Hi Ariel Thank-you that you confirmed that you agree with my proposal below and that you have enough info in the moment from me. Attached I send you once more the info of Grassroots evalution sheet of the courses, which is better formatted than my last input in email and I added some info. Please use this document.. I am just updating the online excel sheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Mstfd5kxyO73cOhSKujLpiVrmlbCLWK4crBlVG0rICk/edit#gid=53790661 If you have any question, please contact me. Best Carmen Von: Ariel Lucien García Gamboa <ariel.garcia at itesm.mx> Gesendet: Dienstag, 26. Juni 2018 18:31 An: carmen at grassroots-arts.eu Betreff: Re: Hi Ariel, sorry for misspelling your name. I did not mean Arial but Ariel. I think it's enough with this information. Thus, I will work on the labeling to send it asap to Clara _____ De: carmen at grassroots-arts.eu <mailto:carmen at grassroots-arts.eu> <carmen at grassroots-arts.eu <mailto:carmen at grassroots-arts.eu> > Enviado: martes, 26 de junio de 2018 9:28:15 Para: Ariel Lucien García Gamboa Cc: fiware-qualityassurance at lists.fiware.org <mailto:fiware-qualityassurance at lists.fiware.org> ; 'Pezuela, Clara'; 'Davide Dalle Carbonare' Asunto: AW: Hi Ariel, sorry for misspelling your name. I did not mean Arial but Ariel. Hi Ariel, sounds good. In which document form or link do you want that I transfer my grades? Is it enough, that I fill out the link Clara provided earlier https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Mstfd5kxyO73cOhSKujLpiVrmlbCLWK4crBlVG0rICk/edit#gid=53790661 In this sheet one can not give grades but only choose between the category: planned, executed, impeded, completed. And when the online course for GE is missing- I say in the online document impeded. Then you can do as you suggested: (when no online courses – in the case I say impeded- are available, the "soundness" measure will be low, since not all the expected information is available, otherwise- in the case I saycompleted- the "usability" might depend on the soundness and completeness of the installation manuals). Is this enough for you, when I choose one of these categories? I never gave grades. I only gave on the basis of QA criteria the published courses the “Not Good/Sufficient/Good” label by. This label was for my reference in an offline document, which Davide has provided me last May, where noted for myseld good, sufficient (still something missing and I contacted GE owner), or not good and I also contact GE owner. At this my actual state my tested courses in the offline document ACADEMY COURSES VERIFICATION Chapter Course ID Status Score Security PEP Proxy - Wilma 131 <https://edu.fiware.org/course/view.php?id=131> Completed Good IdM – KeyRock 79 <https://edu.fiware.org/course/view.php?id=79> Completed Good PDP AuthZForce 144 <https://edu.fiware.org/course/view.php?id=144> Completed Good Applications/Services Ecosystem and Delivery Framework DataVisualization 141 <https://edu.fiware.org/course/view.php?id=141> Completed Good Application Mashup 53 <https://edu.fiware.org/course/view.php?id=53> Planned Data/Context Management Kurento- Stream oriented (Version 6.6.0) 62 <https://edu.fiware.org/course/view.php?id=62> Completed Good CEP-Proactive technology PROTON (version 5.4.3) 58 <https://edu.fiware.org/course/view.php?id=58> Completed Good Big Data 69 <https://edu.fiware.org/course/view.php?id=69> Completed Good Short Term Historic Open Data Repository (CKAN) 145 <https://edu.fiware.org/course/view.php?id=145> Completed Good Internet of Things (IoT) Services Enablement IoT Broker–AERON 33 <https://edu.fiware.org/course/view.php?id=33> Completed Good Data Edge Consolidation – Cepheus 36 <https://edu.fiware.org/course/view.php?id=36> Completed Good IoT Broker 33 <https://edu.fiware.org/course/view.php?id=33> Completed Good Advanced WebUI 3D-UI-XML3D 97 <https://edu.fiware.org/course/view.php?id=97> Completed Good Cloud Rendering 92 <https://edu.fiware.org/course/view.php?id=92> Completed