Hi, First of all, I would suggest using the FIWARE Smart Industry DC mailing list which was created time ago in our communications (perhaps not right now but at some point): fiware-smart-industry-dc at lists.fiware.org Most of the people in this loop are administrators and moderators of that list. Second, as I reported in Genoa, first detailed specifications about the information model to be used for describing details of Asset Administrative Shells (AAS) <https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CA4BczEin0f3hMFAV8uNayHRz7880ljS/view?usp=sharing> were published by RAMI 4.0 and it was urgent to perform such analysis. A first analysis of the AAS specifications and potential mapping to NGSI-LD was carried out by Jose Manuel Cantera and Martin Bauer in the context of the working group which was created at the FIWARE Roadmap meeting in Genoa to work on how to implement the Digital Twin concept (which in the specific case of industry, is connected to how to implement the RAMI 4.0 AAS concept). I have added the members of the FIWARE Roadmap WG working on copy of this mail. You can find a presentation summarizing results of this analysis here <https://drive.google.com/file/d/1H1pg5PvfbuQBb6qGoD7Ho5ZtQALRWJ6i/view?usp=sharing>. The analysis was presented at the FIWARE TSC this Monday. We can plan a dedicated call for those of you who may have not been able to attend this last TSC. Nevertheless, in a nutshell, the analysis confirmed my initial thought that the AAS information model is rather compatible with the one underlying NGSI-LD. This bring the potential of positioning NGSI-LD as an API to get access to description of Asset Administrative Shells. Since the AAS specs bring the definition of a format for capturing AAS descriptions in files, I believe that it would be nice to implement the following proof of concept as a very concrete next action: * develop a tool that is able to read AAS descriptions captured in files (following the format now specified in RAMI 4.0) and turn them into information accessible through NGSI-LD (AAS-File --> CB) * develop a tool that is able to navigate through information accessible through NGSI-LD describing AASs and generate AAS description files (following the format now specified in RAMI 4.0): (CB --> AAS File) In principle, it should be feasible to do AAS-File --> CB --> AAS-File and obtain a similar (if not identical) file. If this proof of concept works, then we should immediately try to arrange a meeting with relevant people working in RAMI 4.0 future specifications. As I pointed out during the SI DC meeting in Genoa, RAMI 4.0 has announced they plan to work on an API for getting access to AAS descriptions. If the above proof of concept works, we should approach them and convince they don't need to come with a new API out of the blue but adopt NGSI-LD which may bring a nice path for compatibility in other domains. Now the point is ... how we mobilize the necessary resources to move this acction forward (i.e., since this may require creating a team for development of the PoC)? Is there any organization interested and willing to contribute to build the team required? Last word: Several FIWARE Roadmap working groups addressing cross-domain topics were created for preparing that FIWARE Roadmap meeting and the work afterwards. You should have received a mail on the matter and members of the different domain committees are encouraged to join the discussion within the different working groups that deal with matters they believe are also relevant in their domain. This is very relevant as a mean to achieve the necessary overall coordination. Check my previous mail on the matter to see how to subscribe to the different mailing lists linked to the several FIWARE Tech Roadmap topics. If you believe there are topics beyond those already identified by the TSC that are missing and may be cross-domain, I suggest that you contact me to see how to involve the TSC and the community of FIWARE GE owners. As with regards to running a physical meeting on July 18th, 10:00-16:00, it's fine with me. Cheers, Juanjo On 17/06/2019 18:10, Sergio Gusmeroli wrote: > Dear friends,, > as agreed in Genoa, we need now to materialise our SI MSC action plan > (attached) with concrete actions. > I invite each owner to put in place proper actions to do that by the > end of June. > An alignment phone conf beg of July (doodle > https://doodle.com/poll/mcwhzmazcp8w7k7n ), > Then I propose we should meet in Berlin on *July 18 for a physical > meeting *(10:00 - 16:00). > ACTION2: Build, Consolidate and Govern the FIWARE SI Ecosystem as a > pan-EU DIH. Reinforce the Community / the iHubsEcosystem / build and > populate an Innovation / Collaboration Platform and MarketplaceI am > going to meet Cristina on 20th June in Milano (17:00-19:00) and > together to agree concrete actions for implementation. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <https://lists.fiware.org/private/fiware-roadmap-digital-twin/attachments/20190618/7bf1e198/attachment.html>
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