Hi, still have the same trouble as before: Expecting property name enclosed in double quotes: line 1 column 2 (char 1) The configuration is ok and the node starts, but this happens when we try to send something to the robot from the web app: it seems that something non-json has been received by firos (maybe from the context broker) and firos tries to translate as json. Are we sure that we are using the same version of context broker? We are using the same version of context broker that we used in the first demo, so if the new version of firos use a new one, maybe they have problem to communicate with each other. Also I take the liberty to modify your code to try to patch the problem of the namespace (and put a custom solution that works only for turtlebotTI so that you shouldn't have problem with all the other robots) Da: Iñigo Gonzalez [mailto:igonzalez at ikergune.com] Inviato: giovedì 2 luglio 2015 13:11 A: Colombatto Davide; Bollano Gianmario; fabio.dibenedetto at consoft.it; Antonini Roberto Cc: fiware-robotics at lists.fi-ware.org Oggetto: Re: R: [Fiware-robotics] R: R: R: Demo Sprint 4.3.3 Hi its great to know about the webapp you did, as there is no namespace my recomendation is to do this in the configuration: robotname: mobile_base robottoppic: commands/velocity In a future we will have to talk about the namespaces, since we need a name to create an entity in the context broker representing each robot, Maybe identify each service namespace with a name and firos consume it or something like that. But as I said that is not important now. Thank you for the data Davide. On 02/07/15 13:04, Colombatto Davide wrote: Hi Iñigo, I also made some modifications in the old web-app of first demo in order to also have forward, backward, left and right commands. As said in the call, I'm keeping it in my local machine (and not host in a public web server). I also continuing to launch chrome with the option -disable-web-security. I summarize the info you need: · CB: 1026 · CB entity name: turtlebotTI · Topic (I think it is also the CB entity attribute): name mobile_base/commands/velocity ; msg geometry_msgs.msg.Twist Since we are using the standard turtlebot's ROS Driver we are not using namespace so in FIROS code the concatenation robot_name+"/"+topic_name is the issue. The topic should be mobile_base/commands/velocity and not turtlebotTI/mobile_base/commands/velocity I remind you that we already distinguish robots using Service Spaces and for this reason we don't need namespaces. Hence it is not correct to assume that the robot_name we give you (i.e. turtlebotTI) is to be used as a namespace. It should be used only for the CB-entity's name. Davide Da: fiware-robotics-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org<mailto:fiware-robotics-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org> [mailto:fiware-robotics-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org] Per conto di Iñigo Gonzalez Inviato: giovedì 2 luglio 2015 11:25 A: Bollano Gianmario; fabio.dibenedetto at consoft.it<mailto:fabio.dibenedetto at consoft.it>; fiware-robotics at lists.fi-ware.org<mailto:fiware-robotics at lists.fi-ware.org> Oggetto: Re: [Fiware-robotics] R: R: R: Demo Sprint 4.3.3 Hi everyone, another thing. I am working on the interface we talk on the call, I need some data to work with it I know that some of that has been send in another mail, but it will be great to have it sumarized somewhere. the data I currently need is: context_broker's ip, and port the robots' namespaces: robot1, turtlebot..., or you aren't using any robot namespace? the topics we are going to work with: name, type, and if we publish or subscribe to it. By now I think this is enough to continue my work. Regards, Iñigo On 01/07/15 14:48, Bollano Gianmario wrote: Hi guys, it is definitely worth to go on and make a trial with last version of both RCM and FIROS, because they will solve some issues you've found in your trials; if this works it would be better to use them , otherwise we'll roll back to the last known working release for this demo. Gianmario Da: fiware-robotics-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org<mailto:fiware-robotics-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org> [mailto:fiware-robotics-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org] Per conto di fabio.dibenedetto at consoft.it<mailto:fabio.dibenedetto at consoft.it> Inviato: mercoledì 1 luglio 2015 14:40 A: fiware-robotics at lists.fi-ware.org<mailto:fiware-robotics