From fano.ramparany at Tue Jun 25 10:14:04 2013 From: fano.ramparany at (fano.ramparany at Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 08:14:04 +0000 Subject: [Fiware-semantics] FIWARE/Semantic Web technology In-Reply-To: References: <32661_1370014167_51A8C1D6_32661_7213_1_f4e1e374-896e-4222-ab57-269296f8714d@PEXCVZYH02.corporate.adroot.infra.ftgroup> <> <22943_1371020385_51B81C61_22943_883_1_e80b3f9b-6865-4c68-a2ed-f7f0aae2c5a6@PEXCVZYH01.corporate.adroot.infra.ftgroup> <> <30623_1371020783_51B81DEF_30623_1627_1_0ee272e8-33c7-4526-a3d1-11cb8dd95465@PEXCVZYH02.corporate.adroot.infra.ftgroup> <> <3127_1371542366_51C0135E_3127_101_1_66ca3a3d-520b-461e-9ee3-0dc05c8f603e@PEXCVZYH02.corporate.adroot.infra.ftgroup> <> Message-ID: <12061_1372148050_51C95151_12061_13303_1_52eb9327-5aeb-41d0-bda9-3ec45171aa37@PEXCVZYH01.corporate.adroot.infra.ftgroup> Hi, This is to test the mailing list and to remind those of you interested, to discuss this topic but are not in the list yet to join. I'll use the list in my next message where I'll invite you to define the issues to be discussed in this working group. Best regards, Fano De : RAMPARANY Fano OLNC/OLPS Envoy? : mercredi 19 juin 2013 10:13 ? : fermin at; t.elsaleh at; sergg at; boris.moltchanov at; ivan.martinez at; fabioluciano.mondin at; p.barnaghi at; mauricio.ciprian at; Thomas.Riegel at; Tobias.Jacobs at Cc : jhierro at; NAGELLEN Thierry OLNC/OLPS; Miguel Carrillo Objet : RE: FIWARE/Semantic Web technology Dear all, If you'd like to join the list please visit this page: and go the the subscription area (at the lower part of the page) Sergio, I'll add you as administrator once you've joined the list. In your previous mail you suggest colleagues from WP3 might be interested to join. Could you tell me who you're thinking of, so that I can invite them. Thank you for creating the list Miguel! Best regards, Fano De : Miguel Carrillo [mailto:mcp at] Envoy? : mardi 18 juin 2013 15:05 ? : RAMPARANY Fano OLNC/OLPS Cc : fermin at; jhierro at; NAGELLEN Thierry OLNC/OLPS; t.elsaleh at; sergg at; boris.moltchanov at; ivan.martinez at; fabioluciano.mondin at; p.barnaghi at Objet : Re: FIWARE/Semantic Web technology Done. I have added you to the list. I will pass you the admin addresses and password in private. Up to you how to manage it and to appoint extra admin people (add them to the "The list administrator email addresses" under "General Options") There is not a general policy but we tend to activate the archive and make it private (default settings). This is how it is set it up now. Again, up to you to change it. Best regards, Miguel El 18/06/2013 9:59, fano.ramparany at escribi?: Hi Miguel, OK for the name you propose. I accept to be the administrator, but I can let this responsibility or share the job with anyone interested to do so. For the archive access policy, if there's a FIWARE standard profile, lets adopt it. If there's no standard, I propose to keep it private. Thank you, Fano De : Miguel Carrillo [mailto:mcp at] Envoy? : lundi 17 juin 2013 13:00 ? : RAMPARANY Fano OLNC/OLPS Cc : fermin at; jhierro at; NAGELLEN Thierry OLNC/OLPS; t.elsaleh at; sergg at; boris.moltchanov at; ivan.martinez at; fabioluciano.mondin at; p.barnaghi at Objet : Re: FIWARE/Semantic Web technology Dear Fano, This is not a problem at all. We have mailman based lists so anyone knows how to handle them. The standard mask is fiware-* * I propose fiware-semantics at Feel free to confirm that this one is ok or to pick a different one * The archive has to be public or private? * Who is going to be the administrator? (the one managing the member list, approving posts from non subscribers...) Best regards, Miguel El 12/06/2013 9:06, fano.ramparany at escribi?: Great ! We're looking forward to it. Good luck for your review ! Best regards! Fano De : Miguel Carrillo [mailto:mcp at] Envoy? : mercredi 12 juin 2013 09:04 ? : RAMPARANY Fano OLNC/OLPS Cc : fermin at; jhierro at; NAGELLEN Thierry OLNC/OLPS; t.elsaleh at; sergg at; boris.moltchanov at; ivan.martinez at; fabioluciano.mondin at; p.barnaghi at Objet : Re: FIWARE/Semantic Web technology Hi, When we finish the review we will discuss it BR from the EC Miguel El 12/06/2013 8:59, fano.ramparany at escribi?: Hi Miguel and Fermin, We would like to request the creation of a mailing list dedicated to exchange and discuss about semantic within FIWARE. The discussion will enable us to share a common view on how semantic enabled GEs complement each other and should provide way to interface them properly if appropriate. I don't know how to proceed to make such request, so please forward it to the right person if necessary. Thank you! Fano De : t.elsaleh at [mailto:t.elsaleh at] Envoy? : mercredi 5 juin 2013 11:21 ? : RAMPARANY Fano OLNC/OLPS; sergg at; boris.moltchanov at; fabioluciano.mondin at; ivan.martinez at; p.barnaghi at Cc : jhierro at; NAGELLEN Thierry OLNC/OLPS Objet : RE: FIWARE/Semantic Web technology Hello Fano, All, I think what you proposed is necessary, we need to take a step with regards to setting up a mailing list. Would you know who to contact about this? Best regards, Tarek From: fano.ramparany at [mailto:fano.ramparany at] Sent: 31 May 2013 16:29 To: SERGIO GARCIA GOMEZ; Moltchanov Boris; fabioluciano.mondin at; ivan.martinez at; Elsaleh T Mr (Electronic Eng); Barnaghi P Dr (Electronic Eng) Cc: jhierro at; NAGELLEN Thierry OLNC/OLPS Subject: FIWARE/Semantic Web technology Dear all, I would be interested in discussing on the use of semantic technology (RDF/OWL/SPARQL) in FIWARE with the objective of identifying how our GEs complement each other and presenting a coherent picture of them to the UC projects and more generally to the FIWARE platform user. I've