Dear Davide, Clara and Stefano I agree with both documents (of the 2 links below). All is fine with me. You can find my on-going work document on the QA testing of the Academy, which corresponds to the QA FINEXT QA Test Plan ) under this link in the WP2 folder Best Carmen Von: fiware-qualityassurance-bounces at <fiware-qualityassurance-bounces at> Im Auftrag von Davide Dalle Carbonare Gesendet: Donnerstag, 6. September 2018 10:42 An: Clara Pezuela <clara.pezuela at> Cc: fiware-qualityassurance at Betreff: Re: [Fiware-qualityassurance] QA in FIWARE review Dear Clara, I fully agree on your comment relate the issue of not having public updates of the (huge) work done. We may have enough time to: - publish in the web site the page we prepared and now in Gdocs - update the label information in the Catalogue at least for those GE that it's possible to do it If all the involved partners can check by the end of this week strictly - "Labels per GE" tab of - text of ... that should be anyway already final we can have enough time to publish both of them. >From my side I can already confirm the values for "Failure Rate" and "Time to take charge". I can start asking UPM about how to update the labels in the Catalogue @Clara (with the support of Stefano) can you contact Angeles and Juanjo for publishing the web page? do not hesitate to comment on this ... so we can be effective and use at best the time we have until the review day. BR Davide On Wed, Sep 5, 2018 at 4:27 PM Pezuela, Clara <clara.pezuela at <mailto:clara.pezuela at> > wrote: Dear all, Today at the PMB meeting, we have been talking about the next review agenda and a 15 min slot is expected to present QA activity in the review. I have been appointed to make the presentation, but as this is a choral task, we will do it all together. In just 15 min I cannot enter into lot of details, but key messages and results. I will send you in following days the skeleton and basic content I would tell, and then you can provide your comments/inputs. A major concern I have at facing the review, is that the work we have done, especially the labels is not visible anywhere, so not accessible in the web site. * We did an online document with content for public page, but it is not accessible, at least I am not able to find it in the FIWARE web site. Do you know more about this? * Current labels in Catalogue are from sep 2016, two years ago, and due to the inconsistency of versions we can only show now 7 GEs with updated labels, but even not published in the Catalogue. I can show of course our QA plan, it is not a document for developers or people, they should be also published in the Catalogue. I think we will receive lot of criticism at the review if we do not make all of this public ☹ Please check all (Itesm, Grass, ENG, myself) the QA plan to check it is fully updated!!! Comments are welcome Best regards Clara Pezuela Head of IT Market Research and Innovation Group ARI booklet <> Atos Spain SA Clara.pezuela at <mailto:Clara.pezuela at> +34 675 62 9974 This e-mail and the documents attached are confidential and intended solely for the addressee; it may also be privileged. If you receive this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately and destroy it. As its integrity cannot be secured on the Internet, the Atos group liability cannot be triggered for the message content. Although the sender endeavors to maintain a computer virus-free network, the sender does not warrant that this transmission is virus-free and will not be liable for any damages resulting from any virus transmitted. Este mensaje y los ficheros adjuntos pueden contener información confidencial destinada solamente a la(s) persona(s) mencionadas anteriormente y pueden estar protegidos por secreto profesional. Si usted recibe este correo electrónico por error, gracias por informar inmediatamente al remitente y destruir el mensaje. Al no estar asegurada la integridad de este mensaje sobre la red, Atos no se hace responsable por su contenido. Su contenido no constituye ningún compromiso para el grupo Atos, salvo ratificación escrita por ambas partes. Aunque se esfuerza al máximo por mantener su red libre de virus, el emisor no puede garantizar nada al respecto y no será responsable de cualesquiera daños que puedan resultar de una transmisión de virus. __________________________________________________________________________________________ You can get more information about our cookies and privacy policies on the following links: - - Fiware-qualityassurance mailing list Fiware-qualityassurance at <mailto:Fiware-qualityassurance at> -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
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