Hello everyone! Welcome back to a brand new Marketing Round-up email. In times like these staying connected is not only more important than ever, but it can also lead to innovative and creative initiatives, opportunities and processes that can help us to navigate what has become the new normal. In order to make the Marketing Round-up calls as interactive as possible, we want to encourage you to share your news, updates, and presence at events with us. Feel free to contact Charlotte Kotterman <charlotte.kotterman at fiware.org> whenever you have something you would like to share with the FIWARE Community. *Let's stick together, stay connected, and above all, stay safe! * *SMART CITY IDEAS* Germany is on the lookout for innovative ideas for Smart Cities! The Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building, and Community has extended the deadline for the second wave of its *"Smart Cities in Germany"* Open Call until 20 May 2020. Various winners of the first batch of applicants are already using FIWARE. We therefore highly encourage you, if you have a solution that is scalable and replicable, as well as available as Open Source or free software, to take part! * CLICK HERE <https://fiware.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=94ef5738ad9881c701e8bdfd4&id=6e5ceaad67&e=f5e8d867ad> * *GOING DIGITAL* Due to the COVID-19 crisis, we have had to postpone our FIWARE event in Berlin with Mindspace, but that has not stopped us from coming up with ways in which we can replicate the event as best as possible, be it online! Our online event *"FIWARE: the Open Source Pillar of a Smart Digital Future"* will now take place on 8 April from 10:00-11:00 AM (CET). Join us for a fun training session, followed by a Q&A. Registration is free of charge but required. * CLICK HERE <https://fiware.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=94ef5738ad9881c701e8bdfd4&id=9e30590535&e=f5e8d867ad> * *EMPOWER WITH DATA* Good news this Spring! The European Commission is returning with a *Webinar Series* on the Context Broker and Big Data Test Infrastructure (BDTI), two of its CEF (Connecting Europe Facility) Building Blocks. Both can help you make sense of the data available through your city's information systems, and make the right decisions to improve the public services you offer to your citizens. Data is a strategic asset, and all municipalities should be able to leverage it. Registration is free of charge but required. * MORE INFO <https://fiware.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=94ef5738ad9881c701e8bdfd4&id=13a460e85e&e=f5e8d867ad> * *HANNOVER MESSE* Most of you may have heard that Hannover Messe, the world's most important industrial fair, has been canceled for 2020. An unprecedented situation. But, let us not dwell on the past and instead look toward the future and focus on the 2021 edition of the event, which is set to take place on *12-16 April 2021*. Until then, we will be doing our best to create a brand new offer and appealing approach to our upcoming events, of course with the help of FIWARE members, partners, media and press. We will keep you all posted. * MORE EVENTS <https://fiware.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=94ef5738ad9881c701e8bdfd4&id=87a10c6756&e=f5e8d867ad> * *SMART ENERGY* Are you creating, or have you created a Smart Energy solution using FIWARE Generic Enablers? Then we would like to hear from you! Your inputs will be used to create a collection of concise case studies, extracting from them support material to present FIWARE’s Generic Enablers and software components to help develop *FIWARE-powered Smart Energy solutions*. Particular focus will be put on highlighting open data models that could facilitate the first steps in the development of such smart solutions. * GET INVOLVED <https://fiware.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=94ef5738ad9881c701e8bdfd4&id=c5053fef6b&e=f5e8d867ad> * <https://fiware.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=94ef5738ad9881c701e8bdfd4&id=a29e5b4bd1&e=f5e8d867ad> *CALLING ALL DEVELOPERS!* *Are you a developer?* Do you know one or two in your direct environment? This is a call for developers worldwide to join the FIWARE Community, and play a key role in modifying and improving software, thereby creating a brighter future for us all. This is the perfect opportunity for developers to boost the future-proof tech skills that will keep them ahead of the curve. Who is with us? WATCH THE VIDEO <https://fiware.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=94ef5738ad9881c701e8bdfd4&id=9c2bbde2fe&e=f5e8d867ad> *SEPTEMBER SUMMIT* The *8th FIWARE Global Summit* has been postponed to 28-29 September 2020. This means that Early Bird tickets <https://fiware.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=94ef5738ad9881c701e8bdfd4&id=53c5a8d573&e=f5e8d867ad> will be available until 31 July and the deadline of the Call for Contributions <https://fiware.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=94ef5738ad9881c701e8bdfd4&id=268f529077&e=f5e8d867ad> has been pushed back to 16 May, giving you more than enough time to get involved in our upcoming flagship event. The Call for Sponsors <https://fiware.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=94ef5738ad9881c701e8bdfd4&id=809d419f2a&e=f5e8d867ad> and Exhibitors <https://fiware.