Good GIS Data Provider 88 <https://edu.fiware.org/course/view.php?id=88> Completed Sufficient Interface Designer 91 <https://edu.fiware.org/course/view.php?id=91> Completed Sufficient POI Data Provider 96 <https://edu.fiware.org/course/view.php?id=96> Completed Good Synchronization 111 <https://edu.fiware.org/course/view.php?id=111> Completed Good Virtual Characters 112 <https://edu.fiware.org/course/view.php?id=112> Completed Good Cloud Hosting Policy Manager 119 <https://edu.fiware.org/course/view.php?id=119> Completed Good . Best Carmen Von: Ariel Lucien García Gamboa <ariel.garcia at itesm.mx <mailto:ariel.garcia at itesm.mx> > Gesendet: Dienstag, 26. Juni 2018 16:07 An: carmen at grassroots-arts.eu <mailto:carmen at grassroots-arts.eu> Cc: fiware-qualityassurance at lists.fiware.org <mailto:fiware-qualityassurance at lists.fiware.org> ; 'Pezuela, Clara' <clara.pezuela at atos.net <mailto:clara.pezuela at atos.net> >; 'Davide Dalle Carbonare' <davide.dallecarbonare at eng.it <mailto:davide.dallecarbonare at eng.it> > Betreff: Re: Hi Ariel, sorry for misspelling your name. I did not mean Arial but Ariel. OK, then for the labeling, I will try to combine my grades with yours (when no online courses are available, the "soundness" measure will be low, since not all the expected information is available, otherwise the "usability" might depend on the soundness and completeness of the installation manuals). What do you think? I agree to show only the latest tested version ------------------------------------------------ Dr. Ariel Lucien García Gamboa Director de las carreras Ing. en Tecnologías Computacionales ITC Ing. en Tecnologías de Información ITI Ing. en Negocios y Tecnologías de Información INTI División de Ingeniería y Ciencias Santa Fe Tecnológico de Monterrey Teléfono: +52.55.9177.8100 Enlace intercampus: 80-273-8100 ariel.garcia at itesm.mx <mailto:ariel.garcia at itesm.mx> <http://www.csf.itesm.mx/> http://www.csf.itesm.mx El contenido de este mensaje de datos no se considera oferta, propuesta o acuerdo, sino hasta que sea confirmado en documento por escrito que contenga la firma autógrafa del apoderado legal del ITESM. El contenido de este mensaje de datos es confidencial y se entiende dirigido y para uso exclusivo del destinatario, por lo que no podrá distribuirse y/o difundirse por ningún medio sin la previa autorización del emisor original. Si usted no es el destinatario, se le prohíbe su utilización total o parcial para cualquier fin. The content of this data transmission must not be considered an offer, proposal, understanding or agreement unless it is confirmed in a document signed by a legal representative of ITESM. The content of this data transmission is confidential and is intended to be delivered only to the addressees. Therefore, it shall not be distributed and/or disclosed through any means without the authorization of the original sender. If you are not the addressee, you are forbidden from using it, either totally or partially, for any purpose. _____ De: carmen at grassroots-arts.eu <mailto:carmen at grassroots-arts.eu> <carmen at grassroots-arts.eu <mailto:carmen at grassroots-arts.eu> > Enviado: martes, 26 de junio de 2018 8:50:04 Para: Ariel Lucien García Gamboa Cc: fiware-qualityassurance at lists.fiware.org <mailto:fiware-qualityassurance at lists.fiware.org> ; 'Pezuela, Clara'; 'Davide Dalle Carbonare' Asunto: AW: Hi Ariel, sorry for misspelling your name. I did not mean Arial but Ariel. Hi Ariel, so let us do it. I see in my case not really the problem, as I only check the available courses online, there is only one per GE not several. Thanks god. So there is no confusion, that there are several courses for different versions of one GE. Would make anyway no sense. I can follow your example and just use the latest version. Does this makes sense? Best Carmen Von: Ariel Lucien García Gamboa <ariel.garcia at itesm.mx <mailto:ariel.garcia at itesm.mx> > Gesendet: Dienstag, 26. Juni 2018 15:32 An: carmen at grassroots-arts.eu <mailto:carmen at grassroots-arts.eu> Cc: fiware-qualityassurance at lists.fiware.org <mailto:fiware-qualityassurance at lists.fiware.org> ; 'Pezuela, Clara' <clara.pezuela at atos.net <mailto:clara.pezuela at atos.net> >; 'Davide Dalle Carbonare' <davide.dallecarbonare at eng.it <mailto:davide.dallecarbonare at eng.it> > Betreff: RE: Hi Ariel, sorry for misspelling your name. I did not mean Arial but Ariel. don't worry about the misspelling, Carmen. I'm trying to figure out how to combine our work because as Clara said, all our efforts are completely disconnected. I agree with Clara to have an urgent call to try to do a general clarification, then perhaps an individual call to agree on how to assign the labels best regards Ariel _____ De: carmen at grassroots-arts.eu <mailto:carmen at grassroots-arts.eu> <carmen at grassroots-arts.eu <mailto:carmen at grassroots-arts.eu> > Enviado: Tuesday, June 26, 2018 8:17:25 AM Para: Ariel Lucien García Gamboa CC: fiware-qualityassurance at lists.fiware.org <mailto:fiware-qualityassurance at lists.fiware.org> ; 'Pezuela, Clara'; 'Davide Dalle Carbonare' Asunto: Hi Ariel, sorry for misspelling your name. I did not mean Arial but Ariel. Hi Ariel, sorry for misspelling your name. I did not mean Arial but Ariel. 😊 Have a nice day. Best Carmen Von: carmen at grassroots-arts.eu <mailto:carmen at grassroots-arts.eu> <carmen at grassroots-arts.eu <mailto:carmen at grassroots-arts.eu> > Gesendet: Dienstag, 26. Juni 2018 15:12 An: 'Ariel Lucien García Gamboa' <ariel.garcia at itesm.mx <mailto:ariel.garcia at itesm.mx> > Cc: fiware-qualityassurance at lists.fiware.org <mailto:fiware-qualityassurance at lists.fiware.org> ; 'Pezuela, Clara' <clara.pezuela at atos.net <mailto:clara.pezuela at atos.net> >; 'Davide Dalle Carbonare' <davide.dallecarbonare at eng.it <mailto:davide.dallecarbonare at eng.it> > Betreff: AW: [Fiware-qualityassurance] Update label spreadsheet Hi Arial; Clara advised me to ask you directly, what kind of labelling I shall use for the FIWARE Academy Course evaluations. For example: As Davide gave the example (see below email):now for the OCB we have test/last-version functional: v 1.13 non functional: 1.7 catalogue: - documentation: 1.8 academy: - What makes sense for the Academy course testing in your eyes. I analyse the existing courses online. Shall I state for each course, which version of GE the online course describes? Or shall I rather say which version of course analysis by Grassroots (1.1 first analysis, 1.2 second analysis, 1.3 third analysis). And where shall I put the last version information exactly? Best Carmen Von: carmen at grassroots-arts.eu <mailto:carmen at grassroots-arts.eu> <carmen at grassroots-arts.eu <mailto:carmen at grassroots-arts.eu> > Gesendet: Dienstag, 26. Juni 2018 14:46 An: 'Pezuela, Clara' <clara.pezuela at atos.net <mailto:clara.pezuela at atos.net> >; 'Davide Dalle Carbonare' <davide.dallecarbonare at eng.it <mailto:davide.dallecarbonare at eng.it> > Cc: 'fiware-qualityassurance at lists.fiware.org' <fiware-qualityassurance at lists.fiware.org <mailto:fiware-qualityassurance at lists.fiware.org> > Betreff: AW: [Fiware-qualityassurance] Update label spreadsheet HI Clara Ok. I understand. Please give me Ariel’s email, so I can contact him directly Thank you. So I understand better what to do. Best Carmen Von: Pezuela, Clara <clara.pezuela at atos.net <mailto:clara.pezuela at atos.net> > Gesendet: Dienstag, 26. Juni 2018 14:44 An: carmen at grassroots-arts.eu <mailto:carmen at grassroots-arts.eu> ; 'Davide Dalle Carbonare' <davide.dallecarbonare at eng.it <mailto:davide.dallecarbonare at eng.it> > Cc: fiware-qualityassurance at lists.fiware.org <mailto:fiware-qualityassurance at lists.fiware.org> Betreff: RE: [Fiware-qualityassurance] Update label spreadsheet The Catalogue is analyzed by Ariel, but the label is affecting both the Catalogue and Academy, so you must talk and agree on a common label for all documentation Best regards Clara Pezuela Head of IT Market Research and Innovation Group <https://atos.