Hi, I believe that I have already provided my comments to all these questions but, nevertheless, here you are for the record in the same thread ... Anyways, I would suggest addressing the three topics in the confcall this afternoon. The first was already address in our previous call, but I guess it is worth resuming based on the last developments as to take a final decision. On 11/10/13 16:15, Nuria De-Lama Sanchez wrote: Dear all, Three topics, and all of them Urgent (sorry, but answers are needed today!!) Start City Expo Stand- URGENT (see e-mail from XIFI below) I think it is important that I share this e-mail with you (see below), since it refers to one of the discussions we had in the PCC yesterday. The one about the joint stand with XIFI in the Smart City expo. Now, as you can see, they will give an answer today, and since there was no way to reach a consensus by e-mail on the message and approach, they will follow their way. If people in the PCC feels that we should be with them for this, we should call Jacques ASAP. If not, the option will be either get a stand for FI-LAB alone (paying and organizing the things ourselves) or not attending this event. In any case I sent the info requested on the stands, prices and deadlines, as agreed in the teleconference. I would go for a stand on our own and ask the organizers of the event to place it close to the one by XiFi. Hopefully, we will able to manage the discussion with XiFi as to agree on the approach to adopt and then we will be able to merge the spaces (that's why I would go for a place close to the XiFi stand). Regarding the discussion, I don't understand why the several partners involved in both projects, i.e., Telecom Italia, Engineering, Thales, Orange, ATOS, TID, UPM, Red.es cannot simply go and impose our position. If necessary, voting. It's crazy that this kind of decisions are governed by Eurescom, for example. We should keep a joint position and push for being present at the event with a single message/voice focused on FI-LAB as the place for the Smart Cities to be/connect-to, making their open datasets and data coming from interfaces to their systems or sensor networks available from applications. One decision I would not discard would be that of becoming an event sponsor. There is a budget devoted to dissemination activities we have to spend (that in addition to the budget that Futura Networks already has for organizing the several Campus Party events or by Ogilvy to devote to promotional material) and there is less than one year to finish ... Is there any big market-oriented event we may find interesting to attend in addition to this Smart City Event Expo ? FIA 2014 -URGENT As said in my previous e-mail (thanks Stefano for providing your views on this) next Tuesday is the deadline to submit a networking session if we want to be present at the event with our own brand, besides potential opportunities that may appear or not under the FI PPP umbrella. Decisions has to be taken today! I already proposed this also provided we agree to go for an approach trying to bring messages (and very importantly, the way to bring them) that are not the "business as usual" stuff in the FIA events, running demos, videos, etc. My suggestion about the title of such session would be: "FI-LAB: The only is limit is your imagination" The title is inspired in a statement by Neelie Kroes during the launch of FI-LAB at CPE which you can see at the end of this promo video on which Ogilvy is working (in draft mode, still being edited by them): https://www.dropbox.com/s/0imorz6qqidtcll/Fi-WARE_promo.mp4 FI PPP event in April 2014 -URGENT As you may know, the DWG is preparing an FI PPP event for next year. The idea is having a 2 days-event with more commercial flavour, just to avoid the endogamic effect of last year FI PPP event after the Mobile World Congress. Preparations have just started in the DWG and they are asking for volunteers from the projects to work in the organizations. I do not feel very enthusiastic this time. Do you want FI-WARE to have a seat in this group? Any volunteer? Deadline is Today. I will setup a fiware-marketing mailing list involving people from the Ogilvy team, Futura Networks, Carlos Ralli (still WPL of dissemination), you and the rest of WPLs to carry out discussion about this matter. I would suggest that someone from Ogilvy and you be part of the group. My only advise, and I will be very straight when coaching Ogilvy on the matter, is that you don't support any event that starts to smell any similar to the kind of endogamic FI-PPP event we had in Barcelona. I believe we have to be tough and state upfront that FI-WARE won't spend any money on an event like that. Best regards, -- Juanjo Thanks for contributing at least with your opinion to something that is part of FI-WARE and the FI PPP too. Nuria de Lama Research & Innovation Representative to the European Commission T +34 91214 9321 F +34 91754 3252 nuria.delama at atos.net<mailto:nuria.delama at atos.net> Albarracín 25 28037 Madrid Spain www.atosresearch.eu<http://www.atosresearch.eu/> es.atos.net [cid:349045816 at 01072011-319C] IMPORTANT - MAIL ADDRESS CHANGE - From now on, please use only mail address nuria.delama at atos.net<mailto:nuria.delama at atos.net> The former @atosresearch.eu address will be cancelled soon From: Jacques Magen (InterInnov) [mailto:jmagen at interinnov.eu] Sent: viernes, 11 de octubre de 2013 14:42 To: Federico Michele Facca; Juanjo Hierro; Nuria De-Lama Sanchez; maurizio.cecchi at telecomitalia.it<mailto:maurizio.cecchi at telecomitalia.it>; Malena Donato Cohen; Monique Calisti; Martin Potts; Miguel Alarcón | Martel Consulting Cc: Giulia Pastor Subject: Smart City World Expo stand Dear all, As you could see this issue of the Expo triggered a larger discussion during the XIFI project meeting in Lannion which continued over the email (with some of you as active participants in the discussion). Anyway coming back to the issue of the stand at the Expo: as no agreement could be reached yet overall, for practical reasons we have to proceed with the XIFI stand for now. I will confirm in a few minutes to the organisers who were patient enough to allow me to give a response only today. In case there is any kind of agreement that could be reached in the next few days about the Expo for a possible joint XIFI / FI-WARE stand (I am not talking about the rest, let's not be overambitious in the short term), I will see then with the organizers whether it is still possible to upgrade to a larger stand. However they told me that they are now finalizing the floor plan (which is also why we need to give a response today). On the XIFI side it is in the hands now of the Project Management Board as was agreed yesterday at the meeting. I understand that the issue was also discussed yesterday at the FI-WARE PCC telco but except if I missed an email I have not got any feedback on this specific issue. If FI-WARE can get a slot to speak at one of the conference sessions it is good; yesterday I got feedback from Thales that on their side it would not work. Best regards, Jacques -- Jacques Magen jmagen at interinnov.eu<mailto:jmagen at interinnov.eu> Tel.: +33 9 81 03 98 49 / +33 6 28 98 05 41 www.interinnov.eu<http://www.interinnov.eu> Twitter: @interinnov_eu<http://twitter.com/interinnov_eu> Skype: jacques.magen ------------------------------------------------------------------ This e-mail and the documents attached are confidential and intended solely for the addressee; it may also be privileged. If you receive this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately and destroy it. As its integrity cannot be secured on the Internet, the Atos group liability cannot be triggered for the message content. 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