[Fiware-roadmap-robotics] Robotics WG meeting Reminder (Friday June 26, 8:30-10:00 CEST)

Francisco Melendez francisco.melendez at fiware.org
Thu Jun 25 16:26:28 CEST 2020

 Dear all,

This is a kind reminder of the Robotics WG session that will take
tomorrow *Friday,
26th of June (8:30-10:00 CEST)*.

*Fraunhofer IML* @Detzner, Peter <peter.detzner at iml.fraunhofer.de>  will
present its contents, covering relevant aspects of the *FIROS* FIWARE
Enabler for ROS1 based robotic platforms.

- Link to join the call: https://meet.google.com/nha-ehon-nvj

Next Robotics WG meeting:  July 10
*- Engineering *will be the presenter @Angelo Marguglio
<Angelo.Marguglio at eng.it> @Gabriele De Luca <Gabriele.DeLuca at eng.it>

Best Regards
Francisco Melendez
Technical Expert
francisco.melendez at fiware.org
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