at lists.fi-ware.org> Oggetto: [Fiware-robotics] R: R: Demo Sprint 4.3.3 Hi, I'm looking just now these mails; I haven't understood that you were waiting any feedback from me about the launch of the new version of firos. The issue I had yesterday still at call time was after the change in configuration you suggested in the previous mail, but was only because I made a wrong deletion of the last option I had to remove. Fixed that the new firos manually launched was running, but only as a ros node, I don't know if it was able to contact the CB. At the call you said that you haven't seen the robot moving with the new version so I supposed that there was still problem with the communication with the context broker and waiting for some news from you. Sorry for the misunderstanding and if you solved those problems with the communication with the CB we can try with the new version. Meanwhile I was investigating the bug of high cpu consumption of rcm you mentioned in an old mail and I found that that happens when we launch a launcher that doesn't exist on the machine where we are trying to launch it; I think this morning I solved that but still trying if it's ok Da: fiware-robotics-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org<mailto:fiware-robotics-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org> [mailto:fiware-robotics-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org] Per conto di Iñigo Gonzalez Inviato: mercoledì 1 luglio 2015 12:21 A: Bollano Gianmario; Colombatto Davide; Garino Pierangelo; fiware-robotics at lists.fi-ware.org<mailto:fiware-robotics at lists.fi-ware.org> Oggetto: Re: [Fiware-robotics] R: Demo Sprint 4.3.3 Hi, yesterday we tell fabio how to dissable the map server bring up in FIROS. We haven't said anything more because we were waiting to know the results of removing that configuration. FIROSv2 works near the same way as v1 does, the difference is that the configuration you add by hand in the v1's code now can be added in robots.json. What we can do to be able to test FIROSv2 is sending me the configuration you want (robots names, topics to work with, ports, context_broker ip...) and I'll send you back all the configuration files properly configured. We think that we still have 3 days to make trials with FIROSv2 and this time is enough to make it work, since we are already using it without any problems. Also, Gianmario, what do you want to say when you said the "FIROS interaction"? Robot connection, disconnection handler, and the RCM topics and services consuption? Regards, Iñigo On 01/07/15 12:04, Bollano Gianmario wrote: Hi all, at the yesterday call we set as an Action Point (AP0) to discuss and take a decision by e-mail (deadline was yesterday) on how and where hold the demo. Davide made a proposal and I could not see any feedback or further proposal from the other people in the team, than we should assume that proposal is accepted. Pier clearly explained that we should be able to demonstrate the development of the features closed in this minor release (4.3). In principle, development closed means that also the testing has been done and the feature is ready to be demonstrated. However, we do not need to add useless complication. What's important for the demo is to clearly explain what we'll show, not to provide tech details for the implementation. Considering the short time available, I'd propose: - In this demo we can focus on RCM actions, together with movement commands through FIROS (through CB). - If the integration of the last releases of RCM and of FIROS still has issues, we should safely use FIROSv1 and the settings proposed by Davide. - BTW, What are the results of tests done with last release of FIROS and RCM? Weren't last issues solved anyway? - The only feature is not yet fully covered in the demo may be the FIROS.interaction; however this is something that a user cannot perceive without a more advanced GUI/widget . - Thus we can focus on showing that both FIROS and RCM are working and doing their tasks, and I'd omit any detail about their communication for this demo, because we do not have yet a nice way to show it anyway... - .. and we'll show it at the first live demo! - Finally, go to the poll http://doodle.com/fb6gx4wbbqupwkwu and pick a timeslot for the call with Kurento/Wirecloud: we should not delay our answer further!!!! Gianmario Da: Colombatto Davide Inviato: mercoledì 1 luglio 2015 10:43 A: Garino Pierangelo; fiware-robotics at