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/atos-ari-2016.pdf> ARI booklet Atos Spain SA Clara.pezuela at atos.net <mailto:Clara.pezuela at atos.net> +34 675 62 9974 From: carmen at grassroots-arts.eu <mailto:carmen at grassroots-arts.eu> [mailto:carmen at grassroots-arts.eu] Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2018 2:29 PM To: Pezuela, Clara; 'Davide Dalle Carbonare' Cc: fiware-qualityassurance at lists.fiware.org <mailto:fiware-qualityassurance at lists.fiware.org> Subject: AW: [Fiware-qualityassurance] Update label spreadsheet Hi Clara, I use since long time the offline version, which Davide has send me in May 2017 as detailed analysis tool and I will update the online version asap https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Mstfd5kxyO73cOhSKujLpiVrmlbCLWK4crBlVG0rICk/edit#gid=53790661 I analyse as always only the online course material in the existing Fiware academy (not the Catalogue). So I will update the spreadsheet above. Best Carmen Von: Pezuela, Clara <clara.pezuela at atos.net <mailto:clara.pezuela at atos.net> > Gesendet: Dienstag, 26. Juni 2018 14:14 An: carmen at grassroots-arts.eu <mailto:carmen at grassroots-arts.eu> ; 'Davide Dalle Carbonare' <davide.dallecarbonare at eng.it <mailto:davide.dallecarbonare at eng.it> > Cc: fiware-qualityassurance at lists.fiware.org <mailto:fiware-qualityassurance at lists.fiware.org> Betreff: RE: [Fiware-qualityassurance] Update label spreadsheet Carmen, About the versions, from the beginning of the project, we created this spreadsheet to monitor the QA tests evolution: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Mstfd5kxyO73cOhSKujLpiVrmlbCLWK4crBlVG0rICk/edit#gid=53790661 I guess you are updating here the performed tests in the Academy. The labelling spreadcheet is also in the repository https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1FPHmZNOOqUwSviELE3K1BowP_EyYBl9K And there you must talk to Ariel and agree on which label you set up in conjunction for each GE depending on your analysis both of the Catalogue, Courses and user manuals. Please, feel free to contact Best regards Clara Pezuela Head of IT Market Research and Innovation Group <https://atos.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/atos-ari-2016.pdf> ARI booklet Atos Spain SA Clara.pezuela at atos.net <mailto:Clara.pezuela at atos.net> +34 675 62 9974 From: carmen at grassroots-arts.eu <mailto:carmen at grassroots-arts.eu> [mailto:carmen at grassroots-arts.eu] Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2018 2:09 PM To: 'Davide Dalle Carbonare'; Pezuela, Clara Cc: fiware-qualityassurance at lists.fiware.org <mailto:fiware-qualityassurance at lists.fiware.org> Subject: AW: [Fiware-qualityassurance] Update label spreadsheet Hi everybody, the acadmy has version 1.3. Do you need any spreadsheet from me and how ? Best carmen Von: fiware-qualityassurance-bounces at lists.fiware.org <mailto:fiware-qualityassurance-bounces at lists.fiware.org> <fiware-qualityassurance-bounces at lists.fiware.org <mailto:fiware-qualityassurance-bounces at lists.fiware.org> > Im Auftrag von Davide Dalle Carbonare Gesendet: Dienstag, 26. Juni 2018 13:08 An: Clara Pezuela <clara.pezuela at atos.net <mailto:clara.pezuela at atos.net> > Cc: fiware-qualityassurance at lists.fiware.org <mailto:fiware-qualityassurance at lists.fiware.org> Betreff: Re: [Fiware-qualityassurance] Update label spreadsheet Sorry if I didn't explained clearly ... I meant different kind of tests for different versions of the same GE for example now for the OCB we have test/last-version: functional: v 1.13 non functional: 1.7 catalogue: - documentation: 1.8 academy: - do you see what I mean? Il giorno mar 26 giu 2018 alle ore 12:59 Pezuela, Clara <clara.pezuela at atos.net <mailto:clara.pezuela at atos.net> > ha scritto: Davide, In my opinion we must provide labels for the latest version, even if it is not the same for all of them. Labels are independent from one GE to another one, so I don’t any problem in that Orion GE version was 5.4.0 and Kurento GE version was 2.0.0 (invented :)). When the labels are shown in the Catalogue, the version of GE is there, so just to put a disclaimer in the window saying that these labels correspond to the indicated version of the GE in the Catalogue. This requires that versions of GE were updated always in the Catalogue to the latest one Best regards Clara Pezuela Head of IT Market Research and Innovation Group <https://atos.