Hi all, I have just received this offer to be present in one of the workshops of the next FIA event in Athens. The session refers to creative industries; therefore I thought it would be nice to have someone familiar to this topic or at least with knowledge on the GE that have more potential for such industry. The other condition is attending FIA Athens, of course. Let me know if there is willingness to be present in this workshop and who would be available for that. Thanks in advance for your collaboration!!! Nuria From: Ana Garcia [mailto:ana.garcia at enoll.org] Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2014 4:34 PM To: De-Lama Sanchez, Nuria; Nuria De-Lama Sanchez; Federico Michele Facca Cc: Fabio Antonelli; Simon Delaere; Paolo Aversano; Sergi Fernandez Subject: Invitation FI-LAB/XIFI to speak in The Creative Ring Pre-FIA session Dear Nuria, and Federico (already informed through Fabio Antonelli), SPECIFI project<http://www.specifi.eu/> in collaboration with the Visionair project<http://www.infra-visionair.eu/> organises a pre-FIA session on Athens on Tuesday 18th morning for what we call the the Creative Ring. The name of the session is: Future Internet boosting Creativity in Europe: Scaling platforms, data, tools, services and communities<https://www.fi-athens.eu/program/workshops/future-internet-boosting-creativity-europe-scaling-platforms-data-tools-services>. We are inviting other initiatives that we consider could contribute to the Creative Ring, to present their platforms, tools, services (etc, depending on the initiave) and in particular to link it to the tools and/or services that can be offered to Creative Industries. We would like to invite FI-LAB/XIFI to join us in the discussion. This session is also connected with one of the FI-PPP phase 3 new projects (CreatiFI) reason why we think it is particularly important to have your/FI-WARE/XIFI presence. Nuria, Federico, could you please let us know whether someone from FI-WARE and/or XIFI could join the session? Ideally we would like to have both views but a single person can cover everything is fine. In particular we would like to explore how FI-LAB could be eventually exploited by communities of Creative Industries built around the Creative Hubs. Developers and Creative Industry are not the same thing, but artists/hackers are merging and creating this combined profile for certain type of creative industries (gaming, media, etc). We are also interested in having the view of XIFI, that will provide the federated infrastructures were FI-WARE components are instantiated, as the creative hubs/creative communities will have to use that infrastructure in particular if we are talking about scaling in the future. In practical terms we are asking you to present FI-LAB/XIFI 10-15 minutes (depending on whether is 1 or 2 speakers) with a reflexion towards the end to the session objectives and focus, and to participate in the discussion. I attach for your convenience the session description and latest agenda (working on it still). FI-CONTENT has confirmed his participation. Your input would be appreciated asap. We apologies for the short notice. In CC are some of the SPECIFI project colleagues, including the coordinator (Simon Delaere). Best regards, Ana Garcia European Network of Living Labs ENoLL Office | Pleinlaan 9 | B 1050 Brussels | Belgium Tel: +32 2 629 16 13<tel:%2B32%202%20629%2016%2013> Fax: +32 2 629 17 00<tel:%2B32%202%20629%2017%2000> www.openlivinglabs.eu<http://www.openlivinglabs.eu/> Follow us on twitter @openlivinglabs and Like us on Facebook<http://www.facebook.com/pages/ENoLL-European-Network-of-Living-Labs/183279365022785>. www.slideshare.net/openlivinglabs<http://www.slideshare.net/openlivinglabs> vimeo.com/openlivinglabs<http://vimeo.com/openlivinglabs> -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <https://lists.fiware.org/private/fiware-pcc/attachments/20140305/dc005a2f/attachment.html> -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: CreativeRing session pre-FIA Athens draft V7 5.3.doc Type: application/msword Size: 201216 bytes Desc: CreativeRing session pre-FIA Athens draft V7 5.3.doc URL: <https://lists.fiware.org/private/fiware-pcc/attachments/20140305/dc005a2f/attachment.doc>
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