[Fiware-press-req] Reference Architecture Image usage permission

Cutrona Vincenzo vincenzo.cutrona at supsi.ch
Thu Aug 3 14:27:45 CEST 2023

Dear FIWARE Press Office,

my colleagues and I are submitting a chapter to a book edited by Dr. John Soldatos and published by Springer, in which we describe a powered by FIWARE platform we developed in a project.
In our manuscript, we have included an image representing the architecture of our platform, which is of course inspired by the original reference architecture provided by FIWARE at https://www.fiware.org/wp-content/uploads/FIWARE_ReferenceArchitecture_SmartIndustry.png.<https://www.fiware.org/wp-content/uploads/FIWARE_ReferenceArchitecture_SmartIndustry.png>

For this reason, the publisher asks us to obtain permission to use the original image (according to Springer policies, even slight originality from the original source requires permission. Mapping even a single element from the original to the new image requires permission). How can we obtain your permission to use the derived image in our work?

Thanks for your assistance.

Kind regards,
Vincenzo (on behalf of all co-authors)


University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland
Department of Innovative Technologies
Institute of Systems and Technologies for Sustainable Production

Vincenzo Cutrona, Ph.D.

Polo universitario Lugano, Campus Est
Via la Santa 1
CH-6962 Viganello
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