[Fiware-portals] RV: Access to FI-ware

Miguel Carrillo mcp at tid.es
Tue Nov 26 11:24:01 CET 2013

quietos todos

luego aclaro, reunido ahora

El 26/11/2013 9:55, HENAR MUÑOZ FRUTOS escribió:

Podeis chequear que le pasa?

De: Blom, Tommy [mailto:tommy.blom at eon.com]
Enviado el: lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2013 15:31
Asunto: SV: Access to FI-ware

Hi Henar

I tried logging in with the data below, it did not work.
I the requested a new password and received the following error message, what to do ?
I used my email:tommy.blom at eon.com<mailto:email:tommy.blom at eon.com>

[cid:part1.01050504.05000602 at tid.es]

Can you help me ?


Från: HENAR MUÑOZ FRUTOS [mailto:henar at tid.es]<mailto:[mailto:henar at tid.es]>
Skickat: den 11 september 2013 10:14
Till: Blom, Tommy
Ämne: RE: Access to FI-ware

You can access to http://cloud.testbed.fi-ware.eu
You user is tommy.blom and password tommy.blom
Tell me if you have any problem.

De: Blom, Tommy [mailto:tommy.blom at eon.com]
Enviado el: miércoles, 11 de septiembre de 2013 9:56
Asunto: SV: Access to FI-ware


In this case we will be a user case


Från: HENAR MUÑOZ FRUTOS [mailto:henar at tid.es]<mailto:[mailto:henar at tid.es]>
Skickat: den 11 september 2013 09:54
Till: Blom, Tommy
Kopia: Lillienberg, David
Ämne: RE: Access to FI-ware

Are you working in FI-WARE or are you an use case?

De: Blom, Tommy [mailto:tommy.blom at eon.com]
Enviado el: miércoles, 11 de septiembre de 2013 9:54
CC: Lillienberg, David
Asunto: Access to FI-ware


I want to access the FI-ware sites and is part of the team working in WP1 at EON

Is this email enough to get the access ?

Vänliga hälsningar/Kind regards/Freundliche Grüße

Tommy Blom

Domain Nordics or Demand Nordics or Delivery
M +46 709 52 12 81
tommy.blom at eon.com<mailto:tommy.blom at eon.com>

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     _/          _/_/                     Miguel Carrillo Pacheco
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                                          e-mail: mcp at tid.es<mailto:mcp at tid.es>

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