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=94ef5738ad9881c701e8bdfd4&id=0b6568c32e&e=f5e8d867ad> remain open as well. For more news and opportunities surrounding the Summit, please be sure to check out the updated Event Brochure <https://fiware.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=94ef5738ad9881c701e8bdfd4&id=75551bd04c&e=f5e8d867ad> . MORE INFO <https://fiware.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=94ef5738ad9881c701e8bdfd4&id=bcc19a57e0&e=f5e8d867ad> *COMMON STANDARDS* Germany is trying to catch up when it comes to the creation of Smart Cities. But this will only work with Open Source solutions and common standards, says FIWARE Foundation CEO Ulrich Ahle in his article for *Tagesspiegel’s Background*. The article highlights the Foundation’s standardization activities with ETSI (NGSI-LD API specifications) and TM Forum, to develop uniform interfaces and data models toward avoiding data silos and using public funding efficiently. Read the full German article on the Tagesspiegel website <https://fiware.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=94ef5738ad9881c701e8bdfd4&id=02dd94da92&e=f5e8d867ad> . READ MORE <https://fiware.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=94ef5738ad9881c701e8bdfd4&id=6a196aaed2&e=f5e8d867ad> *WORDS OF WISDOM* Last week we kicked off our brand new series *"Wisdom Across the Board"*, in which we interview the newest members of the FIWARE Foundation Board of Directors. It has been a great opportunity to discuss with them the main challenges, strengths, and opportunities that the future holds for the Foundation. This week, we caught up with Albert Seubers, Director of Global Strategy IT in Cities at Atos. Next, we speak to Agustín Cárdenas Fernández (Telefónica Empresas) and Dilip Hanumara (Trigyn Technologies). * READ MORE <https://fiware.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=94ef5738ad9881c701e8bdfd4&id=3e01c37cb1&e=f5e8d867ad> * *NEW WEBINARS* As we all try to embrace the new normal, FIWARE is doing its best to come up with ways in which we can stay connected. The FIWARE *#WednesdayWebinars* are the perfect way to boost your FIWARE know-how from the comfort, and above all, safety, of your own home (office). Joining our upcoming webinars is free of charge but registration is required. While you are at it, also check out our past webinars, which offer subtitles in various languages, from Spanish and Japanese to Arabic. * CLICK HERE <https://fiware.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=94ef5738ad9881c701e8bdfd4&id=f5688b1262&e=f5e8d867ad> * *TELL YOUR STORY* Not too long ago we published the first FIWARE Impact Story. The initiative, which we highly encourage our members to get involved in, promotes the FIWARE Community on a global scale, free of charge. The first *FIWARE Impact Story *on Automotive Smart Factory features Engineering and focuses on how the FIWARE Reference Architecture for Smart Industry can help reduce defects in the automotive manufacturing process. Our next Impact Story will feature the Smart City of Vienna. Stay tuned! Want to be featured? Please get in touch with Tonia Sapia <tonia.sapia at fiware.org?subject=FIWARE%20Impact%20Story> to kick-start the process. * CHECK IT OUT <https://fiware.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=94ef5738ad9881c701e8bdfd4&id=46cc10e0cd&e=f5e8d867ad>* *WELCOME TO...* As it was mentioned in the Marketing Round-up Call, we are pleased to announce that we have recently welcomed a *brand new Platinum Member* on board. Though we cannot give away too much just yet, we look forward to future collaborations with this powerhouse and know that they will be of great significance to the growth and further development of the Foundation. More exciting news will be coming your way regarding this in the very near future! Stay patient and stay tuned! * MEET OUR MEMBERS <https://fiware.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=94ef5738ad9881c701e8bdfd4&id=bcf2b4f6bd&e=f5e8d867ad> * *JOIN OUR UPCOMING CALLS* *Are you a FIWARE Platinum, Gold, Associate, or Startup member? Want to take part in the calls but have not yet done so? *We would kindly like to ask you to provide the details of the person in charge of marketing and/or communications within your organization so we can invite the relevant person(s) to the upcoming calls. The next Marketing Round-up call will happen *on 23 April at 14:00-15:00 (CET)*. *FILL OUT THE FORM* <https://fiware.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=94ef5738ad9881c701e8bdfd4&id=e6a286553d&e=f5e8d867ad> [image: Facebook] <https://fiware.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=94ef5738ad9881c701e8bdfd4&id=7752d91174&e=f5e8d867ad> [image: Twitter] <https://fiware.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=94ef5738ad9881c701e8bdfd4&id=9cefeebfad&e=f5e8d867ad> [image: LinkedIn] <https://fiware.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=94ef5738ad9881c701e8bdfd4&id=77b8b158c4&e=f5e8d867ad> [image: YouTube] <https://fiware.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=94ef5738ad9881c701e8bdfd4&id=de93394f00&e=f5e8d867ad> [image: Website] <https://fiware.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=94ef5738ad9881c701e8bdfd4&id=67bf1fdaf0&e=f5e8d867ad> *Copyright © 2020 FIWARE Foundation, e.V., All rights reserved.* -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... 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