[Fiware-robotics] R: Robotics GE live demo - Kurento and Wirecloud

Garino Pierangelo pierangelo.garino at telecomitalia.it
Fri Jul 3 14:11:21 CEST 2015

Hi Alvaro and Luis,

We are using hangout, can you try to join this link https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/gw3g3o72p5s26fwpiemztggwxqa or send me your username?


Da: aarranz at conwet.com [mailto:aarranz at conwet.com] Per conto di Álvaro Arranz
Inviato: venerdì 3 luglio 2015 13:43
A: Bollano Gianmario
Cc: Luis López Fernández; Garino Pierangelo; amagan at conwet.com; Javier Soriano; fdelavega at fi.upm.es; fiware-robotics at lists.fi-ware.org
Oggetto: Re: [Fiware-robotics] Robotics GE live demo - Kurento and Wirecloud

Hi all,

I've added some details into the google docs.

See you in a moment :)

Best regards,

On 1 July 2015 at 14:35, Bollano Gianmario <gianmario.bollano at telecomitalia.it<mailto:gianmario.bollano at telecomitalia.it>> wrote:
Hi all,
according to the preferences in the poll we can have the call next Friday 3th from 2PM to 3PM.
I’ll send you an invite.

Gianmario Bollano

Da: Bollano Gianmario
Inviato: martedì 30 giugno 2015 17:10
A: 'Álvaro Arranz'; Luis López Fernández
Cc: Garino Pierangelo; amagan at conwet.com<mailto:amagan at conwet.com>; Javier Soriano; fdelavega at fi.upm.es<mailto:fdelavega at fi.upm.es>; fiware-robotics at lists.fi-ware.org<mailto:fiware-robotics at lists.fi-ware.org>
Oggetto: R: [Fiware-robotics] Robotics GE live demo - Kurento and Wirecloud

Hi Luis and all,
we propose a Doodle poll to select a timeslot for the call.
The link  is:

select your preferred time.


Da: aarranz at conwet.com<mailto:aarranz at conwet.com> [mailto:aarranz at conwet.com<mailto:aarranz at conwet.com>] Per conto di Álvaro Arranz
Inviato: martedì 30 giugno 2015 16:55
A: Luis López Fernández
Cc: Bollano Gianmario; Garino Pierangelo; amagan at conwet.com<mailto:amagan at conwet.com>; Javier Soriano; fdelavega at fi.upm.es<mailto:fdelavega at fi.upm.es>; fiware-robotics at lists.fi-ware.org<mailto:fiware-robotics at lists.fi-ware.org>

Oggetto: Re: [Fiware-robotics] Robotics GE live demo - Kurento and Wirecloud


sorry for the delay in the response, we are busy with the closing and planning phases of the sprint. Also I'm organising my travel to the Campus party event at Mexico.

I'll work on providing a better feedback asap (I'll try to provide it today). Anyway, updating our widgets for accessing this one-to-many service will be easy, we can synchronise with the Kurento team for making the needed changes for selecting the master video stream, etc... This is only a thing of managing some new commands through the WebSocket connection and recreating the WebRTC connections. I don't forecast, as Luis, any problem on this side.

We are also interested in join the call :).

Best regards,

On 30 June 2015 at 16:27, Luis López Fernández <luis.lopez at urjc.es<mailto:luis.lopez at urjc.es>> wrote:
Hi Gianmario,

Modifying the Kurento demo for one-to-many to support several robots it's quite trivial. We can do it for you if necessary. This is not an issue.

The main problem I detect is at the WebRTC client embedded in the robot. If this client is Chrome, then you may need human intervention for webcam capture. There are hacks for this, but we need to analyze carefully your requirements. Otherwise, the option is to compile the WebRTC Chrome stack separately and write a C++ application at the robot controlling it. This may require some more relevant efforts and this is the issue we need to discuss.

I'm available during most of this week for discussing. Just propose a slot and we can try to arrange for a call.


Luis López Fernández
Subdirector de Investigación y Relaciones con la Empresa
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
e-mail: luis.lopez at urjc.es<mailto:luis.lopez at urjc.es>
Tf1: +34 914 888 747<tel:%2B34%20914%20888%20747>
Tf2: + 34 914 888 713<tel:%2B%2034%20914%20888%20713>

El 30/06/2015, a las 16:21, Bollano Gianmario <gianmario.bollano at telecomitalia.it<mailto:gianmario.bollano at telecomitalia.it>> escribió:

Hi Luis,
thank you for your support and your clarification.
As a short summary, we also have tested a WebRTC client based on Webkit but haven’t yet found the optimal solution, then it would be useful to discuss further this issue.
The team has done tests with the JS version for the Kurento Client with NodeJS; our idea is to use a single App Server for the master Client and all Viewer clients as in the One-To-Many Kurento tutorial (http://www.kurento.org/docs/current/tutorials/node/tutorial-3-one2many.html ).
We have not yet found a solution when more Robots can act as master and can  transmit video (i.e. we have more than one Master).
We are also waiting feedback from Wirecloud to understand how we may use or adapt the Kurento widget.

The guys of the Robotics team will go through your notes to check your proposals and to define technical details if needed.