lists.fi-ware.org<mailto:fiware-robotics at lists.fi-ware.org> Cc: Bollano Gianmario Oggetto: R: Demo Sprint 4.3.3 Hi Pier, FIWARE.Feature.I2ND.Robotics.RCMPlatformManager.FIROSInteraction<http://forge.fiware.org/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/index.php/FIWARE.Feature.I2ND.Robotics.RCMPlatformManager.FIROSInteraction> is intended as interaction between RCM and FIROSv2 through RCM Driver in order to exchange information. As already said in the past, this required more testing before show it in a demo (FIROSv2 was delivered last Friday). For this reason in the call of yesterday (and on Friday) we can show a pre-demo using FIROSv1 (which we think already implements the two Features SendNGSI/ReceiveNGSI due to the robot moves through the web-app). For now, FIROS Interaction is related to start/stop FIROS by RCM when a robot gets connected/disconnected whereas FIROS has already hardcoded the information to publish in the CB (i.e. CB-entity's name and attributes). Davide Da: Garino Pierangelo Inviato: mercoledì 1 luglio 2015 10:17 A: Colombatto Davide; fiware-robotics at lists.fi-ware.org<mailto:fiware-robotics at lists.fi-ware.org> Cc: Bollano Gianmario Oggetto: R: Demo Sprint 4.3.3 Dear All, I'd like to remind that the demo is intended to cover the advances in the implementation of a GE. In the case of the Robotics one, it should therefore show the functionality added by latest Features designed, i.e. the following (according to the technical workplan R4.3): * FIWARE.Feature.I2ND.Robotics.RCMPlatformManager.PlatformEvent<http://forge.fiware.org/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/index.php/FIWARE.Feature.I2ND.Robotics.RCMPlatformManager.PlatformEvent> * FIWARE.Feature.I2ND.Robotics.RCMPlatformManager.FIROSInteraction<http://forge.fiware.org/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/index.php/FIWARE.Feature.I2ND.Robotics.RCMPlatformManager.FIROSInteraction> * FIWARE.Feature.I2ND.Robotics.FIROSContextBrokerManager.SendNGSI<http://forge.fiware.org/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/index.php/FIWARE.Feature.I2ND.Robotics.FIROSContextBrokerManager.SendNGSI> * FIWARE.Feature.I2ND.Robotics.FIROSContextBrokerManager.ReceiveNGSI<http://forge.fiware.org/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/index.php/FIWARE.Feature.I2ND.Robotics.FIROSContextBrokerManager.ReceiveNGSI> BR Pier Da: Colombatto Davide Inviato: martedì 30 giugno 2015 17:22 A: fiware-robotics at lists.fi-ware.org<mailto:fiware-robotics at lists.fi-ware.org> Cc: Garino Pierangelo; Bollano Gianmario Oggetto: Demo Sprint 4.3.3 Hi guys, as said in the call we (RCM team) propose to show the demo on TI's office like that shown this morning. Some additional points: · Use hangout · Use FIROS vers1 · In addition to the FORWARD button I added a BACKWARD button in the web-app o The web-app is hosted in the local PC and not in a public Server · Use a hangout account to show the camera (which shows the robot) and another account to show the shared desktop (for the web-app and the REST-API calls through the Postman-plugin) · Use the two RDAPIs used this morning before and after Robot connection/disconnection in order to show the Robotics Config Data changes · RCM team is not able to retrieve/show information stored in the CB (we have not worked with the CB at all) o the unique feedback is the RDAPIs and the robot's movement · Pre-demo: Friday, slot 11-12 I summarized our proposal in the attached file of this email; we could use it to prepare the presentation. Some additional points: · hidden slides have to be rewritten/completed · (if required) slide's comments have to be rewritten Let we know, BR Davide Questo messaggio e i suoi allegati sono indirizzati esclusivamente alle persone indicate. La diffusione, copia o qualsiasi altra azione derivante dalla conoscenza di queste informazioni sono rigorosamente vietate. Qualora abbiate ricevuto questo documento per errore siete cortesemente pregati di darne immediata comunicazione al mittente e di provvedere alla sua distruzione, Grazie. This e-mail and any attachments is confidential and may contain privileged information intended for the addressee(s) only. Dissemination, copying, printing or use by anybody else is unauthorised. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete this message and any attachments and advise the sender by return e-mail, Thanks. [rispetta l'ambiente]Rispetta l'ambiente. 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