[Fiware-pcc] Meeting to further explore opportunities to use FI-LAB/FI-WARE in the context of the EIP on Smart Cities and Communities

BISSON Pascal pascal.bisson at thalesgroup.com
Thu Jan 9 12:19:53 CET 2014

Dear Juanjo,

This email just to let you know that unfortunately I would not be able to join this meeting since in another meeting at that date.

Meantime wish a successful meeting with Colette and yes let's discuss afterwards the outcomes of this meeting.



De : Juanjo Hierro [mailto:jhierro at tid.es]
Envoyé : mercredi 8 janvier 2014 10:45
À : fiware-pcc at lists.fi-ware.eu; fiware-wpl at lists.fi-ware.eu; fiware-wpa at lists.fi-ware.eu; thierry.nagellen at orange.com; Stefano.DePanfilis at eng.it; Garino Pierangelo; BISSON Pascal
Objet : Fwd: RE: Meeting to further explore opportunities to use FI-LAB/FI-WARE in the context of the EIP on Smart Cities and Communities


  I don't know if the mailing list are already working but just in case I copy Thierry and Stefano directly since I recall they were interested in attending this meeting with Mrs Colette Maloney.   Maybe also Pier and Pascal, so I copy them also directly.


-- Juanjo


Product Development and Innovation (PDI) - Telefonica Digital

website: www.tid.es<http://www.tid.es>

email: jhierro at tid.es<mailto:jhierro at tid.es>

twitter: twitter.com/JuanjoHierro

FI-WARE (European Future Internet Core Platform) Coordinator

and Chief Architect

FI-PPP Architecture Board chairman

You can follow FI-WARE at:

  website:  http://www.fi-ware.eu

  facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/FI-WARE/251366491587242

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  linkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/FIWARE-4239932

-------- Original Message --------

RE: Meeting to further explore opportunities to use FI-LAB/FI-WARE in the context of the EIP on Smart Cities and Communities


Thu, 12 Dec 2013 15:41:06 +0000


<Colette.Maloney at ec.europa.eu><mailto:Colette.Maloney at ec.europa.eu>


<jhierro at tid.es><mailto:jhierro at tid.es>


<Merce.Griera-I-Fisa at ec.europa.eu><mailto:Merce.Griera-I-Fisa at ec.europa.eu>, <Fiona.Whiteman at ec.europa.eu><mailto:Fiona.Whiteman at ec.europa.eu>, <Regine.MENZIES at ec.europa.eu><mailto:Regine.MENZIES at ec.europa.eu>, <Valeria.AMICO at ec.europa.eu><mailto:Valeria.AMICO at ec.europa.eu>

Dear Mr Hierro,

I'm pleased to confirm you the meeting on 15/01 at 14.30.

Our premises are located in :

Avenue de Beaulieu, 31
1160 Brussels

You will find enclosed a map of the area for your convenience.

Please do not hesitate to contact me in case you would need further information.

Kind regards,

Valeria on behalf of Colette Maloney

Valeria Amico
Assistant to the Head of Unit and to Project Officers

[cid:image001.png at 01CF0D35.19BEB4B0]
European Commission
Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology
Smart Cities & Sustainability Unit

BU31 06/05
B-1049 Brussels/Belgium
+32 2 295 05 49
Valeria.AMICO at ec.europa.eu<mailto:Valeria.AMICO at ec.europa.eu>

[cid:image002.jpg at 01CF0D35.19BEB4B0]@EU_ICT4Cities<https://twitter.com/EU_ICT4Cities>

From: Juanjo Hierro [mailto:jhierro at tid.es]
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2013 11:59 AM
Cc: GRIERA I FISA Merce (CNECT); WHITEMAN Fiona (CNECT); MENZIES Regine (CNECT); AMICO Valeria (CNECT); jhierro >> "Juan J. Hierro"
Subject: Re: Meeting to further explore opportunities to use FI-LAB/FI-WARE in the context of the EIP on Smart Cities and Communities

   I confirm this would be ok.   Let me know about the exact time and venue.   Thanks very much,

-- Juanjo Hierro


Product Development and Innovation (PDI) - Telefonica Digital

website: www.tid.es<http://www.tid.es>

email: jhierro at tid.es<mailto:jhierro at tid.es>

twitter: twitter.com/JuanjoHierro

FI-WARE (European Future Internet Core Platform) Coordinator

and Chief Architect

FI-PPP Architecture Board chairman

You can follow FI-WARE at:

  website:  http://www.fi-ware.eu

  facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/FI-WARE/251366491587242

  twitter:  http://twitter.com/FIware

  linkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/FIWARE-4239932
On 10/12/13 15:52, Colette.Maloney at ec.europa.eu<mailto:Colette.Maloney at ec.europa.eu> wrote:
Dear Mr Hierro,

Would 15th January in the afternoon suit you ?

Thank you very much in advance for your confirmation.

