[Fiware-smart-destinations] Meeting of the Smart Destinations FIWARE group

Alberto Abella alberto.abella at fiware.org
Tue May 4 19:35:43 CEST 2021

Find here the link to this Thursday's call for the Smart Destinations
FIWARE group.

1.- Report on adoption of use cases Brasil and Argentina (Posadas)
2.- News on data models for Smart Destinations
3.- Activities of the group
4.- Other topics 

You will receive a scheduled invitation in your mail complementary to
this (but with the same information)

Some people are invited because they are contributing or they are
interested on the group's activities. 

Smart Destinations
Thursday, May 6 · 15:00 – 16:00  (CET)
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/zek-bzen-vuf
Or dial: ‪(ES) +34 955 25 64 75‬ PIN: ‪176 298 517‬#
More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/zek-bzen-vuf?pin=2233854721146


Alberto Abella 
FIWARE Foundation 
Data Modelling Expert adn Technological Evangelist
+34 629655772


Smart Data Models Initiative

Resources for being updated:
Main page
Last news

Resources for using data models
Database of properties and descriptionsMain page in github: https://github.com/smart-data-modelsCreate a NGSI example payload for a data model Domains root https://github.com/smart-data-models/data-models/tree/master/specs 

Resources to contribute new data models 
Check a term in the descriptions of the data models(and more)Contribution manual: Check your schema before contributing itValidate an example with a data modelCreate a schema out of a google spreadsheet Create a spec out your schemaHarmonization data models (adapting to be accepted): Incubated data models in development): 

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