mailto:fiware-pcc-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu] Per conto di JOSE JIMENEZ DELGADO Inviato: giovedì 22 settembre 2011 09:09 A: 'thierry.nagellen at orange.com'; 'pascal.bisson at thalesgroup.com'; 'fiware-pcc at lists.fi-ware.eu' Cc: 'corinne.sieux at thalesgroup.com' Oggetto: Re: [Fiware-pcc] Draft Minutes PCC Dear Thierry Thank you for your mail. I agree we should mention Ericsson as well. However, I do not think we can include that comment in the minutes, since it was not discussed at the PCC meeting. My proposal would be to close the minutes in its present version and then continue the procedures outside the meeting. I'd suggest we use your mail as a request for an off meeting action which should be approved by the PCC via e-mail Do you agree with the procedure?. From Telefonica there is no problem to proceed like that BR ---- Jose Jimenez Telefonica I+D jimenez at tid.es tf +34 91 4832660 De: thierry.nagellen at orange.com [mailto:thierry.nagellen at orange.com] Enviado el: jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2011 0:30 Para: pascal.bisson at thalesgroup.com; JOSE JIMENEZ DELGADO; fiware-pcc at lists.fi-ware.eu CC: corinne.sieux at thalesgroup.com Asunto: RE: [Fiware-pcc] Draft Minutes PCC Dear all, I take the point for Orange involvement and have no problem with the expected letter. Regarding our contribution in Cloud Hosting, the answer is that we have to put resources in Andromede, the French inititative which will launch on the national market what we expect to do in FI-Ware. The commercial dimension of this initiative would have a concrete impact on the market in the Future and as you can understand, commercial issues replace research activities. We expect to reallocate resources to Security but as Pascal told you, people were not able to come in the GA last week, so escalation is quite normal. I would ask the same letter for Ericsson regarding their involvement in Internet of Things. I exchanged with Henrik in August and September but have no answer and no contribution. It seems they do not have the resources for this topic. If PCC agree, we can also ask them if they expect to put these resources in another WP. BR Thierry De : fiware-pcc-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu [mailto:fiware-pcc-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu] De la part de BISSON Pascal Envoyé : mercredi 21 septembre 2011 17:59 À : JOSE JIMENEZ DELGADO; 'fiware-pcc at lists.fi-ware.eu' Cc : SIEUX Corinne Objet : Re: [Fiware-pcc] Draft Minutes PCC Dear José, My demand was not to replace in 2) "Cloud" by "Security" but to draw attention of FT-Orange to the fact that at Security WP we had at a similar concern as the one reported for Cloud Hosting. So I would suggest to report a text like this in the minutes: 2) An informal note to FT (Brigitte Cardinael) will be sent to indicate the need for a larger representation in meetings and presence in all task assigned to them. In particular, attention to the WP Cloud Hosting and the WP Security is not adequate. FT should decide whether an effective presence in the WP Cloud Hosting is foreseen or it would be better to concentrate efforts. As for Security WP, FT should take necessary steps to be at the expected level of presence and contribution. Hope I have clarified. Regards, Pascal De : JOSE JIMENEZ DELGADO [mailto:jimenez at tid.es] Envoyé : mercredi 21 septembre 2011 15:48 À : BISSON Pascal; 'fiware-pcc at lists.fi-ware.eu' Cc : SIEUX Corinne Objet : RE: Draft Minutes PCC Dear Pascal dear Nuria, all Thank you for your comments. I send you the corrected version subject to your approval and further comments The issue of FT is point 2) of the minutes. Please tell me if you prefer a different explanation. Regarding all the other proposed changes, they are accepted (except Torino, I think is Turin in English) J. I have included Nuria suggestion as point 11) With respect to Nuria complains, we agree we need detailed agendas, this is included as conclusion and AP. But in this case an agenda was sent. But it is always very difficult to have a perfect schedule and sometimes we need to change things. In this respect, the idea of the general meetings is also to be present, even if you are not participating in each and every session, to know each other and to familiarize with the people in the project. In any case, as you know we agreed to reduce the number of (general) meetings and try to have a focused WP as possible. BR ---- Jose Jimenez Telefonica I+D jimenez at tid.es tf +34 91 4832660 De: BISSON Pascal [mailto:pascal.bisson at thalesgroup.com] Enviado el: miércoles, 21 de septiembre de 2011 14:21 Para: JOSE JIMENEZ DELGADO; 'fiware-pcc at lists.fi-ware.eu' CC: BISSON Pascal; SIEUX Corinne Asunto: RE: Draft Minutes PCC Dear Jose, As initial and immediate feedback from my side : Regarding b) - As we discussed at PCC meeting and facing the lack of participation of FT-Orange to meetings (whether physical or virtual) and audio conferences (weekly ones among others) of Security WP Thales is leading (aka WP8) I would ask you to also draw attention of Brigitte to this in order for her to take necessary actions to improve the situations. It seems to me that at PCC meeting we had also agreement on this but couldn't retrieve it in the minutes you just sent us. As for the rest: · Typo: Not Postnam nor even Poznam but Poznan · Fi-ware - we should be consistent regarding how we write it (from my side to avoid problems I use capital letters ... so FI-WARE ) Best Regards, Pascal De : fiware-pcc-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu [mailto:fiware-pcc-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu] De la part de JOSE JIMENEZ DELGADO Envoyé : mercredi 21 septembre 2011 13:49 À : 'fiware-pcc at lists.fi-ware.eu' Objet : [Fiware-pcc] Draft Minutes PCC Dear PCC members Please find enclosed the draft minutes of the meeting in Turin. Please send me your comments and do not forget the action points Best regards PCC meeting minutes Date: 16 September 2011 Place Turin Present