[Fiware-smart-destinations] Smart destinations working group Meeting July 19th, 15:00 CET , 10:00 Buenos Aires

dom at anysolution.eu dom at anysolution.eu
Sat Jul 9 22:58:09 CEST 2022

Thanks Alberto


I have an overlap with other meeting, but Juan will be participating from AnySolution’s side


Just to comment that we are coordinating the European Data Space in Tourism and we could generate synergies






De: fiware-smart-destinations-bounces at lists.fiware.org <fiware-smart-destinations-bounces at lists.fiware.org> En nombre de Alberto Abella
Enviado el: viernes, 8 de julio de 2022 13:29
Para: fiware-smart-destinations at lists.fiware.org
Asunto: [Fiware-smart-destinations] Smart destinations working group Meeting July 19th, 15:00 CET , 10:00 Buenos Aires


We will hold the new meeting of the Smart Destinations working group next 19th


Please if there are other points to include in the agenda, including if you want to please send it to the list or to me directly.


Feel free to send content for any of the points (e.g. funding calls, or upcaoming events)






smart destinations  group meeting

Tuesday, July 19 · 15:00 – 16:00

Google Meet joining info

Video call link: https://meet.google.com/nfv-mvyd-eru

Or dial: ‪(IT) +39 02 8734 8723 PIN: ‪352 399 236 3966#

More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/nfv-mvyd-eru?pin=3523992363966




The draft points of the agenda

1) - Review of new regulations on data ant its impact on Smart Destinations projects 5'

2) - Updates on Smart data models for tourism 5'

3) - Smart Destinations projects (5min presentation +5 min questions each one)

- Brasil

- Posadas

- Canary islands

4) FIWARE Summit  10'

5) Next funding calls

6) Relevant recent and upcom ing events/meetings 3'

7) Action Points from previous follow-ups    3'

8) Any Other Business    



preminutes are available here



And presentations will be stored here






Alberto Abella FIWARE Foundation <http://fiware.org/>  

Data Modelling Expert and Technological Evangelist

+34 <http://fiware.org/>  629655772

@fiware <http://twitter.com/fiware>  @aabella <http://twitter.com/aabella> 




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