[Fiware-smart-cities-dc] Updated invitation: FGS. Smart Cities Domain Committee program building call @ Fri Mar 24, 2023 14:00 - 14:30 (CET) (fiware-smart-cities-dc at lists.fiware.org)

oleg.korneev at fiware.org oleg.korneev at fiware.org
Mon Mar 20 15:22:28 CET 2023

This event has been updated
Changed: time

FGS. Smart Cities Domain Committee program building call
Friday Mar 24, 2023 ā‹… 14:00 ā€“ 14:30
Central European Time - Berlin

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(DE) +49 40 8081619937
PIN: 919048163

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Dear Smart Cities Domain Committee,We got so far many great contributions  
to the Smart Cities & Smart Mobility session.I picked most of them from  
the table already and placed in this doc for next steps. Contribution for  
Smart Cities and Smart Mobilit...Please check it and confirm that the topic  
is related to this session and can be placed in the agenda. We can also  
start to connect them for sequence and time slots. You can look in our  
program here for dates and the time slot of the session. In this session we  
have only 12 slots for 10 min each.Iā€˜d also like to ask you to think about  
the name of the session and if someone can bring a  
meaningful description for it would be great.

oleg.korneev at fiware.org
oleg.korneev at fiware.org

oleg.korneev at fiware.org - organizer
tonia.sapia at fiware.org
karen.montero at fiware.org
anastasiia.holub at fiware.org
fiware-smart-cities-dc at lists.fiware.org
jacraig at redhat.com
ulrich.ahle at fiware.org
Pfaffenbichler Franz
Arjen Hof
Irene Provvidenza
View all guest info  

Reply for fiware-smart-cities-dc at lists.fiware.org and view more details  
Your attendance is optional.

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