[Fiware-robotics] R: Demo web page + RCM demo

Garino Pierangelo pierangelo.garino at telecomitalia.it
Thu Jan 29 15:14:45 CET 2015

Hi Jose,

I suggest we move to hangouts to set up things.


-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: fiware-robotics-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org [mailto:fiware-robotics-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org] Per conto di Jose Jaime Ariza
Inviato: giovedì 29 gennaio 2015 14:44
A: Iñigo Gonzalez; Colombatto Davide
Cc: fiware-robotics at lists.fi-ware.org
Oggetto: Re: [Fiware-robotics] Demo web page + RCM demo


Could we have the 3pm meeting via hangout? we should also talk about webex.


On 29/01/15 11:29, Iñigo Gonzalez wrote:
> Hi,
> the web app is just a web page that is hosted in our fiware machine.
> What it does is to send ajax calls to the different REST services:
> - Context broker
> - RCM
> So to do this functionality we need support for cross origin request, 
> in our case as we need something to reach the context broker we have 
> created our context broker proxy, which supports cross origin and 
> redirects the requests to the context broker.
> In your case, your service should provide support for cross origin so 
> the web app could reach to it. To achieve this, what is needed is just 
> to add support in your server to the OPTIONS request and both OPTIONS 
> and GET methods return the following headers in the response:
> header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "api-version, content-length, 
> content-md5, content-type, date, request-id, response-time") 
> header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET,POST,PUT,DELETE") 
> header("Access-Control-Expose-Headers", "api-version, content-length, 
> content-md5, content-type, date, request-id, response-time") 
> header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
> Regards,
> Iñigo
> On 29/01/15 10:30, Colombatto Davide wrote:
>> Hi Inigo and all,
>> I re-attach the document sent by Angel yesterday.
>> If the arch in the document is used there would be no cross-domain problems for connection 4:
>> the web-app should work as "intermediate" between the browser and the RCM and NOT the browser contacts directly the RCM with Javascript/AJAX.
>> Use case:
>> - Browser contacts your web-app for the page with the 3 buttons
>> - When the user click on START and STOP, the browser contacts (with Javascript/AJAX) your web-app and the web-app performs this contacting RCM itself.
>> - When your web-app obtains the XML response by RCM, the web-app 
>> responses to the browser
>> I think this use case does not create cross domain on your side (no cross-domain Server2Server connection).
>> Davide
>> ________________________________________
>> Da: Iñigo Gonzalez [igonzalez at ikergune.com]
>> Inviato: giovedì 29 gennaio 2015 9.54
>> A: fiware-robotics at lists.fi-ware.org
>> Cc: Colombatto Davide
>> Oggetto: Demo web page + RCM demo
>> Hello Davide et al,
>> Please note that I am moving this conversation to the robotics list so we do not overload everyone's inbox.
>> I have just added to the demo webpage the urls sent by Daide. I have tried to launch the start command and found this issue:
>> "XMLHttpRequest cannot load No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'null' is therefore not allowed access."
>> This issue is related to what Angel said in his mail yesterday. When calling to a REST service from a web page the cross origin security policy appears. So your api must add support to cross origin to allow the web page to connect to it.
>> Please let us know when this is fixed so we can give it another try.
>> Regards,
>> Iñigo
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José Jaime Ariza
R&D Engineer
+34 696604288
Ikergune, Etxe-Tar group

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