[Fiware-robotics] R: R: R: R: R: First proposal of Robotics Platform GE

Jose Jaime Ariza jjaime at ikergune.com
Thu Oct 16 00:33:48 CEST 2014

Hi all,

We (Fernando and José) are attending a Fiware event in Sevilla so we wouldn't be able to attend this call.

Sorry for the inconvenience,

On 15/10/14 18:17, Antonini Roberto wrote:

Dear all,

After the last meeting and your proposal diagram sent yesterday, we analysed the block diagram and architecture of the Robotics GE and we have made some slight changes based on what we consider to be a common point between the parties. In the attached file, you can find such a proposal.

Please let us know if it is right from your point of view.

Hear you tomorrow.



Da: Fernando Herranz [mailto:fherranz at ikergune.com]
Inviato: martedì 14 ottobre 2014 16:33
A: Antonini Roberto; Garino Pierangelo; Angel Hernandez; fiware-robotics at lists.fi-ware.org<mailto:fiware-robotics at lists.fi-ware.org>
Cc: Gaspardone Marco
Oggetto: Re: R: [Fiware-robotics] R: R: R: First proposal of Robotics Platform GE

hello al,

I attach the update of our proposal following Roberto's point of view.

On 07/10/14 12:53, Antonini Roberto wrote:

Hi all

Just another couple of slides with a sequence diagram to focus some concepts and split your scenario into simpler tasks. In our proposal all functions (mission planning, path planning, localization etc) are performed at platform sides, as we consider dummy robot.

The more robot is less dummy the more functions can be moved at robot side, e.g. path planning function, in this last  case FIROS can be installed also at robot side to make it communicate with high level app, with maybe KIARA communication processes.

What we'd like to avoid is send all raw data (odometry, laser scan, arm motion and image) to high level app and hence performing all functions at app side.

I look forward to hearing you today.



-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: Fernando Herranz [mailto:fherranz at ikergune.com]
Inviato: lunedì 6 ottobre 2014 17:52
A: Antonini Roberto; Garino Pierangelo; Angel Hernandez; fiware-robotics at lists.fi-ware.org<mailto:fiware-robotics at lists.fi-ware.org>
Oggetto: RE: [Fiware-robotics] R: R: R: First proposal of Robotics Platform GE

Hello everyone,

I attach a detailed explation of the "grab me a soda scenario". We would like to discuss this architecture during tomorrow meeting.


De: fiware-robotics-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org<mailto:fiware-robotics-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org> [fiware-robotics-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org<mailto:fiware-robotics-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org>] En nombre de Antonini Roberto [roberto1.antonini at telecomitalia.it<mailto:roberto1.antonini at telecomitalia.it>]

Enviado el: jueves, 02 de octubre de 2014 21:09

Para: Garino Pierangelo; Angel Hernandez; fiware-robotics at lists.fi-ware.org<mailto:fiware-robotics at lists.fi-ware.org>

Asunto: [Fiware-robotics] R: R: R: First proposal of Robotics Platform GE

Fine for me. At 5 pm I have to go.


Inviato da Samsung Mobile

-------- Messaggio originale --------

Oggetto:[Fiware-robotics] R: R: First proposal of Robotics Platform GE Da:Garino Pierangelo <pierangelo.garino at telecomitalia.it<mailto:pierangelo.garino at telecomitalia.it>>

A:Angel Hernandez <ahernandez at ikergune.com<mailto:ahernandez at ikergune.com>>,"fiware-robotics at lists.fi-ware.org<mailto:fiware-robotics at lists.fi-ware.org>" <fiware-robotics at lists.fi-ware.org<mailto:fiware-robotics at lists.fi-ware.org>>


Hi All,  it happens that at the same time there is a call for closing the CA and some of us might need to attend. What about postponing our call at 15:00 same day?


Inviato da Samsung Mobile

-------- Messaggio originale --------

Da: Angel Hernandez <ahernandez at ikergune.com><mailto:ahernandez at ikergune.com>


A: Garino Pierangelo <pierangelo.garino at telecomitalia.it><mailto:pierangelo.garino at telecomitalia.it>,fiware-robotics at lists.fi-ware.org<mailto:fiware-robotics at lists.fi-ware.org>

Oggetto: Re: [Fiware-robotics] R: First proposal of Robotics Platform GE

Pier, thats the same time as the CA call.

What a coincidence. Can we do it later on tuesday, maybe at 12?

Sent from: Lenovo K910

Garino Pierangelo <pierangelo.garino at telecomitalia.it<mailto:pierangelo.garino at telecomitalia.it>> wrote:

Hello Fernando and All,

I take the opportunity of your mail to organize a first confcall on the topic: my proposal is to have it on Tuesday Oct 7th, at 11:00 CEST.

Are you all available?