noticed that the question about the relationships among the GEs dealing with semantic models has been regularly raised in forums where they have been introduced (webinars, architecture board meeting, Architecture weeks). Juanjo, is there a FIWARE dedicated mailing list (as there is one for NGSi)? It would be helpful to use such a list to support this discussion. What's your opinion about this? Best, Fano _____________________________________________ De : RAMPARANY Fano OLNC/OLPS Envoy? : vendredi 31 mai 2013 16:07 ? : SERGIO GARCIA GOMEZ; Moltchanov Boris Cc : jhierro at; NAGELLEN Thierry OLNC/OLPS Objet : FIWARE/DATA/PubSub/Semext Hi Boris and Sergio, We've achieved a first version of the PubSub semantic extension. It comes in two parts which are complementary: * One component is a RESTful web service which provides data and context information through the invocation of a GET with a parameter specifying a SPARQL query * The other component is a CQL2RDF translator which is able to translate context information expressed in CML into a RDF document. This extension implements this Epic: Which have been refined into these two Features (which basically map with the two components introduced above): Could you explain me or point me to the document which explain how to proceed next to integrate these development to forthcoming core platform releases. Thank you, Fano _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ce message et ses pieces jointes peuvent contenir des informations confidentielles ou privilegiees et ne doivent donc pas etre diffuses, exploites ou copies sans autorisation. Si vous avez recu ce message par erreur, veuillez le signaler a l'expediteur et le detruire ainsi que les pieces jointes. Les messages electroniques etant susceptibles d'alteration, France Telecom - Orange decline toute responsabilite si ce message a ete altere, deforme ou falsifie. Merci. 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Thank you. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- _/ _/_/ Miguel Carrillo Pacheco _/ _/ _/ _/ Telef?nica Distrito Telef?nica _/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ Investigaci?n y Edifico Oeste 1, Planta 9 _/ _/ _/ _/ Desarrollo Ronda de la Comunicaci?n S/N _/ _/_/ 28050 Madrid (Spain) Tel: (+34) 91 483 26 77 e-mail: mcp at Follow FI-WARE on the net Website: Facebook: Twitter: LinkedIn: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________________________ Este mensaje se dirige exclusivamente a su destinatario. Puede consultar nuestra pol?tica de env?o y recepci?n de correo electr?nico en el enlace situado m?s abajo. This message is intended exclusively for its addressee. 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As emails may be altered, France Telecom - Orange is not liable for messages that have been modified, changed or falsified. Thank you. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- _/ _/_/ Miguel Carrillo Pacheco _/ _/ _/ _/ Telef?nica Distrito Telef?nica _/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ Investigaci?n y Edifico Oeste 1, Planta 9 _/ _/ _/ _/ Desarrollo Ronda de la Comunicaci?n S/N _/ _/_/ 28050 Madrid (Spain) Tel: (+34) 91 483 26 77 e-mail: mcp at Follow FI-WARE on the net Website: Facebook: Twitter: LinkedIn: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________________________ Este mensaje se dirige exclusivamente a su destinatario. Puede consultar nuestra pol?tica de env?o y recepci?n de correo electr?nico en el enlace situado m?s abajo. This message is intended exclusively for its addressee. 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URL: From fano.ramparany at Thu Jun 27 10:24:07 2013 From: fano.ramparany at (fano.ramparany at Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 08:24:07 +0000 Subject: [Fiware-semantics] TR: issues to be discussed Message-ID: <8360_1372321448_51CBF6A8_8360_152_26_DC254E6D1212F24EAE0D7766A11FE2890D907C@PEXCVZYM12.corporate.adroot.infra.ftgroup> Hi, Could we list the issues to be addressed in this working group? >From my side I've spoted: - How semantic enabled GE (ConfMan, PubSub, Semantic Annotation, Query Broker, Semantic Application Support) complement each other - Identify which UC projects require/could benefit from semantic modeling (CEC reviewer request at the last project review) - Explore specific cross-GEs interactions (e.g. PubSub and ConfMan for aggregating sensor data and things and devices descriptions and exploit this aggregation). Please, suggest issues you think are relevant to this working group. Best regards, Fano PS: Please forward this message to fiware colleague, you think could contribute to this working group. To join the mailing list, visit: and go the the subscription area (at the lower part of the page) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ce message et ses pieces jointes peuvent contenir des informations confidentielles ou privilegiees et ne doivent donc pas etre diffuses, exploites ou copies sans autorisation. Si vous avez recu ce message par erreur, veuillez le signaler a l'expediteur et le detruire ainsi que les pieces jointes. Les messages electroniques etant susceptibles d'alteration, Orange decline toute responsabilite si ce message a ete altere, deforme ou falsifie. Merci. This message and its attachments may contain confidential or privileged information that may be protected by law; they should not be distributed, used or copied without authorisation. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender and delete this message and its attachments. As emails may be altered, Orange is not liable for messages that have been modified, changed or falsified. Thank you. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: