[Fiware-smart-industry-dc] FW: Have you considered your Co-exhibition booth at IOTSWC - align with the MSC and book (first come first serves)

Ernoe Kovacs Ernoe.Kovacs at neclab.eu
Thu May 6 16:28:41 CEST 2021

Dear all members of the FIWARE Smart Industry community,

one aspect of being in a FIWARE community is that you can communicate
with the FIWARE Foundation and that the FIWARE Foundation can communicate
with you. Of course, the co-chairs are happy to facilitate interactions or to
help kick-off activities.

Among the many things done by FIWARE Foundation is to organize a FIWARE presence
at big events. Among the major events every year is the IOTSWC, actually an event
very much targeted for Smart Industry. Please find below and attached the
details of the opportunity.

Kind regards
- Angelo and Ernoe

From: Cristina Brandtstetter <cristina.brandtstetter at fiware.org>
Sent: Mittwoch, 5. Mai 2021 22:55
To: Cristina Brandtstetter <cristina.brandtstetter at fiware.org>
Cc: Valdirene De Oliveira <valdirene.deoliveira at fiware.org>; Max Kleinsorg <max.kleinsorg at fiware.org>; Angeles Tejado <angeles.tejado at fiware.org>
Subject: Have you considered your Co-exhibition booth at IOTSWC - align with the MSC and book (first come first serves)

Dear FIWARE MSC chairs and co-chair,

In order to continuously provide value to the MSCs and its teams and members, find here the concrete offer to join FIWARE for IOTSWC 2021 in Barcelona.

You may have received this info already through other channels, like newsletters - but to be on the safe side, find here the most important facts&figures.

👉 Please, share this info in your MSC team and companies.

If you like to sign up for a booth (workstation) with FIWARE, you can contact:

  *   Valdirene De Oliveira
  *   Max Kleinsorg
who read in copy.
Our major fair lead for IOTSWC is Angeles Tejado.

We have very few spaces, so be quick and book in.

We are looking forward to having you with us there!

Cristina & team
Cristina Brandtstetter
Chief Marketing Officer
M. +39 3737004468
cristina.brandtstetter at fiware.org<mailto:cristina.brandtstetter at fiware.org>



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