Dear all, Here the summary of the discussion and decisions: - Status of functional testing (Annamaria, ENG): the documentation and APIs verification have been practically completed and integration tests and automation of APIs testing are in progress. Academy courses are also being analyzed although it is a significant amount of work. Clara will add to the wiki page the information about automation of APIs testing as it is missing now. Some labels have been set up and an useful excel sheet has been sent by Annamaria to collect the labels and that will be followed also by Riccardo and Carlos for non-functional labels. The code for Orion tests has been uploaded within the Orion repository at GitHub while it is recommended to create a dedicated repository for all Functional task. Clara has created and request access for ENG, EGM and Fraunhofer. - Status of non-functional testing (Clara, Atos): most of 5.3 release of GEs have been tested again as well as one of the bundles and scalability tests. The code and guidelines for several GEs have been uploaded in the GitHub. Information is on the wiki. Some labels have been set up, but not formalized in a document: reusing the sheet proposed by Annamaria will simplify the work. A new assessment has been requested to the external expert from Fraunhofer-FOKUS but no answer received. Clara will send a reminder to him. - Status of EGM contribution to functional test (Franck, Abbas, Sabrine, EGM): it is executed in two directions, testing the NGSI specification (already applied to Orion) and demonstrating that using Jenkins for continuous integration of these tests into FIWARE is possible and beneficial. Regarding the first topic, some JIRA tickets have been assigned to GE owner for detected issues. The corresponding code to this work will be uploaded also into Fiware/test.Functional repository. The plan is to apply also the work to IoT Broker and Cepheus. Demos of two topics were shown by EGM team. Information for the wiki is still pending. - Status of Fraunhofer/Grassroot contribution to functional test (Peter): it is about automating the testing of the documentation of GEs in the Catalogue. For that, the info there is scanned and models of the content are created. Then some metrics have been defined and they need to be checked by the owner of the Catalogue. The corresponding ticket has been created and assigned to Stefano, but due to the dedication of Stefano to foundation, Clara will check at ENG who can make this checking to speed up the task. - TOC for D1.1.8.2 has been provided by Clara . It is accepted although a new sub-section for integrations tests is required and NGSI and automated documentation testing will be upgraded to level 2. Several iterations of filling and revision are recommendable so a tight work plan is set up below. The content of section 4 can be taken as starting point from the working document Labelling_Model_v15 but it needs to be adapted to the latest agreements and improved. The link to the previous version of the report can be found at (use the FIWARE forge credentials). The milestones for deliverables are: o First draft contributions for all sections: 19 September o Feedback and modifications + updated version: 26 September o Final version: 30 September - The wiki page is available at Some sections must be completed by it looks like quite complete. No feedback on page quality by TEF, so maybe further changes will be required. o All pending contributions to the wiki should be finalized by 9 September - The blogpost is ready to be published as the links to code and docs have been provided to the Communication team in the project. - Labelling: The 7 levels (from A to G) must be changed to A+++, A++, A+, A, B, C, D. The range of values maybe need to be adjusted and can be even no linear for all labels, it will depend on the type of measure. Labels from functional and non-functional categories will be provided by respective teams and Luigi will lead the consolidation of all of them into an overall label for each GE (the list of GEs to be labelled are: Orion, Proton, Kurento, IDAS, Aeron, Wilma, KeyRock, Cepheus, Bosun, Cygnus, AuthZForce). Peter will support him in the process but more focused on the visualization aspect. The plan for this topic is: o Set up the labels for all selected GEs (functional and non-functional) by ENG and Atos teams: 9 September o Consolidation of labels into the overall label by Luigi (in some format to be easily shown to TSC): 14 September o Presentation to the TSC by Clara: 19 September o Tuning the labels with received feedback: 26 September Here below a summary of pending tasks for all partners: ENG - Functional Complete automated test of APIs Complete integration tests Finalize the evaluation of courses (prioritize in case of lack of time) Set up the labels for selected GEs Upload code and guidelines into GitHub Contribute to report ENG – Non-functional Upload pending code and guidelines into GitHub Test Wilma and KeyRock v5.3 Set up the labels for selected GEs Contribute to report EGM Expanding NGSI specification tests Apply the work to Iot Broker and Cepheus Implement batch operations and online service Contributing to wiki and report Fraunhofer/Grassroot Visualization of labels in catalogue (example of use) Complete the discussion on the metrics Support Luigi in overall label set up process when possible Atos - Non-functional Finalize the testing of CB+IDAS+Cygnus bundle Complete the tests of v5.3 GEs Upload pending code and guidelines into GitHub Set up the labels for selected GEs Contribute to report It is not planned new meeting unless it was necessary due to difficulties or upcoming discussions Best regards Clara Pezuela Head of IT Market Research and Innovation Group ARI booklet<> Atos Spain SA Clara.pezuela at<mailto:Clara.pezuela at> +34 675 62 9974 [cid:image001.png at 01CED959.E37F71A0] This e-mail and the documents attached are confidential and intended solely for the addressee; it may also be privileged. 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