[Fiware-smart-destinations] New data models on TourismDestinations

Alberto Abella alberto.abella at fiware.org
Fri Jan 29 15:22:12 CET 2021

You have available the repo for TourismDestinations on the smart data
models on github. 

It is located in the domain SmartDestinations

And it is going to be populated with these 3 data models based on the
standard 178503 and its examples provided. 
- Event
- TouristDestination
- TouristTrip

Maybe it would be possible to identify some others that can be tested
with real case scenarios. I take these for granted because they are
provided as examples on the standard. 

Besides this in order to build these data models several elements of
schema.org has been 'translated' into the data models and you can see
them in this file already published. 


This translation will also be useful for other data models in this
domain and, eventually, for other domains as well. 

As soon as the data models are available it will be announced in this
list and 
- Subscription messages (once every friday). Subscription is possible
- twitter account @smartdatamodels at smartdatamodels


Alberto Abella
Data Modelling Expert and Technical Evangelist +34.629.655.772

lberto.abella at fiware.org
Skype123: albertoabellagarcia


Smart Data Models

Repository of data models

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