Hi Garan, Thanks for your very clear message ! We’ll fully support you and helping you in finding speakers. See you tomorrow in the call ! Kindest regards, Tom Tom Willebrandts Handelsweg 6 3707 NH Zeist -The Netherlands T +31 30 6973288 - M +31 6 52535583 [cid:image005.png at 01D0EBCD.FF522160] Civity is initiatiefnemer van FIWARE LAB Nederland, de open innovatie omgeving voor smart cities www.fiware-lab.nl<http://www.fiware-lab.nl/> From: Garan Goodman [mailto:garan.goodman at fiware.org] Sent: woensdag 13 september 2017 08:51 To: Angeles Tejado <angeles.tejado at fiware.org> Cc: Arjan Ankerman <a.ankerman at elba-rec.nl>; adol at man.poznan.pl; Alexandra Carrasco <alexandra.carrasco at ogilvy.com>; Andrea Cruciani <andrea at teamdev.it>; Angeles Tejado <angeles.tejado at ogilvy.com>; Arjen Hof <arjen at civity.nl>; Bernardita Cardenas <bernardita at frontierservices.eu>; Charlotte Kotterman <charlotte.kotterman at fiware.org>; Pezuela, Clara <clara.pezuela at atos.net>; daniel.villalba at fiware.zone; Ekaterina Kazakova <ekaterina.kazakova at fiware.org>; Ernö Kovacs <Ernoe.Kovacs at neclab.eu>; Eva Blazquez <eva.blazquez at ogilvy.com>; Federico Alvarez Upm <federico.alvarez at upm.es>; Federico Michele Facca <federico.facca at martel-innovate.com>; Francisco Salas <fsalas at promalaga.es>; Jacques Magen (InterInnov) <jmagen at interinnov.eu>; Jose Manuel Cantera Fonseca <josemanuel.cantera at fiware.org>; Juanjo Hierro <juanjose.hierro at fiware.org>; JUAN MARCELO GAITAN LEIVA <juanmarcelo.gaitanleiva at telefonica.com>; Lanfranco Marasso <lanfranco.marasso at eng.it>; Margarida Campolargo <margarida.campolargo at portodigital.pt>; Carracedo Mayte <mayte.carracedo at fundingbox.com>; Miguel García <miguelgarcia at zabala.es>; Nacho de Pinedo <ndepinedo at isdi.es>; Olaf-Gerd Gemein <oggemein at googlemail.com>; Oscar Lazaro <olazaro at innovalia.org>; Pablo Honrubia <pablo.honrubia at ogilvy.com>; Pierre-Yves Danet <pierreyves.danet at orange.com>; Raul Diaz <raul.diaz at ogilvy.com>; Rui A. Costa <rcosta at ubiwhere.com>; Roi Rodríguez de Bernardo <roi.rodriguez at fundingbox.com>; Sanyu Karani <sanyu at fundingbox.com>; Sean Burke <sean at frontierservices.eu>; Sebastian Muller <sebas at isdi.es>; sergio.gusmeroli at eng.it; sergio.gusmeroli at polimi.it; sjaak.wolfert at wur.nl; Stefan.Gessler at neclab.eu; Stefano De Panfilis <stefano.depanfilis at fiware.org>; sundmaeker at atb-bremen.de; Tom Willebrandts <tom at civity.nl>; Ulrich Ahle <ulrich.ahle at fiware.org>; Verus Plotho <verus.plotho at fiware.org>; jara at ieee.org; Fiware-smart-agrifood-dtc at lists.fiware.org; Fiware-smart-industry-dtc at lists.fiware.org; fiware-smart-cities-dtc at lists.fiware.org; fiware-accelerator-committee at lists.fiware.org; fiware-mundus-committee at lists.fiware.org; Fiware-ihubs-committee <Fiware-ihubs-committee at lists.fiware.org> Subject: Re: [Fiware-summit-program-committee] Invitation: FIWARE TECH SUMMIT PROGRAM COMMITTE @ Thu 14 Sep 2017 4pm - 5pm (CEST) (fiware-summit-program-committee at lists.fiware.org) Hello People of FIWARE, Thanks to Angeles for her hard work so far. I think she means early bird not birth… Let me share a few things with you this morning. But Garan what is FIWARE Tech Summit ?? I hear many of you cry. Really simple: this is Juanjo’s Show. This is the CTO giving his technical people what they need to be successful with FIWARE. It brings new young hackers and developers into our world. It shows what can be done TECHNICALLY. Add the buzz and excitement of our entrepreneurs and their new businesses and corporate mover shakers and we have 2 thrilling days. The Monday is purely family business so that Mission Support Comms and all our people can get together in real time. Tech Summit will run every November for the next 5 in Malaga. Pro-Malaga support us big time. Many thanks Francisco. The location is fantastic. And there is the 600 company Tech Park, Polo Digital, iHub, Telefonica and University. All positives for us. We are targeting in excess of 750 guests. So what is FIWARE Global Summit then? In May 2018 we will hold, and we started the organisation three months ago, of FIWARE Global Summit in Porto. This is a three day event which is Ulrich's Show. This is the CEO embracing