[Fiware-roadmap-dlt] Meeting DLT 1 December

Har Preet Singh harpreet.singh at fiware.org
Tue Dec 8 15:51:48 CET 2020

Hi Joaquín,

can you please move the meeting from the calendar to Thursday at 16:30 CET?
(I am not able to do it as you have the owner rights :-)).


On Tue, Dec 8, 2020 at 10:16 AM Alejandro Pozo Huertas <
alejandro.pozo at upm.es> wrote:

> Hello,
> for me, it is fine Thursday 16:30 to 17:30
> Best regards
> Alejandro
> El lun, 7 dic 2020 a las 13:50, Joaquín Salvachúa (<
> joaquin.salvachua at upm.es>) escribió:
>> Hello,
>> I have to take care of an online examination Thursday from 16:30 to
>> 17:30, but I will try to participate on the call.
>> I will update later the online meeting.
>> Best Regards
>> Joaquin
>> El 7 dic 2020, a las 11:14, Jorge Fernandez <jorge at fundingbox.com>
>> escribió:
>> Thanks, Thursday 16:30 also works for me.
>> Regards
>> Jorge
>> El lun, 7 dic 2020 a las 11:48, Michele Nati (<michele at iota.org>)
>> escribió:
>>> Thursday works better for me. I have a clash for the same time on
>>> Wednesday.
>>> Thanks
>>> Michele
>>> On Mon, Dec 7, 2020 at 8:55 AM Har Preet Singh <
>>> harpreet.singh at fiware.org> wrote:
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> yes, we can move the call to Wednesday or Thursday because there is a
>>>> holiday today and tomorrow in Italy and Spain.
>>>> please update if is it ok for everyone then we can move this week's
>>>> call.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> On Wed, Dec 2, 2020 at 5:27 PM Jorge Fernandez <jorge at fundingbox.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> As Álvaro, I've just realized next Tuesday is a bank holiday in Spain,
>>>>> so I won't be available to make our presentation.
>>>>> Can we move this call to Wednesday or Thursday?
>>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>>> Jorge
>>>>> El mié, 2 dic 2020 a las 16:53, Álvaro Alonso (<alvaro.alonso at upm.es>)
>>>>> escribió:
>>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>>> as next Tuesday is bank holiday in Spain, we will not join the call.
>>>>>> BR
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Álvaro and Joaquín
>>>>>> El 1 dic 2020, a las 20:56, Frederico Lopes <fred at imd.ufrn.br>
>>>>>> escribió:
>>>>>> Hi everyone.
>>>>>> Fine!
>>>>>> thanks
>>>>>> Fred
>>>>>> Em ter., 1 de dez. de 2020 às 13:56, Michele Nati <michele at iota.org>
>>>>>> escreveu:
>>>>>>> OK for me to postpone 30 minutes.
>>>>>>> On Tue, Dec 1, 2020 at 4:48 PM Har Preet Singh <
>>>>>>> harpreet.singh at fiware.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Fine with me.
>>>>>>>> On Tue, Dec 1, 2020 at 5:41 PM Alejandro Pozo Huertas <
>>>>>>>> alejandro.pozo at upm.es> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>> yes, I think there was some confusion. Btw, I have spoken with
>>>>>>>>> Jorge Fernandez and we were wondering if we can start the meeting next week
>>>>>>>>> at 16:30 instead of 16:00. Is there any problem with that?
>>>>>>>>> If nobody has any inconvenient, we can set the meeting of 8
>>>>>>>>> December at 16:30.
>>>>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>>>>> Alejandro Pozo Huertas
>>>>>>>>> El mar, 1 dic 2020 a las 17:03, Har Preet Singh (<
>>>>>>>>> harpreet.singh at fiware.org>) escribió:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Alejandro,
>>>>>>>>>> I guess there was some confusion, We were on the call at 4 PM
>>>>>>>>>> then after reading the minutes found that there isn't any presentation for
>>>>>>>>>> today and *FundingBox* has to present on 8th Dec.
>>>>>>>>>> With this email, I would like to remind @*fundingbox* that on
>>>>>>>>>> 8th Dec you are the presenter :-).
>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Dec 1, 2020 at 4:22 PM Alejandro Pozo Huertas <
>>>>>>>>>> alejandro.pozo at upm.es> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>>>>>>>>> Do we have a DLT meeting today? In the minutes it is stated that
>>>>>>>>>>> on December 8th it was the turn for funding box to present, but last week
>>>>>>>>>>> it was commented that it would be this.
>>>>>>>>>>> If it is today finally, I share you a new Google Meet link
>>>>>>>>>>> because the one in the minutes is broken:
>>>>>>>>>>> https://meet.google.com/ihn-sdte-psd
>>>>>>>>>>> Alvaro and I are in the video call
>>>>>>>>>>> BR
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>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Har Preet Singh
>>>>>>>>>> Technical Expert & Evangelist
>>>>>>>>>> harpreet.singh at fiware.org <karen.vega at fiware.org>
>>>>>>>>>> www.fiware.org
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Har Preet Singh
>>>>>>>> Technical Expert & Evangelist
>>>>>>>> harpreet.singh at fiware.org <karen.vega at fiware.org>
>>>>>>>> www.fiware.org
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>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> *IOTΛ Foundation*
>>>>>>> Head of Telco & Infrastructure Development
>>>>>>> https://www.linkedin.com/in/michelenati/
>>>>>>> *IOTA Foundation*
>>>>>>> c/o Nextland
>>>>>>> Strassburgerstraße 55
>>>>>>> 10405 Berlin, Germany
>>>>>>> Board of Directors: Dominik Schiener, David Sønstebø, Serguei Popov,
>>>>>>> Navin Ramachandran
>>>>>>> ID/Foundation No.: 3416/1234/2 (Foundation Register of Berlin)
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>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Prof. Fred Lopes
>>>>>> Doutor em Ciências da Computação
>>>>>> (PhD in Computer Science)
>>>>>> Instituto Metrópole Digital - IMD
>>>>>> Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN
>>>>>> Natal/RN/Brasil
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>>>> --
>>>> Har Preet Singh
>>>> Technical Expert & Evangelist
>>>> harpreet.singh at fiware.org <karen.vega at fiware.org>
>>>> www.fiware.org
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>>> --
>>> *IOTΛ Foundation*
>>> Head of Telco & Infrastructure Development
>>> https://www.linkedin.com/in/michelenati/
>>> *IOTA Foundation*
>>> c/o Nextland
>>> Strassburgerstraße 55
>>> 10405 Berlin, Germany
>>> Board of Directors: Dominik Schiener, David Sønstebø, Serguei Popov,
>>> Navin Ramachandran
>>> ID/Foundation No.: 3416/1234/2 (Foundation Register of Berlin)
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Har Preet Singh
Technical Expert & Evangelist
harpreet.singh at fiware.org <karen.vega at fiware.org>
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