I can't attend neither tomorrow (will be traveling) nor on Friday (not a work day in Israel). Regards, Alex From: Juanjo Hierro <jhierro at tid.es> To: Garino Pierangelo <pierangelo.garino at telecomitalia.it>, Cc: "fiware-wpa at lists.fi-ware.eu" <fiware-wpa at lists.fi-ware.eu>, "fiware-wpl at lists.fi-ware.eu" <fiware-wpl at lists.fi-ware.eu>, "fiware-pcc at lists.fi-ware.eu" <fiware-pcc at lists.fi-ware.eu> Date: 05/06/2012 06:17 PM Subject: Re: [Fiware-pcc] R: [Fiware-wpl] Review Meeting Sent by: fiware-pcc-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu Hi, I would suggest the following. Some of us will meet tomorrow at the defined time. But, besides this, we can program a confcall this Friday. I will summarize and send via email what we have discussed tomorrow so that we can have this as input for the confcall on Friday. Therefore, the meeting tomorrow can be seen as a preparation meeting, just involving some of us, prior to the confcall on Friday. For the confcall on Friday, I have setup the following doodle: http://www.doodle.com/8a34qsuxngdriae3 Best regards, -- Juanjo ------------- Product Development and Innovation (PDI) - Telefonica Digital website: www.tid.es email: jhierro at tid.es twitter: twitter.com/JuanjoHierro FI-WARE (European Future Internet Core Platform) Chief Architect You can follow FI-WARE at: website: http://www.fi-ware.eu facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/FI-WARE/251366491587242 twitter: http://twitter.com/FIware linkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/FIWARE-4239932 On 05/06/12 15:25, Garino Pierangelo wrote: Hi Juanjo, As you know I won?t be in Madrid tomorrow, is there a way to join the meeting via phone/pc? BR Pier Da: fiware-wpl-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu [ mailto:fiware-wpl-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu] Per conto di Juanjo Hierro Inviato: martedì 5 giugno 2012 15:18 A: fiware-pcc at lists.fi-ware.eu; fiware-wpl at lists.fi-ware.eu; fiware-wpa at lists.fi-ware.eu Oggetto: Re: [Fiware-wpl] [Fiware-pcc] Review Meeting Hi, I already commented with some of the WPLs present at the f2f meeting to have a meeting to discuss this further taking advantage that we are all together here. This was also already commented during our joint follow-up confcall last Friday. Question mark was what day was the best for it. Obvious candidates were today or tomorrow. Initially, we were considering having it today, but I had to withdrawn this idea once I learned this morning that the social event is finally going to take place today. Therefore, we shall have it tomorrow, just after the last UC session. Please pencil this in your agendas. I have already asked the UPM to find a room for this purpose. Best regards, -- Juanjo ------------- Product Development and Innovation (PDI) - Telefonica Digital website: www.tid.es email: jhierro at tid.es twitter: twitter.com/JuanjoHierro FI-WARE (European Future Internet Core Platform) Chief Architect You can follow FI-WARE at: website: http://www.fi-ware.eu facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/FI-WARE/251366491587242 twitter: http://twitter.com/FIware linkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/FIWARE-4239932 On 05/06/12 14:42, Fasse, Axel wrote: Dear PCC Members, because of the upcoming Review Meeting, I would have expected a F2F Meeting in Madrid, to prepare the upcoming Review-Meeting. If it is not possible to setup this Meeting in Madrid, we should plan a longer PCC Call (maybe together with the WPLS?/WPA?S) to prepare the Review Meeting. Within this meeting, we should define the ?overall? Story that we will present during the Review Meeting. Based on the Story we should define an ?overall? Communication Strategy that gives a valid and consistent explanation for the actual State of the project. Some other topics might be · Legal Framework / Inconsistency between DoW&CA · MoC · ? Best regards, Axel --------------------------- Axel Fasse Senior Researcher SAP Research Karlsruhe SAP AG Vincenz-Priessnitz-Strasse 1 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany T +49 6227 7-52528 F +49 6227 78-55237 M +4915153858917 E axel.fasse at sap.com www.sap.com Pflichtangaben/Mandatory Disclosure Statements: http://www.sap.com/company/legal/impressum.epx Diese E-Mail kann Betriebs- oder Geschäftsgeheimnisse oder sonstige vertrauliche Informationen enthalten. Sollten Sie diese E-Mail irrtümlich erhalten haben, ist Ihnen eine Kenntnisnahme des Inhalts, eine Vervielfältigung oder Weitergabe der E-Mail ausdrücklich untersagt. Bitte benachrichtigen Sie uns und vernichten Sie die empfangene E-Mail. Vielen Dank. 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