everything that is FIWARE. Family Business, Technology, Entrepreneurs, Corporates, Government, EC and Special Guests. This is a FIWARE business event which at its heart promotes the Mission and Vision and each Global Summit will be in a new location. For 2018 the City of Porto are giving us massive support. Many thanks Margarida and see you next week. Therefore…. You are FIWARE! And this is for you and I humbly ask two things from you now. Number 1. Please attend this conference call. Number 2. We are seeking speakers for the third day which is focussed on Startups and Corporates. If you want to speak just let us know and we will do the rest. If you know a potential speaker or would like to help us find one let me know. Finally, FIWARE is YOU. If you want to benefit from our hard work and investment then you need to engage with this and execute. Do that and we all win, together. Have a great day and see you on the call tomorrow. Best regards, Garan On 12. Sep 2017, at 20:21, Angeles Tejado <angeles.tejado at fiware.org<mailto:angeles.tejado at fiware.org>> wrote: Dear all. Please find below the information of our next conference call. I encourage you to join. Main action points are related to: - Comms pack: we need your support by sharing and promoting the event! (Early birth is now open till end of September) - Registration: please take advantage of the early bird and register now. - open call for speakers. We will share a google form to get your suggestions on speakers. Thanks and apologies for the short notice. We are planning to run all the conf calls each Friday at 9.00 but this time, due to some commitments we moved the meeting to Thursday. Best regards. Angeles Tejado FIWARE Foundation Phone: +34 608 508 873<tel:+34%20608%2050%2088%2073> Skype: vemiles1 [https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/fiware.signature/v2/Tech.png] [https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/fiware.signature/v2/Fecha.png] [https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/fiware.signature/v2/register.png]<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/fiware-tech-summit-malaga-tickets-36099081324> [https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/fiware.signature/v2/fiware.gif]<https://www.fiware.org/> [https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/fiware.signature/v2/follow.gif] [https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/fiware.signature/v2/in.gif]<https://es.linkedin.com/company/fi-ware> [https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/fiware.signature/v2/twt.gif]<https://twitter.com/fiware> [https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/fiware.signature/v2/face.gif]<https://www.facebook.com/eu.fiware> ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: <angeles.tejado at fiware.org<mailto:angeles.tejado at fiware.org>> Date: 12 September 2017 at 19:42 Subject: [Fiware-summit-program-committee] Invitation: FIWARE TECH SUMMIT PROGRAM COMMITTE @ Thu 14 Sep 2017 4pm - 5pm (CEST) (fiware-summit-program-committee at lists.fiware.org<mailto:fiware-summit-program-committee at lists.fiware.org>) To: fiware-summit-program-committee at lists.fiware.org<mailto:fiware-summit-program-committee at lists.fiware.org> more details »<https://www.google.com/calendar/event?action=VIEW&eid=MHR0c20yMGpuYWY3cjZkaG5yYWo2dmF2MHUgZml3YXJlLXN1bW1pdC1wcm9ncmFtLWNvbW1pdHRlZUBsaXN0cy5maXdhcmUub3Jn&tok=MjUjYW5nZWxlcy50ZWphZG9AZml3YXJlLm9yZzA0MDlkYTE5MjAyNDI0Mjc2NDA0Yjc4YTkyMWIzZjc5ZWE3NTY3ZjE&ctz=Europe/Madrid&hl=en_GB> FIWARE TECH SUMMIT PROGRAM COMMITTE When Thu 14 Sep 2017 4pm – 5pm Madrid Video call https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/fiware.org/angeles-tejado<https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/fiware.org/angeles-tejado?hceid=YW5nZWxlcy50ZWphZG9AZml3YXJlLm9yZw.0ttsm20jnaf7r6dhnraj6vav0u> Calendar fiware-summit-program-committee at lists.fiware.org<mailto:fiware-summit-program-committee at lists.fiware.org> Who • angeles.tejado at fiware.org<mailto:angeles.tejado at fiware.org>- organiser • fiware-summit-program-committee at lists.fiware.org<mailto:fiware-summit-program-committee at lists.fiware.org> FIWARE TECH SUMMIT COMMITTEE Thu, Sep 14, 2017 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM