[Fiware-press-req] Actar Books on Architecture Biennales

Actar Publishers eurosales at actar-d.com
Wed Feb 19 17:39:26 CET 2020

Image from the book Architecture As Measure by Neyran Turan
Actar Books on Architecture Biennales

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LAUNCHING at the Turkish Pavilion - Venice Biennale 2020


** (http://actar.com/product/architecture-as-measure/)
** ARCHITECTURE AS MEASURE (http://actar.com/product/architecture-as-measure/)
Neyran Turan

In light of the current political crisis around climate change, what can architecture possibly contribute towards a new planetary imaginary of our contemporary environment beyond environmentalism and technological determinism? An elaboration on this question, and on the disciplinary and cultural potentials of such a provocation.

** BOOK PREVIEW  (https://issuu.com/actar/docs/architecture_as_measure)

ISBN: English 9781948765299

** BUY NOW: FREE DELIVERY – 34€ / $39.95 / £30 (http://actar.com/product/architecture-as-measure/)

Catalan Pavilion Biennale - Venice Biennale 2018

** (http://actar.com/product/rcr-dream-and-nature/)
** RCR. DREAM AND NATURE: Catalonia in Venice  (http://actar.com/product/rcr-dream-and-nature/)
16th International Architecture Exhibition
Pati Núñez, Estel Ortega, Rafael Aranda, Carmen Pigem, Ramon Vilalta

Nature and history is the physical place that has been chosen to develop a space by RCR Arquitectes to conceive and rethink man’s relationship with the world. This physical space is located in the La Vila estate, in the Bianya Valley (Catalonia). Technological advances and innovation are applied on an experiential basis in this landscape.

** BOOK PREVIEW (https://issuu.com/actar/docs/rcr._dream_and_nature)

ISBN: English, Catalan, Spanish 9781948765022

** BUY NOW: FREE DELIVERY – 27€ / $34.95 / £25 (http://actar.com/product/rcr-dream-and-nature/)

Australian Pavilion Biennale - Venice Biennale 2018

** (http://actar.com/product/repair/)
** REPAIR (http://actar.com/product/repair/)
16th International Architecture Exhibition
Mauro Baracco and Louise Wright

Our cities are interspersed and bordered by remnant vegetation and often connected to large natural systems. They are also scenes of developing ecosystems at which humans are at the centre of. This book unpacks the theme and catalogues architectural projects that are conceived through acts of repair exhibited at the Australian pavilion at the Venice Biennale 2018.

** BOOK PREVIEW (https://issuu.com/actar/docs/aia_repair)
ISBN: English 9781948765008

** BUY NOW: FREE DELIVERY – 35€ / $39.95 / £30 / $55.00 AUD (http://actar.com/product/repair/)

** urbanNext.net related content (https://urbannext.net/allowing-repair)

Spanish Pavilion Biennale - Venice Biennale 2016

** (http://actar.com/product/unfinished/)
** UNFINISHED (http://actar.com/product/unfinished/)
15th International Architecture Exhibition
Iñaqui Carnicero, Carlos Quintáns, Santiago de Molina, Jacobo García-Germán, Alfonso Batalla, Amale Andraos and others

The book displays the work of seven photographers and fifty five projects of architecture, presenting the problem through the unfinished constructions strewn across different points of Spain ́s geography, as well as five critic essays and eleven interviews with prestigious professors from the international academia.

ISBN: English 9781945150685

** BUY NOW: FREE DELIVERY – 35 € / $39.95 / £32 (http://actar.com/product/unfinished/)

** urbanNext.net related content (https://urbannext.net/architecture-non-finito/)

Kuwait Pavilion Biennale - Venice Biennale 2018

** (http://actar.com/product/between-east-and-west-a-gulf/)
** BETWEEN EAST AND WEST: A Gulf (http://actar.com/product/between-east-and-west-a-gulf/)
Hamed Bukhamseen, Ali Karimi

Hundreds of islands dot the waters between the Arabian and Persian shores: they are sites of identity in formation, places of experimentation and architectural invention. In an area of physical, religious, and political division, the publication tells the story of the Gulf ’s islands and the possibilities they hold for a joint territorial project.

**  BOOK PREVIEW (https://issuu.com/actar/docs/between_east___west._a_gulf)
ISBN: English, Arabic 9781945150784

** BUY NOW: FREE DELIVERY – 32 € / $34.95 / £30 (http://actar.com/product/between-east-and-west-a-gulf/)

** urbanNext.net related content (https://urbannext.net/?s=extreme+landscape)


Seoul Biennale 2017

** urbanNext.net related content (https://urbannext.net/?s=imminent+commons)

** (http://actar.com/product/imminent-commons-compendium-4-vol/)
** IMMINENT COMMONS COMPENDIUM (http://actar.com/product/imminent-commons-compendium-4-vol/)
Alejandro Zaera- Polo,  Hyungmin Pai and others

This compendium assembles 4 volumes that explore city commons through the works presented at the Seoul Biennale 2017. An exploration of the very near future through contemporary urbanism, public initiatives, projects, and urban narratives.

