[Fiware-roadmap-robotics] [FIWARE Robotics WG] Next session will take place on May 29

Francisco Melendez francisco.melendez at fiware.org
Wed May 13 18:02:52 CEST 2020

Dear all,

After exchanging emails with each of you individually, *we have identified
the 29th of May (Friday 8:30-10:00) as the most convenient date for the
next session of Robotics WG*.

We are still waiting for some feedback from the previous email.
Please, *Fraunhofer
IML and eProsima fill up this doodle
<https://doodle.com/poll/uyuw4x5kzc8cixqw> by indicating those dates in
which you will be able not only to attend but also to make a presentation.*
(remaining slots: June 12; June 26; July 10 and July 24)

*Next Session: On the 29th of May, Orlando Avila, from AtoS, will make a
presentation* *entitled *“*Towards a cloud robotics reference architecture*”.
This presentation will elaborate on ideas that are related (but not
limited) to the discussion of requirements and essential building blocks
for a FIWARE-based Cloud Robotics Reference Architecture. Both the FIWARE
components that are more relevant to the topic as well as those that are
still missing to materialize this architecture will be discussed.

Best Regards
Francisco Melendez
Technical Expert
francisco.melendez at fiware.org
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