[Fiware-portals] RV: Fi-Lab web interface

HENAR MUÑOZ FRUTOS henar at tid.es
Tue May 27 15:30:25 CEST 2014

Hola Javier

Podéis chequear que le está pasando?

-----Mensaje original-----
De: Raul Tavares - Full IT [mailto:rtavares at fullit.pt]
Enviado el: martes, 27 de mayo de 2014 15:16
Asunto: Re: Fi-Lab web interface

Hello Henar.

Here I'm sending some print-screens, from various menu options.
Major part are from the account rtavares at gmail.com

The two which name starts with "FI-" are from the account rtavares at fullit.pt

 From this account I only took two pictures, once I believe it no need to illustrate all menu choices.

As we talked, the system is a Linux Elementary OS, based on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.
The browser is Chome, with only one tab open, cache just emptied, after a fresh system restart.

In MacOS X 10.9.3, with Chrome  I got the same behaviour.
I can send pictures too, if you think it is usefull.
I can navigate correctly on all other parts of fi-ware site. Only cloud give me this "emptyness".

BUT in Safari in Mac OS X it works the Cloud works correctly!
Which point to an Chrome issue.

What browser(s) / OS's are you using there?

Thank you for your help Henar.

Bst Rgds


On 05/27/2014 07:10 AM, HENAR MUÑOZ FRUTOS wrote:
> Hi
> Can you send me a screenshot. Here, nobody has those problems.
> Regards,
> Henar
> -----Mensaje original-----
> De: Raul Tavares - Full IT [mailto:rtavares at fullit.pt] Enviado el:
> lunes, 26 de mayo de 2014 13:26
> Asunto: Re: Fi-Lab web interface
> Same situation Henar, sorry.
> I've waited a while to answer to check if something changes - an because sometime I have to wait longer to connect to the "cloud", with the message "waiting for socket".
> So:
> - Spain selected
> - Both accounts - rtavares at gmail.com and rtavares at fullit.pt
> - Cleaned cache
> - Using Chrome in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
> - Same behaviour using Chrome in MacOS X 10.9.3
> Using Midori in same Ubuntu, I see a change:
> - Account rtavares at gmail.com displays correctly
> - Account rtavares at fullit.pt get even worst: displays only top bar
> Hope it can help.
> Tks
> Rgds
> RT
> On 05/26/2014 11:30 AM, HENAR MUÑOZ FRUTOS wrote:
>> Hi
>> Can you try it again. Try to select the Spain region.
>> Regards,
>> Henar
>> -----Mensaje original-----
>> De: Raul Tavares - Full IT [mailto:rtavares at fullit.pt] Enviado el:
>> lunes, 26 de mayo de 2014 12:16
>> Asunto: Fi-Lab web interface
>> Good Morning Henar.
>> Hope you had a nice weekend.
>> There have any issue with Fi-Lab Clod web interface?
>> I'm getting no content - bank area of the page - in the various menu options.
>> It happen in both accounts I'm using.
>> I've noticed it since last Friday.
>> Any advice?
>> Thank you.
>> Best Regards
>> Raul
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