[Fiware-qualityassurance] Login to FIWARE ACademy does not work anymore

carmen at grassroots-arts.eu carmen at grassroots-arts.eu
Tue Jul 3 14:21:21 CEST 2018

HI Davide, great, now it works and I could add the missing GE Version.

Best Carmen


Von: Davide Dalle Carbonare <davide.dallecarbonare at eng.it> 
Gesendet: Dienstag, 3. Juli 2018 12:39
An: Carmen Mac Williams <carmen at grassroots-arts.eu>
Cc: fiware-qualityassurance at lists.fiware.org
Betreff: Re: [Fiware-qualityassurance] Login to FIWARE ACademy does not work anymore


Dear Carmen,

  you are right at the right moment only platform admin can modify everything ... as I would like to avoid to give this kind of role I try to use for you the Manager one ...


Please re-log into the platform and let me know if this works now ... in the course page you should see a "Turn edit on" button.







Il giorno mar 3 lug 2018 alle ore 12:18 <carmen at grassroots-arts.eu <mailto:carmen at grassroots-arts.eu> > ha scritto:

Hi Davide, 

now the next question, as I can log in.

Shall I and how can I make a minor editing to a course myself.

The case is:


In the course Security/ Privacy https://edu.fiware.org/course/view.php?id=139

The version number of GE is missing.

The owner write me, that I shall edit it myself. The Version # is 4.4.3


I tried but did not succeed.

Best Carmen 



Von: fiware-qualityassurance-bounces at lists.fiware.org <mailto:fiware-qualityassurance-bounces at lists.fiware.org>  <fiware-qualityassurance-bounces at lists.fiware.org <mailto:fiware-qualityassurance-bounces at lists.fiware.org> > Im Auftrag von carmen at grassroots-arts.eu <mailto:carmen at grassroots-arts.eu> 
Gesendet: Dienstag, 3. Juli 2018 12:05
An: 'Davide Dalle Carbonare' <davide.dallecarbonare at eng.it <mailto:davide.dallecarbonare at eng.it> >
Cc: fiware-qualityassurance at lists.fiware.org <mailto:fiware-qualityassurance at lists.fiware.org> 
Betreff: Re: [Fiware-qualityassurance] Login to FIWARE ACademy does not work anymore


Hi Davide and all, 

thank you very much! It works 😊

Best Carmen


Von: Davide Dalle Carbonare <davide.dallecarbonare at eng.it <mailto:davide.dallecarbonare at eng.it> > 
Gesendet: Dienstag, 3. Juli 2018 12:02
An: Carmen Mac Williams <carmen at grassroots-arts.eu <mailto:carmen at grassroots-arts.eu> >
Cc: Fernando Lopez Aguilar <fernando.lopez at fiware.org <mailto:fernando.lopez at fiware.org> >; fiware-qualityassurance at lists.fiware.org <mailto:fiware-qualityassurance at lists.fiware.org> 
Betreff: Re: Login to FIWARE ACademy does not work anymore


Dear Carmen,

  thanks to the great support from the FF tech team, we can now log into the Academy again.






Il giorno mer 27 giu 2018 alle ore 16:27 <carmen at grassroots-arts.eu <mailto:carmen at grassroots-arts.eu> > ha scritto:

Dear Davide, 
you told me that I should inform you if I would like to directly edit a
course material in FIWARE Academy.
Below you see the exchange with Stephan Neuhaus, the owner of the privacy
GE, and now I would like to edit the GE Version number in the current
version of his
course in the Privacy GE Overview text:

Again I run into the problem that I can not log into the FIWARE Academy:

My login was, which you granted me:


It works still for login in Jira 
but not for FIWARE Academy.
There I get the following error message
LDAP-module cannot connect to any servers: Server:
'ldaps://ldap.fiware.org:636 <http://ldap.fiware.org:636> ', Connection: 'Resource id #11', Bind result:
More information about this error

Please help me again.

Best Carmen

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: carmen at grassroots-arts.eu <mailto:carmen at grassroots-arts.eu>  <carmen at grassroots-arts.eu <mailto:carmen at grassroots-arts.eu> > 
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 27. Juni 2018 16:11
An: 'Stephan Neuhaus' <stephan.neuhaus at zhaw.ch <mailto:stephan.neuhaus at zhaw.ch> >
Cc: 'fiware-qualityassurance at lists.fiware.org <mailto:fiware-qualityassurance at lists.fiware.org> '
<fiware-qualityassurance at lists.fiware.org <mailto:fiware-qualityassurance at lists.fiware.org> >
Betreff: AW: Privacy GE Version missing

Dear Stephan, may I then assume that it is version 4.4.3?
Best Carmen

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Stephan Neuhaus <stephan.neuhaus at zhaw.ch <mailto:stephan.neuhaus at zhaw.ch> >
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 27. Juni 2018 16:08
An: carmen at grassroots-arts.eu <mailto:carmen at grassroots-arts.eu> 
Cc: fiware-qualityassurance at lists.fiware.org <mailto:fiware-qualityassurance at lists.fiware.org> 
Betreff: Re: Privacy GE Version missing

Dear Carmen,

the GE has not been developed or maintained since ZHAW left the project in
September(?) 2016. The version that you have is the current version and will
remain the current version for the forseeable future.

If that is not acceptable to FIWARE, you may remove the course, at your

Best regards

Stephan Neuhaus

On 2018-06-27 15:45, carmen at grassroots-arts.eu <mailto:carmen at grassroots-arts.eu>  wrote:
> Dear Stephan,
> I am partner in the current FI-Next Project (FIWARE).  I am 
> responsible for Quality insurance of the courses in the FWARE Academy 
> available at edu.fiware.org <http://edu.fiware.org>  according to the New /Quality Assurance
> (QA) requirements you can find here:
> https://forge.fiware.org/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/index.php/Worki
> ng_with_the_FIWARE_Academy#Course_Evaluation_for_Efficient_Training/
> //
> According to criteria 2 of the above mentioned requirements could you 
> please be so kind and add the current version of your GE.to your 
> course in the Privacy GE Overview
> https://edu.fiware.org/course/view.php?id=139
> Thanks in advance
> Best regards
> Carmen Mac Williams
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------
> Grassroots Arts and Research
> Carmen Mac Williams
> Director
> Brüsselerstr.98
> D-50674 Köln
> Germany
> Mobile: +49 (0) 173 97 75 472
> Email: carmen at grassroots-arts.eu <mailto:carmen at grassroots-arts.eu>  <mailto:carmen at grassroots-arts.eu <mailto:carmen at grassroots-arts.eu> >
> www.grassroots-arts.eu <http://www.grassroots-arts.eu>  <http://www.grassroots-arts.eu>

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