[Fiware-pcc] next audio PCC

JOSE JIMENEZ DELGADO jimenez at tid.es
Wed Jul 4 08:03:08 CEST 2012

Dear All

It would be a good idea to have a formal PCC to discuss the latest developments. My proposed agenda would be

 *   Revision of items to be included in DoW amendment under elaboration
 *   Status of deliverables due by end of June
 *   Legal Aspects
 *   Future Actions. Meeting of CEOs
 *   AOB

Please, include any other ítem you consider relevant
As usual, we can use We'll use powwownow.   PIN: 050662.   Local dial-in phone numbers at:

We shall use google to take the notes, as usual

I have prepared the corresponding doodle. Please indicate your preferences



Jose Jimenez
Telefonica I+D
(34) 91 482 2660

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