Hi Pepe and all, Q. What do you intend with the "dynamic addition and removal of robots"? Do you mean the dynamic addition and removal of the CB entity when the RCM_DRIVER notifies to FIROS the robot connection and disconnection? N.B. if it is correct, RCM_DRIVER will be completed at the end of this month, so we don't think that RCM_DRIVER-FIROS Interaction will be correctly tested for the begin of July in order to show them in a demo. For the begin of July RCM will be able to manage the following use case: --- HYPOTHESIS --- - Use a turtlebot where the turtlebot's PC with a WiFi /LTE-Internet-key where the PM_AGENT is already installed - A turtlebot is already manual provisioned in the Robotics Data with a specific service logic which is related to: - launch the ROS node "firos core.py PORT" on Server side (i.e. RCM_Master) Q. Does your new FIROS accept the PORT parameter for CBAPI and FCGAPI? Can you send us the new FIROS (and how do you expect the PORT parameter) in order to put it on the RCM_Master? - launch the ROS launcher "turtlebot_bringup minimal.launch" on Robot side Q. In order to use these turtlebot's ROS DRIVER we have modified the old FIROS hardcoded topic "turtle1/cmd_vel" (for turtlesim) in "mobile_base/commands/velocity" (for tutlebot) - The turtlebot's PC is off (or it is on and the WiFi/LTE connection is disabled). Does the new FIROS already use this topic? --- USE CASE --- - Robot CONNECTION: when the turtlebot's PC is switched on (or the WiFi/LTE connection is enabled) the PM_AGENT (on the Robot side) automatically connects to the PM_MASTER (on the Server side) - PM_MASTER (on the Server side) automatically creates the Service Space (Robot Clone) and starts inside it the service logic associated with the robot during its manual provisioning (depicted above) - When FIROS is started it directly creates the CB entity (in the future FIROS have to wait the notification from RCM_DRIVER about robot connection and have to notify to RCM_DRIVER the correct CB entity creation) - A web-app (e.g. an improved version of that used in the demo1) could: - poll the CB in order to populate a listbox of the connected robots (if a robot is connected the CB entity is present, otherwise the CB entity is not present) - the user can select a connected robot (we will show only a robot) and teleoperates it exploiting the CB (as demo1, maybe with other directions in addiction to FORWARD) - two buttons/divs to show additional information directly retrieved from the Robotics GE through the following RDAPI (request/response are exposed in https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eWO5MYYkjJEo1xLLm2YsX_bhCnET5eX4dm4_cL9MFg0/edit# ): -- Read platform (provisioned Robots): returns the list of the manual provisioned Robots in the Robotics GE and information about their connection status (this information could be shown before and after the robot connection) -- Read service space: returns the list of ROS nodes and ROS launchers which are currently running on the Service Space --- CONSIDERATION --- Robot DISCONNECTION: when the turtlebot's PC is switched off (or the WiFi/LTE connection is disabled) the PM_MASTER (on the Server side) and PM_AGENT (on the Robot side) are able to automatically clean the Service Space (Robot Clone) which was automatically created during the Robot CONNECTION. As said above, since RCM_DRIVER-FIROS Interaction will be NOT correctly tested, for this demo FIROS will be stopped (with SIGINT signal) without is being notified before (in the future FIROS have to wait the notification from RCM_DRIVER about robot disconnection and have to notify to RCM_DRIVER the correct CB entity deletion). Considering that, we don't know if it is advisable to show the robot disconnection phase, due to the CB entity could be not really deleted.. maybe FIROS could delete the CB entity cathing its termination phase (trapping SIGINT signal)? --- IMPORTANT --- Now we are using a TI VM which acts as RCM_Master and OpenVPN-Server and a TI turtlebot's PC acts as OpenVPN-Client. Since the common FIWARE Lab account is not yet ready we could prepare for ET an OpenVPN certificate in order to allow an ET turtlebot's PC acting as OpenVPN-Client of our OpenVPN-Server for your connection/disconnection tests. We can give to ET the OpenVPN certificate on Monday, meanwhile you can install the OpenVPN Client on you turtlebot's PC. We will also send you the package to install the PM_AGENT on your turtlebot's PC. What do you think about this kind of demo? BR, TI, Consoft -----Messaggio originale----- Da: fiware-robotics-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org [mailto:fiware-robotics-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org] Per conto di Jose Jaime Ariza Inviato: martedì 16 giugno 2015 17:30 A: fiware-robotics at lists.fi-ware.org Oggetto: [Fiware-robotics] End-of-sprint demo Hi, In the last end-of-sprint demo we performed, we show basic FIROS and RCM functionalities. For this new demo we should show new functionalities. In FIROS side we can show whitelist control and the dynamic addition and removal of robots. What new functionalities related with RCM could we show? BR, Pepe -- José Jaime Ariza R&D Engineer +34 696604288 Ikergune, Etxe-Tar group _______________________________________________ Fiware-robotics mailing list Fiware-robotics at lists.fi-ware.org https://lists.fi-ware.org/listinfo/fiware-robotics Questo messaggio e i suoi allegati sono indirizzati esclusivamente alle persone indicate. La diffusione, copia o qualsiasi altra azione derivante dalla conoscenza di queste informazioni sono rigorosamente vietate. Qualora abbiate ricevuto questo documento per errore siete cortesemente pregati di darne immediata comunicazione al mittente e di provvedere alla sua distruzione, Grazie. This e-mail and any attachments is confidential and may contain privileged information intended for the addressee(s) only. Dissemination, copying, printing or use by anybody else is unauthorised. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete this message and any attachments and advise the sender by return e-mail, Thanks.
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