[Fiware-robotics] R: R: rcm_platform v2

Jose Jaime Ariza jjaime at ikergune.com
Mon Jun 22 17:09:35 CEST 2015

Thank you very much Davide.

I've found one bug (I believe it is a bug) in the installer:
/usr/local/bin/rcmp_launcher hasn't got +x persmissions. I had to add it

After starting rcmpd the robot appears as connected and paired but, a
minute or two after that, "python /usr/local/bin/rcmp_launcher" starts
eating 99.9% of a CPU core. The machine where I'm performing the test
doesn't have FIROS or any other ROS node running. I'll try in the real
turtlebot and let you know.


On 22/06/15 12:53, Colombatto Davide wrote:
> Hi Pepe,
> is the IP of the CB only whereas the RCM_MASTER is a TI-VM.
> You can (and we can also show in the demo) the information retrieved directly by the Robotics Data Mgmt (look at https://forge.fiware.org/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiwarei2nd/index.php/FIWARE.ArchitectureDescription.I2ND.Robotics#Architecture).
> In particular you can use the RDAPI depicted in OpenSpecDraft (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eWO5MYYkjJEo1xLLm2YsX_bhCnET5eX4dm4_cL9MFg0/edit#), changing "MASTER_WAN_public_IP" in "jolcrab-platform.ddns.net", related to:
> - Read platform (provisioned Robots)
> 	- Your robot will be shown as "pi_name":"turtlebotET"
> 	- "connected":true: the Robot's PM_AGENT is connected to the PM_MASTER
> 	- "paired":true: the Robot is paired with a Server (i.e. always the Master for this Major Release)
> - Read service space passing as GET parameter ss_name=turtlebotET
> 	- Conventionally the Service Space automatically created for a connected robot has the same name of the robot
> 	- Obviously you can use this API only if the robot is currently connected (i.e. the Service Space in created)
> After the PM_AGENT is installed on your turtlebot's PC you have only to switch on/off the turtlebot'PC (or just to switch on/off the WiFi connection) and the correct service logic (FIROS on Server side and turtlebot's DRIVER on Robot side) should be started by the PM_MASTER.
> Please, also consider that the actual RCM implementation requires about 1 minute to recognize (i.e. to be sure to correctly identify) a Robot connection/disconnection and to do the relative tasks (i.e. creating/deleting the Service Space).
> Let we know,
> D
> -----Messaggio originale-----
> Da: fiware-robotics-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org [mailto:fiware-robotics-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org] Per conto di Jose Jaime Ariza
> Inviato: lunedì 22 giugno 2015 12:34
> A: fiware-robotics at lists.fi-ware.org
> Oggetto: Re: [Fiware-robotics] R: rcm_platform v2
> Hi,
> I've made some tests with a virtual machine. The installation went smoothly (I'd add "chmod +x *.sh" to the guidelines you sent) and it looks like the rcmpd is working, but I cannot get information from the RCM master (RDAPI). The installation script is tellimng me that the RCM Master is in and I've tried also.
> We had to change the IP of our CB, the new one is but we'd prefer to use yours.
> Thank you very much,
> Pepe
> On 19/06/15 18:46, Colombatto Davide wrote:
>> Hi,
>> only a clarification about the sentence "The firos instance is the old one until we can deploy the new one"; as we said in the new demo proposal the old FIROS code is modified as following:
>> - the topic is modified from the turtlesim one ("turtle1/cmd_vel") to 
>> the turtlebot one ("mobile_base/commands/velocity")
>> - the current CB instance used is that at; we created this our CB instance (on Spain2 node) because your old one didn't work (when it will be up again we can reuse it if you want).
>> Using this configuration we have done many tests, also using your old web-app of the first demo (i.e. using chrome disabling the security option to avoid cross-domain issues and publishing to the CB instance at, and it seems to work good (e.g. no latency btw the web-app's FORWARD command and the turtlebot's movement).
>> BR,
>> Davide
>> -----Messaggio originale-----
>> Da: fiware-robotics-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org 
>> [mailto:fiware-robotics-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org] Per conto di 
>> fabio.dibenedetto at consoft.it
>> Inviato: venerdì 19 giugno 2015 18:21
>> A: fiware-robotics at lists.fi-ware.org
>> Oggetto: [Fiware-robotics] rcm_platform v2
>> Hi guys,
>> here is the new version of rcm_platform.
>> To install it copy the zip on your turtlebot
>> - scp rcm_platform.zip turtlebot at ip_address:.
>> and unzip it (you can do it where you want because this is the 
>> installer and it will put all the files where are needed)
>> - unzip rcm_platform.zip
>> Once extracted the package you will have a folder named 
>> rcm_platform_pkg; go into it and launch install.sh
>> - cd rcm_platform_pkg
>> - ./install.sh
>> This command starts the installation and configuration of your rcm platform node: it starts creating a ros workspace used by rcm and then installs 2 python packages in your ubuntu distribution. Then starts installing rcmplatform: many of these operations need root permission so during the installation will be asked the credentials. At the end of the installation the configuration step starts: follow the instruction on your shell.
>> I'd ask you to answer n or no when the script ask to say if your 
>> instance is the master. There has to be only one master and is on the 
>> TI machine where is the VPN server. Then you have to give a name to 
>> your platform node: please, use "turtlebotET" because we already have 
>> manually provisioned it. It is provisioned with a custom service logic 
>> named "fiware_demo2" which starts a service space (with the same name 
>> of the robot), a firos instance on server side and the turtlebot ros 
>> driver on the robot side. The firos instance is the old one until we 
>> can deploy the new one. Your platform node should a robot, so when 
>> asked answer y yes or press only enter (the installer put the default 
>> answer between [] so if you push enter that value will be used). The 
>> default address of the master is calculated using the tun0 interface 
>> so you have the vpn configuration already done to do this 
>> installation. The final step of the installation put rcm as daemon in 
>> your ubuntu machine and start the compilatio n of rcmp workspace. At 
>> the end you can decide if already run the rcm node or if you want wait 
>> and start it manually later (sudo service rcmpd start)
>> I hope this is clear but if I missed something ask me
>> Last thing: I've redone the zip to add the password "robotics"
>> Have a nice week end
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> --
> José Jaime Ariza
> R&D Engineer
> +34 696604288
> Ikergune, Etxe-Tar group
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José Jaime Ariza
R&D Engineer
+34 696604288
Ikergune, Etxe-Tar group

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