[Fiware-pcc] Fw: Networking Session - ICT2013 ("Cloud Computing - The Next Generation")

Yaron Wolfsthal WOLFSTAL at il.ibm.com
Wed Jun 12 13:55:09 CEST 2013

Dear PCC - thanks for your consideration of the attached.
Regards -Yaron
----- Forwarded by Yaron Wolfsthal/Haifa/IBM on 12/06/2013 02:54 PM -----

From:   Yaron Wolfsthal/Haifa/IBM
To:     cloudwave at paluno.uni-due.de, visioncloud-all at lists.ntua.gr, 
Reservoir-All at ee.ucl.ac.uk, 
Date:   12/06/2013 02:54 PM
Subject:        Networking Session - ICT2013  ("Cloud Computing - The Next 

Dear Colleague,

Pls, take a look at 

And, if you feel the topic is well worth a session in the ICT2013 event, 
please consider putting a comment to that effect on the web page.

Thank you for your consideration.


PS I apologize if you got this message more than once.
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