[Fiware-pcc] Governance Model FI PPP Rev. 6

Schweppe, Kathrin kathrin.schweppe at sap.com
Tue Mar 12 17:09:42 CET 2013

Dear Juanjo,
please find attached SAP's revision. There is still missing  wording regarding the prevalence. I have inserted two sentences regarding the prevalence, which I think are matching a) the Commission's view regarding the prevalence of documents and b) the applicability of the Collaboration Agreement. If we do not include any clarification, this text is a fast track to breach the Collaboration Agreement.
Please note, that David Kennedy did not take over the agreed wording from FI-Ware. He thinks the Project Coordinators and representatives should be only able to decide upon the which  items should be on the agenda of the Steering Board rather than deciding the items themselves. This would make the decision power of the Steering Board pretty toothless. In S. 3.2. I included the same sentence as the mandate of the Steering Board Member. This should be consistent throughout the entire governance model.

Furthermore, the choice of mediation should be the choice of the partners. Please note, that in the case of a dispute between the EC and  a partner, the Grant Agreement  foresees a dispute resolution via the competent court of Brussels. It might be worth to reconsider any wording regarding mediation as the EC, or better their Legal Department could consider the mediation sentences in conflict with the Grant Agreement.

Thanks and best regards,

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