Alex Glikson (IBM) J. Hierro (Telefónica) Nuria del Amo (Atos) Stefano di Panfilis (Engineering) Pascal Bisson (Thales) Pierangelo Garino (TI) Discussion and Action points 1) It is agreed to send a formal letter to SAP asking for adequate involvement of the company according to the level of commitment in Fi-ware, particularly with respect to the presence to significant meetings Draft letter: Dear Sirs Project Fi-ware is reaching the first months of its activities and important deliverables, regarding architecture and decisions on future activities are now being taken. The implication of SAP on those activities is crucial to the success of the project. SAP, as you know, is one of the key partners in the project and the involvement of your company is considered absolutely essential. Even if the technical activities of SAP personnel and implication on the technical activities can be considered adequate in the period inter meetings, we regret to observe the lack of presence of technical and managerial representatives at key meetings of the Fiware project. Those absences mean a significant reduction of the usefulness of those meetings and imply a loss of time of other partners coming to the meeting to discuss technical results and actions. We would certainly appreciate you would take the necessary steps to correct that situation which otherwise may result in a lack of effectiveness of the effort that SAP and all partners of Fi-ware are devoting to the success of our project Thank you very much Fiware PCC 2) An informal note to FT (Brigitte Cardinael) will be sent to indicate the need for a larger representation in meetings and presence in all task assigned to them. In particular, attention to the WP Cloud is not adequate and FT should decide whether an effective presence in the WP is foreseen or it would be better to concentrate efforts. 3) It was discussed the informal requirement from Technicolor to shift their activities from Cloud to I2ND. This requirement may signify a reduction on the functionality of the activities performed at the Cloud WP. That reduction is not considered, in principle, as acceptable. The issue will be analyzed in depth by WPL of I2ND to understand all technical implications before an action is decided 4) It is approved the request from DT to modify the contract (subcontracting some activities to university due to the movement of some key personnel outside the company). This change request is accepted provided it does not modify the effort or the economic contribution of the company and is limited to a maximum of 1-2 persons. 5) The PCC discusses the potential selection of candidates for the Advisory Committee of the PPP. A more detailed explanation of the objectives of that Committee is required and is suggested the Steering board leaves a number of vacant positions for possible changes in orientation and objectives. Also it is requested from PCC companies, names and contact of possible future candidates before the deadline 22 September. Initially, Telefónica will suggest the name of Arturo Azcorra and Pablo Rodriguez as candidates, but the list can be enlarged with proposals from other companies. Telefónica will send detailed indications of the characteristics and requirements to Advisory Committee members asap to comply with the previous dates 6) It is discussed the possibility of calling for the first presential meeting of the Scientific Council at the FIA meeting in Postnam. After some discussion it is agreed that a presential meeting may be substituted by a request of written collaboration, at least in the initial stages of the project. The presential meeting will be delayed until February 2012. However every effort shall be made to get the contribution of SC members in written form, including the direct collaboration with WPL. Draft letter Dear members of the SC After some deliberation, the PCC of Fi-ware has considered better to delay the first physical meeting with the PCC after you have full time to consider in detail the first deliverable of the Architecture team. For this reason we are not going to have a face to face meeting in Poznam. As indicated in previous mails, we would really appreciate your consideration of the existing draft version of the deliverable, and the corrected version that will come shortly. The link, as indicated, is ...https://forge.fi-ware.eu/docman/view.php/7/331/FI-WARE+High-Level+Description+v1.1+11-08-31.pdf You can send your comments to this distribution list and we shall send them copy to the relevant technical people We feel this way of working can be more effective in the initial stages of the group until all aspects are fully clarified. Best regards 7) Fiware shall provide as much information as possible of the characteristics and possible special rules of the Open Calls. This information shall be used at the coming events, particularly in Poznam. Audioconferences and mail communications shall be used to disseminate that information 8) Project members are reminded the need to take special note of the conclusions of the GA regarding exploitation and dissemination. The PCC is reminded that Fi-ware objectives will not be achieved if exploitation objectives are not attained. All PCC members agreed to consider the matter to the maximum interest. 9) It is agreed to resume asap monthly audioconferences of the PCC. An agenda, as detailed as possible, should be sent in advance. 10) Minutes and action points of the PCC shall be downloaded to the Forge asap for approval and further consideration The PCC also recognized the effort of Telecom Italy, and the personal involvement of Pierangelo Garino, in the organization of the GA and social event. ---- Jose Jimenez Telefonica I+D jimenez at tid.es tf +34 91 4832660 ________________________________ Este mensaje se dirige exclusivamente a su destinatario. Puede consultar nuestra política de envío y recepción de correo electrónico en el enlace situado más abajo. This message is intended exclusively for its addressee. 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