[Fiware-platinum-members] FIWARE Marketing Round-Up call minutes and slides

Max Kleinsorg max.kleinsorg at fiware.org
Thu Dec 2 17:17:33 CET 2021

Dear FIWARE community,

Thanks to all of you for joining our Marketing team in the Round-Up call last
week! Due to a technical issue in my mail program some of you might not
have gotten the slides and minutes from the call. I apologize for that. If
you already got my first email, please ignore this email.

You can find the slides
 and minutes
the meeting on Google Drive now.

I would also like to take this opportunity to once again ask you to provide
the details
of the person in charge of Marketing and/or Communications within your
organization - or, if you are a FIWARE Evangelist then please feel free to
fill out the form too. The next Marketing Round-up Call will take place on
24 November and invites will be sent to those who fill out the form. If you
have already filled out the form then there is no need to do this again.

Thanks again and see you soon.

Best regards

Maximilian Kleinsorg


Junior Marketing Manager

Phone: +49 163 882 15 40

Email: max.kleinsorg at fiware.org


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