[Fiware-pcc] FI-WARE Seville

JOSE JIMENEZ DELGADO jimenez at tid.es
Tue Oct 23 20:09:18 CEST 2012

Dear Axel, All

The meeting will take place in Seville.
Calle Escuelas Pias No. 1 Office EMASESA

[cid:image003.jpg at 01CDB15A.05C87A50]

This is a very central location, walking distance from the Train (Santa Justa) Station

Getting to Seville


1)      Try to find a flight to Seville, perhaps through Barcelona or another city (not many flights  Madrid). Taxi from the airport , There is a fixed fare, should be below 22 €

2)      Another possibility is coming to Madrid and then getting to Seville (Sevilla in Spanish)

There is a direct connection from the airport (T4) to the Atocha Station line C1 (25 min, 2,4 €)

(if you go to T1-T2-T3 just take the  bus to T4)

Once in Atocha Station, you can get a fast (AVE) train to Seville. It takes less than 2.30 hours  (see time table at http://www.renfe.com/EN/viajeros/horarios.html. there  are many trains a day and they are very comfortable and good

It may be better to make a reservation in advance. Otherwise, you would need time to get the ticket. You can go to the ticket offices or use the machines with your visa card.

From the station to the conference center is walking distance but for sure there are many buses. You may inquire at http://www.infobustussam.com:9005/tussamGO/index.jspx

Hotels in Seville should not be too expensive, we are out of season

Best luck


From: Fasse, Axel [mailto:axel.fasse at sap.com]
Sent: martes, 23 de octubre de 2012 18:02
Subject: RE: [Fiware-pcc] FI-WARE testbed launch Seville

Dear Jose,

would it be possible for you to provide the concrete address-information of the first-day event in Seville?
Actually I have only the information that it takes place at the “Plaza nueva”

Best regards,

From: fiware-pcc-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu<mailto:fiware-pcc-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu> [mailto:fiware-pcc-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu] On Behalf Of JOSE JIMENEZ DELGADO
Sent: Montag, 15. Oktober 2012 15:27
To: 'Peter.Fatelnig at ec.europa.eu'
Cc: Arian.ZWEGERS at ec.europa.eu<mailto:Arian.ZWEGERS at ec.europa.eu>; fiware-pcc; 'Ana Garcia'
Subject: Re: [Fiware-pcc] FI-WARE testbed launch Seville

Dear Peter

Finally, after a lot of discussion, it seems we are going to have two events, related but separated.

-        First is the FI-WARE review. November 5th . I attach the agenda. This event will be under invitation in a large room but not in an auditorium. It will bring  representatives from all FI-WARE partners and, if you think it appropriate, you can have side meetings. Since many internal strategic discussion could take place, we preferred not to make it fully public.

-        Second is a full event on opportunities of Smart cities . That will be November 6th and will be much more institutional (and in Spanish) to promote the PPP and the opportunities it will offer. I tried to have this second event in English but it seemed, after discussion with our Commercial people, that English was not adequate if we wanted to have any audience at all. That was also a reason not to have an open event for November 5th

The second event will be covered  fully by the local press (and national also). They will also make reference to the FI-WARE event on Monday but, as I say, it will not be fully public.

I enclose the programmes of the two events

Comments (particularly for the Nov 5th event) are welcomed (it is internal, so we can change it without notice)

For the event of the 6th we intend to make maximum publicity


From: Peter.Fatelnig at ec.europa.eu<mailto:Peter.Fatelnig at ec.europa.eu> [mailto:Peter.Fatelnig at ec.europa.eu]
Sent: lunes, 15 de octubre de 2012 14:55
Cc: Arian.ZWEGERS at ec.europa.eu<mailto:Arian.ZWEGERS at ec.europa.eu>
Subject: FI-WARE testbed launch Seville

Dear Jose,

With the event coming closer, would you have a final agenda, notably for 5 November?

Would there be an opportunity to have a side meeting with members of the FI-WARE consortium present in Seville that day?

What sort of PR related work do you foresee? I suppose we could reuse some through the Commission's PR channels?

Many thanks, best, Peter

From: JOSE JIMENEZ DELGADO [mailto:jimenez at tid.es]
Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2012 9:06 AM
To: FATELNIG Peter (CNECT); tcl at forskningsradet.no<mailto:tcl at forskningsradet.no>
Subject: RE: [FIF] FI-WARE testbed launch

Dear Till Christopher

Certainly, it would be a pleasure having FIF at the event. Peter has already sent you our draft agenda.

Do you think it would be appropriate a separate participation from your side?. My suggestions is FIF is incorporated in one of the Round tables since the event is already rather crowded.

Best regards

From: Peter.Fatelnig at ec.europa.eu<mailto:Peter.Fatelnig at ec.europa.eu> [mailto:Peter.Fatelnig at ec.europa.eu]
Sent: martes, 09 de octubre de 2012 8:59
To: tcl at forskningsradet.no<mailto:tcl at forskningsradet.no>
Cc: Arian.ZWEGERS at ec.europa.eu<mailto:Arian.ZWEGERS at ec.europa.eu>; JOSE JIMENEZ DELGADO
Subject: RE: [FIF] FI-WARE testbed launch

Ouups, first I awaited to have a final, final confirmation on the date and then it went down the list. Sorry for the delay beyond necessary. The workshop will take place on 5 November, with a 'Spanish' day on 6 November, attached the workshop agenda for your consideration.

I ccied Jose Jimenez from Telefonica, the FI-WARE coordinator, who masterminds this pubic launch and who surely would welcome a representative of the Future Internet Forum.

Kind regards,


From: Till Christopher Lech [mailto:tcl at forskningsradet.no]<mailto:[mailto:tcl at forskningsradet.no]>
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2012 9:23 AM
Subject: [FIF] FI-WARE testbed launch

Dear Peter,

It’s been nice seeing you again in Warsaw last week!

During your presentation on the FI-PPP’s state of play, you mentioned the official FI-WARE test bed launch in Seville, November 8th.

As I might be interested in attending, can you at this point provide any more information on the event? Will there be an invitation issued to FIF-members?  Any details (or pointers to more technical info) would be highly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

Med vennlig hilsen / Best regards

Till Christopher Lech

Seniorrådgiver / Senior Adviser
The Research Council of Norway
Mail: tcl at rcn.no<mailto:tcl at rcn.no>
Phone: +47 922 40884


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