[Fiware-sb-challenge] Send us your Tuesday session presentations, please

CARLOS RALLI UCENDO ralli at tid.es
Thu Jan 30 15:08:02 CET 2014

Dear Smart Business challenge participants,

Could you send the presentations you are using during last Tuesday session to
Us for our records, please?

 In particular, to the following emails addresses:

Angel Hernandez - ahernandez at ikergune.com

Javier López - fjlopez at naevatec.com

Fernando López – fla at tid.es

Juanjo Hierro - jhierro at tid.es

Margarita - margarita.tremblay at ogilvy.com
domingo.legua at ogilvy.com
Carlos Ralli – ralli at tid.es

Use "[SmartBusiness FIWARE]" in your email subject, please.

Thanks a lot for your collaboration!
Best regards,

Carlos Ralli


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