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/atos-ari-2016.pdf> ARI booklet Atos Spain SA Clara.pezuela at atos.net <mailto:Clara.pezuela at atos.net> +34 675 62 9974 From: Davide Dalle Carbonare [mailto:davide.dallecarbonare at eng.it] Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2018 12:47 PM To: Pezuela, Clara; Stefano De Panfilis Cc: Ariel Lucien García Gamboa; fiware-qualityassurance at lists.fiware.org <mailto:fiware-qualityassurance at lists.fiware.org> Subject: Re: Update label spreadsheet Dear Clara, Stefano, we have those info a in separate file and as we keep them per single test, they are related to a specific version of the GE ... now the question is ... which version do we have to take into account to report the numbers in the labeling file? Reporting only the last one tested would be in line with what has been done done so far ... but this still suffer from an inconsistency among versions and kind of test (part of the labeling). What do you think? BR Davide Il giorno lun 25 giu 2018 alle ore 11:22 Pezuela, Clara <clara.pezuela at atos.net <mailto:clara.pezuela at atos.net> > ha scritto: Dear all, For the public link with QA data, I would like to add current list of labels, so the labels spreadsheet MUST be immediately updated. For each GE tab, you will see a table like this one: Attribute Measure name Gathered Value Label (A+++/C) Notes/Comments/ Objective Evidences (OE) Usability Completeness <> Good A+ The Open spec and the installation guide are complete. Soundness <> Good A+ All expected information is available. Reliability Failure Rate <> 0,14 A++ TF/TE (17/119) for 5.4.0 version Defects by Priority <> 1,75 A+ They were found major and minor errors (functional or documental) Efficiency Time to Taking charge <> 9,9 B The taking charge time is a bit slow Time to Fix <> 2,6 A++ The fixing time is very fast I took Keyrock as example, because it is urgent to re-test this GE as new version has come up and it is essential to have updated results before meeting in Berlin (3-4 July). But same exercise MUST be done for all GEs. Davide, could you please be sure that the functional labels related to Reliability contained in the file are updated for all GEs? If not, could you please add accordingly? Ariel/Carmen, please the same for labels about Usability. Stefano, please the same for Efficiency, from the data which is collected by the Foundation in Jira system. All label for non-functional aspects are already updated DEADLINE: 3 of July Please mark the changes you did by coloring cells in yellow. I will calculate overall labels, I just need you to change the values per tab/GE Thanks a lot Clara Pezuela Head of IT Market Research and Innovation Group <https://atos.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/atos-ari-2016.pdf> ARI booklet Atos Spain SA Clara.pezuela at atos.net <mailto:Clara.pezuela at atos.net> +34 675 62 9974 This e-mail and the documents attached are confidential and intended solely for the addressee; it may also be privileged. If you receive this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately and destroy it. As its integrity cannot be secured on the Internet, the Atos group liability cannot be triggered for the message content. Although the sender endeavors to maintain a computer virus-free network, the sender does not warrant that this transmission is virus-free and will not be liable for any damages resulting from any virus transmitted. 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