CEST Link to preminutes https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DnCXKUyy9w8reOB_IBGRIbudE_JdoP-Y4WDg3EZI7U4/edit?usp=sharing Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/398407621<https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fglobal.gotomeeting.com%2Fjoin%2F398407621&sa=D&usd=2&usg=AFQjCNHP0oCPzse6eyTaIKBPAUZ9HQYjKw> You can also dial in using your phone. United States: +1 (312) 757-3129<tel:(312)%20757-3129> Access Code: 398-407-621 More phone numbers Australia: +61 2 8355 1050<tel:+61%202%208355%201050> Austria: +43 1 2530 22520 Belgium: +32 28 93 7018 Canada: +1 (647) 497-9350<tel:(647)%20497-9350> Denmark: +45 32 72 03 82<tel:+45%2032%2072%2003%2082> Finland: +358 923 17 0568 France: +33 170 950 594 Germany: +49 692 5736 7317<tel:+49%2069%20257367317> Ireland: +353 15 360 728 Italy: +39 0 230 57 81 42 Netherlands: +31 207 941 377 New Zealand: +64 9 280 6302<tel:+64%209-280%206302> Norway: +47 21 93 37 51<tel:+47%2021%2093%2037%2051> Spain: +34 932 75 2004<tel:+34%20932%2075%2020%2004> Sweden: +46 853 527 836 Switzerland: +41 225 4599 78 United Kingdom: +44 20 3713 5028<tel:+44%2020%203713%205028> First GoToMeeting? Try a test session: http://link.gotomeeting.com/email-welcome<https://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Flink.gotomeeting.com%2Femail-welcome&sa=D&usd=2&usg=AFQjCNGjwSc73hq9Wds0ZBYHVwX-4Tgd4Q> Going? Yes<https://www.google.com/calendar/event?action=RESPOND&eid=MHR0c20yMGpuYWY3cjZkaG5yYWo2dmF2MHUgZml3YXJlLXN1bW1pdC1wcm9ncmFtLWNvbW1pdHRlZUBsaXN0cy5maXdhcmUub3Jn&rst=1&tok=MjUjYW5nZWxlcy50ZWphZG9AZml3YXJlLm9yZzA0MDlkYTE5MjAyNDI0Mjc2NDA0Yjc4YTkyMWIzZjc5ZWE3NTY3ZjE&ctz=Europe/Madrid&hl=en_GB> - Maybe<https://www.google.com/calendar/event?action=RESPOND&eid=MHR0c20yMGpuYWY3cjZkaG5yYWo2dmF2MHUgZml3YXJlLXN1bW1pdC1wcm9ncmFtLWNvbW1pdHRlZUBsaXN0cy5maXdhcmUub3Jn&rst=3&tok=MjUjYW5nZWxlcy50ZWphZG9AZml3YXJlLm9yZzA0MDlkYTE5MjAyNDI0Mjc2NDA0Yjc4YTkyMWIzZjc5ZWE3NTY3ZjE&ctz=Europe/Madrid&hl=en_GB> - No<https://www.google.com/calendar/event?action=RESPOND&eid=MHR0c20yMGpuYWY3cjZkaG5yYWo2dmF2MHUgZml3YXJlLXN1bW1pdC1wcm9ncmFtLWNvbW1pdHRlZUBsaXN0cy5maXdhcmUub3Jn&rst=2&tok=MjUjYW5nZWxlcy50ZWphZG9AZml3YXJlLm9yZzA0MDlkYTE5MjAyNDI0Mjc2NDA0Yjc4YTkyMWIzZjc5ZWE3NTY3ZjE&ctz=Europe/Madrid&hl=en_GB> more options »<https://www.google.com/calendar/event?action=VIEW&eid=MHR0c20yMGpuYWY3cjZkaG5yYWo2dmF2MHUgZml3YXJlLXN1bW1pdC1wcm9ncmFtLWNvbW1pdHRlZUBsaXN0cy5maXdhcmUub3Jn&tok=MjUjYW5nZWxlcy50ZWphZG9AZml3YXJlLm9yZzA0MDlkYTE5MjAyNDI0Mjc2NDA0Yjc4YTkyMWIzZjc5ZWE3NTY3ZjE&ctz=Europe/Madrid&hl=en_GB> Invitation from Google Calendar<https://www.google.com/calendar/> You are receiving this courtesy email at the account fiware-summit-program-committee at lists.fiware.org<mailto:fiware-summit-program-committee at lists.fiware.org> because you are an attendee of this event. To stop receiving future updates for this event, decline this event. Alternatively, you can sign up for a Google account at https://www.google.com/calendar/ and control your notification settings for your entire calendar. Forwarding this invitation could allow any recipient to modify your RSVP response. Learn More<https://support.google.com/calendar/answer/37135#forwarding>. __________________________________________________________________________________________ You can get more information about our cookies and privacy policies on the following links: - http://forge.fiware.org/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/index.php/FIWARE_Privacy_Policy - http://forge.fiware.org/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/index.php/Cookies_Policy_FIWARE Fiware-summit-program-committee mailing list Fiware-summit-program-committee at lists.fiware.org<mailto:Fiware-summit-program-committee at lists.fiware.org> https://lists.fiware.org/listinfo/fiware-summit-program-committee <invite.ics> Best regards, Garan Garan Goodman Chief Marketing Officer M. +49 (0) 171 732 7724 [cid:image001.png at 01D32C85.D1EF26A0] [cid:image002.jpg at 01D32C85.D1EF26A0]<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/fiware-tech-summit-malaga-tickets-36099081324?aff=erelpanelorg> -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... 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