FYI, Kind Regards, Jorge Rodriguez Edroso Head of Sector Manufacturing & Retail Atos Research & Innovation jorge.rodriguez at<mailto:jorge.rodriguez at> Phone +34 94 666 20 39 Mobile +34 675 620 211 Camino Capuchinos de Basurto, 6 - 3ºB 48013 Bilbao – Spain Feel free to download our booklet at From: pierreyves.danet at [mailto:pierreyves.danet at] Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2017 12:23 PM To: Ulrich Ahle; Rodriguez, Jorge Subject: RE: [Fiware-ecosystem] FIWARE for Industry taskforce Dear Ulrich, Jorge, I am involved in the DEI initiative (I was yesterday at the high level event with the Commissioner Gabriel) because I am leading a task force at the AIOTI having the objective to identify DIH and platforms. Now one of the objective is to identify open platforms that could be used by SMEs in Europe and obviously FIWARE has been identified as one of them. So I am interested to follow that initiative and try to coordinated these initiatives We can try to speak about that next week during the FIWARE Summit PY De : fiware-ecosystem-bounces at<mailto:fiware-ecosystem-bounces at> [mailto:fiware-ecosystem-bounces at] De la part de Ulrich Ahle Envoyé : mercredi 25 octobre 2017 23:13 À : fiware-ecosystem at<mailto:fiware-ecosystem at> Cc : Rodriguez, Jorge Objet : [Fiware-ecosystem] FIWARE for Industry taskforce Dear FIWARE community member, as FIWARE Foundation we would like to greatly increase our presence and impact in the industry and manufacturing sector. Many initiatives are happening in this sector including the ever increasing relevance of the "Digitizing European Industry" communication issued recently by the European Commission ( t Thus, together with Atos, Engineering, NEC and also the Industrial Data Space Association we decided to create a dedicated task force for the design of a FIWARE reference architecture for Smart Industry able to capture the many opportunities we are facing as well as driving how smart solutions in this sector shall be. This task force will operate under the umbrella of the Smart Industry mission support committee and is open to all fFIWARE Foundation members for contribution and membership. The first meeting of thiN task force will be on November in Malaga during the smart industry mission support committee session as one of the many meetings hosted in the forthcoming FIWARE Tech Summit. The task force is co-chaired by Jorge Rodriguez (Atos), Sergio Gusmeroli (Engineering) and Ernoe Kovacs (NEC). Please do not hesitate to send your expression of interest to them so that the meeting room can be conveniently set-up. See you all in Malaga! Best Regards Ulrich Ahle Chief Executive Officer FIWARE Foundation Franklinstrasse 13 A 10587 Berlin - Germany phone: +49-174-1533348 mail: ulrich.ahle at<mailto:ulrich.ahle at><> twitter: @AhleFIWARE _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ce message et ses pieces jointes peuvent contenir des informations confidentielles ou privilegiees et ne doivent donc pas etre diffuses, exploites ou copies sans autorisation. Si vous avez recu ce message par erreur, veuillez le signaler a l'expediteur et le detruire ainsi que les pieces jointes. Les messages electroniques etant susceptibles d'alteration, Orange decline toute responsabilite si ce message a ete altere, deforme ou falsifie. Merci. 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