Kind regards,

Valeria Amico on behalf of Colette  Maloney

Valeria Amico
Assistant to the Head of Unit and to Project Officers

[cid:image001.png at 01CF0D35.19BEB4B0]
European Commission
Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology
Smart Cities & Sustainability Unit

BU31 06/05
B-1049 Brussels/Belgium
+32 2 295 05 49
Valeria.AMICO at ec.europa.eu<mailto:Valeria.AMICO at ec.europa.eu>

[cid:image002.jpg at 01CF0D35.19BEB4B0]@EU_ICT4Cities<https://twitter.com/EU_ICT4Cities>

From: Juanjo Hierro [mailto:jhierro at tid.es]
Sent: Friday, December 06, 2013 8:41 AM
Cc: GRIERA I FISA Merce (CNECT); WHITEMAN Fiona (CNECT); AMICO Valeria (CNECT); jhierro >> "Juan J. Hierro"
Subject: Re: Meeting to further explore opportunities to use FI-LAB/FI-WARE in the context of the EIP on Smart Cities and Communities

  Thanks for your response.

  I do not have specific plans for a travel to Brussels in January but sure that I can make it if you can confirm the meeting since this is strategic for us.

  My only constraint is that it should be some day between the 13rd and 23rd of January, preferably Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday but I can adapt.

  I look forward your response,

-- Juanjo Hierro


Product Development and Innovation (PDI) - Telefonica Digital

website: www.tid.es<http://www.tid.es>

email: jhierro at tid.es<mailto:jhierro at tid.es>

twitter: twitter.com/JuanjoHierro

FI-WARE (European Future Internet Core Platform) Coordinator

and Chief Architect

FI-PPP Architecture Board chairman

You can follow FI-WARE at:

  website:  http://www.fi-ware.eu

  facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/FI-WARE/251366491587242

  twitter:  http://twitter.com/FIware

  linkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/FIWARE-4239932
On 05/12/13 14:33, Colette.Maloney at ec.europa.eu<mailto:Colette.Maloney at ec.europa.eu> wrote:
Dear Mr Hierro,

Thank you very much for your email.

Ms Maloney would be pleased to meet you, but unfortunately will not be available on the date you have requested.

Are you planning to come back to Brussels in January ?  If that would be the case, I will be happy to find a time slot  that could suit you.

Thank you very much in advance for your understanding.

With best regards,

Valeria Amico on behalf of Colette Maloney

Valeria Amico
Assistant to the Head of Unit and to Project Officers

[cid:image001.png at 01CF0D35.19BEB4B0]
European Commission
Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology
Smart Cities & Sustainability Unit

BU31 06/05
B-1049 Brussels/Belgium
+32 2 295 05 49
Valeria.AMICO at ec.europa.eu<mailto:Valeria.AMICO at ec.europa.eu>

[cid:image002.jpg at 01CF0D35.19BEB4B0]@EU_ICT4Cities<https://twitter.com/EU_ICT4Cities>

From: Juanjo Hierro [mailto:jhierro at tid.es]
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2013 1:05 AM
Cc: FATELNIG Peter (CNECT); ZWEGERS Arian (CNECT); ATOS - Nuria de Lama; jhierro >> "Juan J. Hierro"
Subject: Meeting to further explore opportunities to use FI-LAB/FI-WARE in the context of the EIP on Smart Cities and Communities

Dear Colette,

  It was very nice that we meet at the Smart City World Expo last week during the session on "EU Smart Cities and Communities".

  As I told you, we would be very glad if we could arrange a face to face meeting in Brussels during which we can share with you details about current developments in FI-WARE and FI-Lab.   As I explained to you, FI-WARE is not the regular EU FP7 research project but rather a project that is targeted to deliver results in a shorter term.

  One of the areas where we have identified opportunities for early adoption is that of Smart Cities.  It is not just the fact that FI-WARE technologies are particularly suitable, but the fact that FI-Lab can be instrumental in setting up an open innovation ecosystem capable to attract cities and entrepreneurs and help to meet each other.   Several cities have already started to connect their facilities and open data platforms to FI-Lab (Malaga, Santander, Sevilla and Zaragoza in Spain, Trento and Torino in Italy).   Others are approaching us with real interest to join as well.

  We will be in Brussels on December 18 for a review of the project and maybe it could be a good opportunity to meet on December 19th.   Do you have any available time slot that date ?   That would be really great.

  Thanks in advance,

-- Juanjo Hierro


Product Development and Innovation (PDI) - Telefonica Digital

website: www.tid.es<http://www.tid.es>

email: jhierro at tid.es<mailto:jhierro at tid.es>

twitter: twitter.com/JuanjoHierro

FI-WARE (European Future Internet Core Platform) Coordinator

and Chief Architect

FI-PPP Architecture Board chairman

You can follow FI-WARE at:

  website:  http://www.fi-ware.eu

  facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/FI-WARE/251366491587242

  twitter:  http://twitter.com/FIware

  linkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/FIWARE-4239932


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