Thank you,

Da: fiware-robotics-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org<mailto:fiware-robotics-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org> [mailto:fiware-<mailto:fiware->robotics-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org<mailto:robotics-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org>] Per conto di Luis López Fernández
Inviato: martedì 30 giugno 2015 13:05
A: Garino Pierangelo
Cc: amagan at conwet.com<mailto:amagan at conwet.com>; Javier Soriano; fdelavega at fi.upm.es<mailto:fdelavega at fi.upm.es>; fiware-robotics at lists.fi-ware.org<mailto:fiware-robotics at lists.fi-ware.org>; aarranz at fi.upm.es<mailto:aarranz at fi.upm.es>
Oggetto: Re: [Fiware-robotics] Robotics GE live demo - Kurento and Wirecloud

Hi Pier,

I added several comments in your document answering your questions. In general, I think that the general picture is OK from the perspective of Kurento and I don't forecast any major problems. The only exception is in relation to the WebRTC software to be embedded at the robot. In principle, it seems that you are planning to use directly a Chrome browser instance. This restricts a lot the type of features you may be capable of accessing and this may require human intervention at the robot each time the webcam is activated. I thing it should be worthy to discuss about this specific item so that all of us are in the same page in relation to the consequences of using directly a Chrome instance for that.

Best regards.

Luis López Fernández
Subdirector de Investigación y Relaciones con la Empresa
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
e-mail: luis.lopez at urjc.es<mailto:luis.lopez at urjc.es>
Tf1: +34 914 888 747<tel:%2B34%20914%20888%20747>
Tf2: + 34 914 888 713<tel:%2B%2034%20914%20888%20713>

El 23/06/2015, a las 12:22, Garino Pierangelo <pierangelo.garino at telecomitalia.it<mailto:pierangelo.garino at telecomitalia.it>> escribió:

Dear All,

This message is intended to provide to Kurento and Wirecloud teams further details about the robotics live demo we are working on, in order to make it clearer what we’d like to achieve, and what should be implemented on their side (particularly about wirecloud widgets and dashboard).

We have prepared a shared document at the following link https://docs.google.com/document/d/1a_8dBsoO-E7kaUr6fl3tXgv3Ojt4PMnsSvJwTutyxsg/edit#<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1a_8dBsoO-E7kaUr6fl3tXgv3Ojt4PMnsSvJwTutyxsg/edit> which refines the description of the live demo (later this doc will merge with the workplan description we already shared in the past).

The document is composed of three parts:
-          The first one (Strep 1: Managing interactively robots) is a refinement of live demo deliverable section 4.4.3
-          The second one (Design of step 1: Teleoperation as a Service (TaaS)) is more or less the same contents of deliverable section 4.4.4
-          The third part (Detailed description (script) of demo implementation) is the most important one: we took as an example the live demo script doc that Javier distributed through the live demo mailing lists, which seemed to us a helpful way to provide a detailed description of the demo, both for people who will watch it and for implementers of the demo itself.

We kindly ask Luis, Javier, Alvaro (well all team members…) to go through the description of the demo and provide us a feedback, about how/when this can be implemented (is it meaningful/feasible, etc?), giving possibly answer to the questions/comments we have written there. With your support in linking with Kurento media server and developing specific widgets, we’ll be able to ‘complete the picture’ and proceed straight to the assembly of all demo parts.

Many thanks and BR


Da: fiware-robotics-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org<mailto:fiware-robotics-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org> [mailto:fiware-<mailto:fiware->robotics-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org<mailto:robotics-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org>] Per conto di Colombatto Davide
Inviato: martedì 16 giugno 2015 12:34
A: Luis López Fernández; Javier Soriano; aarranz at fi.upm.es<mailto:aarranz at fi.upm.es>; amagan at conwet.com<mailto:amagan at conwet.com>; fdelavega at fi.upm.es<mailto:fdelavega at fi.upm.es>
Cc: fiware-robotics at lists.fi-ware.org<mailto:fiware-robotics at lists.fi-ware.org>
Oggetto: [Fiware-robotics] Robotics GE live demo - Kurento and Wirecloud

Hi Luis and Wirecloud guys,

We have some doubts about the use of Kurento and Wirecloud widgets for Kurento for the Robotics Live Demo.

1)      For what concern Kurento, in our past tests we tried the tutorial http://www.kurento.org/docs/current/tutorials/node/tutorial-3-one2many.html where it is said that it can be present only one WebRTC-Master and many WebRTC-Viewers (i.e. it is created a kind of WebRTC-Room where only one can send the video and the others can receive the video).
Starting from this point we think the slide2 at the link https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/110H_bSo6QDOgSX9AYxF8fqB7MAoL6Fb_tcnNtIGnBhk/edit#slide=id.p3 depicts the Kurento One2Many architecture.
Considering what mentioned above, if we want to use two different robots (that act as WebRTC-Masters in order to send video) do we need to use two different Kurento Application Servers (that act as Kurento-Clients) or a single Kurento Application Server (that acts as Kurento-Client) is able to manage multiple robots video transmission?

2)      For what concern Wirecloud widgets for Kurento, starting from the slide2 at the linkhttps://docs.google.com/presentation/d/110H_bSo6QDOgSX9AYxF8fqB7MAoL6Fb_tcnNtIGnBhk/edit#slide=id.p3 do the Wirecloud widgets act as Viewer1-UbuntuPC, Viewer2-UbuntuPC, … of the Kurento One2Many architecture explained above in the point1?
If it is correct, for the Robotics live demo will Wirecloud also host the Kurento Application Servers (i.e. a single one or one for each robot that act as WebRTC-Master in order to send video) within the Wirecloud Application Server as depicted in the slide3 at the link https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/110H_bSo6QDOgSX9AYxF8fqB7MAoL6Fb_tcnNtIGnBhk/edit#slide=id.p3?

Thank you,
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