ISBN English 9781948765282

** BUY NOW *4 books for the price of 3* FREE DELIVERY: 115€ / $130 / £101 (http://actar.com/product/imminent-commons-compendium-4-vol/)

** (http://actar.com/product/imminent-commons-live-from-seoul/)
** IMMINENT COMMONS: Live from Seoul (http://actar.com/product/imminent-commons-live-from-seoul/)
Hyungmin Pai, Hyewon Lee, Yerin Kang, Jie-Eun Hwang, Soo-in Yang et al.

Highlighting Seoul’s complex urban fabric as a theatre on which the Seoul Biennale was played out. It is a book that focuses less on individual installations and more on the biennale as a specific set of places. It shows how much the character of theses places is an integral part of the Biennale’s cosmopolitan, transnational gaze.

ISBN: English 9781945150920

** BUY NOW: FREE DELIVERY – 35€ / $39.95 / £31 (http://actar.com/product/imminent-commons-live-from-seoul/)

** (http://actar.com/product/imminent-commons-commoning-cities/)
** IMMINENT COMMONS: Commoning Cities (http://actar.com/product/imminent-commons-commoning-cities/)
Hyungmin Pai, Helen Hejung Choi

The third book from the Seoul Biennale 2017 explores the value and meaning of cities as commons, which is embedded and operate in various governance mechanisms of cities in the world. It also discusses the present and future of cities as commons in the 21st century through examining various ways they use to deliberate, operate, imagine and execute their policies.

** BOOK PREVIEW (https://issuu.com/actar/docs/imminent-commons_commoning-cities)
ISBN: English 9781945150661

** BUY NOW: FREE DELIVERY – 25 € / $29.95 / £23 (http://actar.com/product/imminent-commons-commoning-cities/)

** (http://actar.com/product/imminent-commons-the-expanded-city/)

** IMMINENT COMMONS: The Expanded City (http://actar.com/product/imminent-commons-the-expanded-city/)

Alejandro Zaera-Polo, Jeffrey S. Anderson

As the second book of the Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism 2017, it presents contemporary urbanism thoughts on nine imminent commons, which engage collective ecological and technological resources relevant to all cities and even extra-urban territories, to incorporate their effects on global natural cycles, metabolize resources from rural areas, and their impact on both local and regional economies.

** BOOK PREVIEW (https://issuu.com/actar/docs/imminent_commons_the_expanded_city)

ISBN: English 9781945150647

** BUY NOW: FREE DELIVERY – 40 € / $44.95 / £35 (http://actar.com/product/imminent-commons-the-expanded-city/)

** (http://actar.com/product/imminent-commons-urban-questions-for-the-near-future/)

** IMMINENT COMMONS: Urban Questions for the Near Future (http://actar.com/product/imminent-commons-urban-questions-for-the-near-future/)

Alejandro Zaera-Polo, Hyungmin Pai, urbanNext

The first book from the Seoul Biennale 2017, presents an imminent urban cosmology that is crucially mediated by the technologies and institutions that feed us, move us, condition our environments, recycle our refuse, make our clothes, and connect us into communities. Amidst radical social, economic and technological transformations, will the city become a driving force of creativity, diversity, and sustainability, or will it be a mechanism of inequality, despair, and environmental decay?

** BOOK PREVIEW (https://issuu.com/actar/docs/imminent_commons)

ISBN: English 9781945150517

** BUY NOW: FREE DELIVERY – 40 € / $44.95 / £35 (http://actar.com/product/imminent-commons-urban-questions-for-the-near-future/)


Shenzhen Biennale 2015

** urbanNext.net related content (https://urbannext.net/balanced-urbanism/)

** (http://actar.com/product/re-living-the-city/)
** RE-LIVING THE CITY (http://actar.com/product/re-living-the-city/)
Aaron Betsky, Alfredo Brillembourg, Hubert Klumpner,
Doreen Heng Liu
Exhibits and visions of the 2015 Shenzhen Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism (UABB). The projects and essays criticize the status quo of architecture and urbanism, but they also resist the false dream of designing a perfect city from scratch. Instead, they seek alternative paradigms to generate a more sustainable, equitable, and imaginative urbanity.
ISBN: English 9781945150036

** BUY NOW: FREE DELIVERY – 34€ / $39.95 / £30 (http://actar.com/product/re-living-the-city/)

Published by ** Actar Publishers (http://actar.com/)

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** CATALOGUE 2020 (https://issuu.com/actar/docs/catalog_2019-2020)


20/02/2020  GRAN MEDITERRANEO  Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya, Barcelona

23/02/2020  GEOSTORIES  De Brakke Grond, Amsterdam

** (https://2020.sonicacts.com/artists/design-earth)

11/03/2020   DESIGN WITH LIFE  Institute for Public Knowledge, New York

** (https://2020.sonicacts.com/artists/design-earth)

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