[Fiware-smart-agrifood-dc] Fwd: IMPORTANT: Calendar of topics for weekly FIWARE TSCs and Roadmap Working Groups

Juanjo Hierro juanjose.hierro at fiware.org
Sun Jun 16 20:33:12 CEST 2019

Dear members of the Smart Agrifood Domain Committee,

   Discussion about the FIWARE Roadmap during our last Summit was 
structured around the following cross-domain topics:

  * Support to Digital Twin concept (will cover also support to RAMI 4.0
    Asset Administrative Shell concept)
  * Blockchain
  * IoT evolution
  * Robotics
  * Data Economy
  * Identity Management and Data Access/Usage Control

   In order to make progress on each topic, discussion will take place 
within working groups for which care takers have been appointed.   They 
will report on progress during  FIWARE TSC confcalls following a 
schedule (see mail below) that was agreed during the last TSC 
confcall.   Of course, they will be entitled to run their own regular 
virtual or f2f meetings to make progress.

   Since there are several of these topics which are of relevance to 
your Domain Committee, we encourage you to join the discussion and/or 
participate in the mentioned regular calls at TSC level.   You can use 
the subscription page of the mailing list created for each of the topics 
(again, see mail below)

   As you may know already, weekly confcalls of the TSC take place from 
10:30 to 12:30 on Mondays.   The GoToMeeting Bridge is:


   Looking forward your participation!


Juanjo Hierro
Chief Technology Officer
juanjose.hierro at fiware.org <mailto:juanjose.hierro at fiware.org>
www.linkedin.com/in/jhierro <https://www.linkedin.com/in/jhierro>
Twitter: @fiware <https://twitter.com/fiware> @JuanjoHierro 

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	IMPORTANT: Calendar of topics for weekly FIWARE TSCs and 
Roadmap Working Groups
Date: 	Sun, 16 Jun 2019 16:08:35 +0200
From: 	Juanjo Hierro <juanjose.hierro at fiware.org>
To: 	fiware-technical-committee at lists.fiware.org 
<fiware-technical-committee at lists.fiware.org>, 
fiware-ge-owners at lists.fiware.org <fiware-ge-owners at lists.fiware.org>

Dear all,

   As per agreement taken in the last FIWARE TSC, here it is the 
calendar of topics to be covered in the upcoming TSC meetings until August:

 1. *June 17th*: Follow-up on progress of Core Context Management
    components part I (NGSI/NGSI-LD/ContextBroker/Orion) + roadmap
    discussion on support of Digital Twin and RAMI 4.0 Asset
    Administrative Shell concepts
 2. *June 24th**: *Follow-up on progress of Core Context Management
    components part II (Cygnus, Draco, QuantumLeap) + roadmap discussion
    on blockchain*
 3. ***July 1st*: Follow-up on progress of Interface with IoT components
    (IDAS, Open MTC) + roadmap discussion on IoT evolution aspects
    (interface with WoT, edge computing, ...)
 4. *July 8th*: Follow-up on progress of Interface with robotics
    components (Fast RTPS, Micro XRCE DDS) + roadmap discussion on robotics
 5. *July 15th*: Follow-up on progress of Context processing components
    (Kurento, Cosmos, Perseo) + roadmap discussion on AI
 6. *July 22nd*: Follow-up on progress of visualization and analytics
    (Wirecloud, Knowage), Publication and Monetization components +
    roadmap discussion on Data Economy support and mapping of IDS Broker
 7. *July 29th* - Follow-up on progress of Security and API Management
    components + roadmap discussion on Identity and Data Access/Usage
    control + mapping of IDS Connector concepts
 8. *August 5th* - Follow-up on progress of Deployment tools
    (Mastermind, also Fogflow for distribution between cloud and edge)

   We will stop during August and resume weekly TSC meetings on 
September 2, following the same schema as above every 8 weeks.

   Find below the working groups which have been created for discussion 
of the several roadmap topics.  I have added names of people assigned to 
make progress on the discussion (besides me, who will be pushing all 
;-)  and the reference to the mailing list to be used for the discussion 
(including a link to the page anyone can use for requesting to join the 
mailing list)

  * Roadmap discussion on support of Digital Twin and RAMI 4.0 Asset
    Administrative Shell concepts:
      o caretakers: Martin Bauer <Martin.Bauer at neclab.eu>, José Manuel
        Cantera <josemanuel.cantera at fiware.org>
      o mailing list (subscription page
        fiware-roadmap-digital-twin at lists.fiware.org
  * Roadmap discussion on Blockchain:
      o caretakers: Joaquin Salvachua <joaquin.salvachua at upm.es>, Juanjo
        Hierro <juanjose.hierro at fiware.org>, guest individual: Branimir
        Rakic <branimir.rakic at origin-trail.com>
      o mailing list (subscription page
        fiware-roadmap-blockchain at lists.fiware.org
  * Roadmap discussion on IoT evolution:
      o caretakers: Martin Bauer <Martin.Bauer at neclab.eu>, José Manuel
        Cantera <josemanuel.cantera at fiware.org>
      o mailing list (subscription page
        fiware-roadmap-iot at lists.fiware.org
  * Roadmap discussion on Robotics:
      o caretakers: Jaime Martin-Losa <jaimemartin at eprosima.com>,
        Francisco Melendez <francisco.melendez at fiware.org>
      o mailing list (subscription page
        fiware-roadmap-robotics at lists.fiware.org
  * Roadmap discussion on Data Economy (will include eventual discussion
    on how to map IDS Broker and IDS Clearing House functionalities)
      o caretakers: Francisco de la Vega <fdelavega at ficodes.com>,
        Martino Maggio <martino.maggio at eng.it>, Juanjo Hierro
        <juanjose.hierro at fiware.org>
      o mailing list (subscription page
        fiware-roadmap-data-economy at lists.fiware.org
  * Roadmap discussion on Data Access/Usage Control:
      o caretakers: Álvaro Alonso <aalonsog at dit.upm.es>, Gernot Boege
        <gernot.boege at fiware.org>
      o mailing list (subscription page
        fiware-roadmap-data-usage-control at lists.fiware.org

   Regarding each of these roadmap topics, it is the ambition to 
generate a position paper by early September, so caretakers should take 
care of engaging relevant people in the discussions and activating the 
discussion, eventually organizing virtual/f2f meetings asap!

   Caretakers have been added as administrators and moderators of the 
corresponding mailing lists.   Note that the FIWARE Foundation plans to 
select a community messaging tool for running discussions/conversations 
but we will work with mailing lists until then.


Juanjo Hierro
Chief Technology Officer
juanjose.hierro at fiware.org <mailto:juanjose.hierro at fiware.org>
www.linkedin.com/in/jhierro <https://www.linkedin.com/in/jhierro>
Twitter: @fiware <https://twitter.com/fiware> @JuanjoHierro 

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