-----Messaggio originale-----

Da: fiware-robotics-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org<mailto:fiware-robotics-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org> [mailto:fiware-robotics-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org] Per conto di Fernando Herranz

Inviato: giovedì 2 ottobre 2014 17:45

A: fiware-robotics at lists.fi-ware.org<mailto:fiware-robotics at lists.fi-ware.org>

Oggetto: Re: [Fiware-robotics] First proposal of Robotics Platform GE

Hello Roberto and all,

My name is Fernando, I am part of the robotic team from Etxe-tar. I met some of you during the last kick-off meeting in Madrid.

We have been reviewing your platform and we think it looks good, so far I think we should clarify what is the role of kiara in this robotic generic enabler.

I have noticed that there is no kiara node between the IoT and Robotic GE. After the last meeting, it did look very clear that we should take it into account.

Piere, Thomas, What do you think about that? we would really like to have a conference call with you guys for two reason. First, to discuss about this topic and second to introduce you to some other people from our team.



De: Angel Hernandez

Enviado el: jueves, 02 de octubre de 2014 17:26

Para: Jose Jaime Ariza; Fernando Herranz

Asunto: RV: First proposal of Robotics Platform GE

De: Antonini Roberto [mailto:roberto1.antonini at telecomitalia.it]

Enviado el: lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2014 16:33

Para: Angel Hernandez

CC: Garino Pierangelo; Gaspardone Marco; Thomas Michael Bohnert (thomas.bohnert at zhaw.ch<mailto:thomas.bohnert at zhaw.ch>)

Asunto: R: First proposal of Robotics Platform GE

Hi Angel,

this last period, for us, is very intensive and we struggle so much at  following everything, sorry for my late reply!!

Here attached is a slight evolution of our reference architecture, in the last slide you can find a very first proposal of integration of our architecture in FIWARE one, where should be clear the specific interactions and the role of each components, in the following a brief explanation:

·         RCM modules represents robot clones into platform, that is the so called “remote brain” where “neurons”, in the form of ROS nodes, run to solve complex problem. the modules can reside both at backend side, to aggregate as much as possible sharing functionalities, and gateway side, to be more specific for a definite set of robots.

·         FIBOT modules, in my opinion, could be represent a both a bridge to empower specific NGSI robot APIs and protocol adapter to translates robot sensors into “things” of IoT domain,

Mine it’s only a proposal to try to finalize our discussion, in order to converge to a definite and shared reference architecture, therefore feel free to integrate and redefine everything concerning FIBOT.

I hope we are not so far, conceptually speaking ;-)

My Best,


Da: Angel Hernandez [mailto:ahernandez at ikergune.com]

Inviato: giovedì 18 settembre 2014 08:30

A: Antonini Roberto

Cc: Garino Pierangelo; Gaspardone Marco

Oggetto: RE: First proposal of Robotics Platform GE

Hello Roberto,

Sorry for my late reply, I have been on another business trip.

My team has been working on some scenarios. I also sent them your email and gave some suggestions.

Please let me put all together in a presentation and I will distribute it asap.

Also, Thank you for the invitation ☺ these days are a little bit complicated because we are moving into a new office in a different city (Bilbao, good food) and I really don’t have much time to travel until we get done with it. What about planning a trip in November? I would also like to invite you to our new office as soon as we are done moving ☺

I’ll email you more info later today.


De: Antonini Roberto [mailto:roberto1.antonini at telecomitalia.it]

Enviado el: martes, 16 de septiembre de 2014 10:10

Para: Angel Hernandez

CC: Garino Pierangelo; Gaspardone Marco

Asunto: First proposal of Robotics Platform GE

Hi Angel,

I hope you had a pleasant journey on your way back home. Just a recap of what we agreed during Madrid meeting:

·         Defining two (max three) scenarii for declining robotics into FIWare context, for describing each scenario I would adopt classical bottom-up approach, i.e. starting from robot perspective until FIWARE APIs to expose to external users (SME).

·         From above scenarii, trying to define what are functionalities on which we’d like to work, according to DoW.  To better identify IoT domain and, let’s say, “cloud” domain for robotics, we propose the following scope separation:

o   Data from/to IoT, to switch on lamps and collect temperature data.

o   Data from/to “Cloud”, to ask cloud to solve problems robots  encounter during operations, hence: moving robot from point A to point B; how to manage a door handle; how to grab a beer and so on…

One of the entry points could be an API tells FIWARE Platform to move a robot to a well-defined point,  the way robots avoid obstacles recognize objects and so on, is not expose outside but is solve internally.

In attached PPT a very first draft of our scenario and a very first architecture proposal , we‘d like to know if you agree the methodology above described and we wait for your comments and functionalities/scenario proposal.

For further clarifications, we can hear in a conf call.

P.S. As I told you in Madrid , we’d like to invite you to visit our laboratories here in Turin. Let me know when you are available.



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